Chapter 39: Crumble Away.

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For the rest of the hunt, the warlock didn't feel at peace. He had an uncomfortable feeling in his gut and his mind kept going back to the image of the dead unicorn, laying upon the dead ground. As much as Jeongguk didn't want to admit, he knew he should trust his gut and nothing else at this time. Though he would always trust Taehyung and he knew he should tell his boyfriend his concerns and about his unknown feeling that settled and stayed in his stomach. With a confirmation to himself that he would tell Taehyung later about the pulling in his mind.

The prince on the other hand, noticed that the younger had been far too quiet for far too long. He wanted to know what was going through the warlock's mind and grew concerned by the look in Jeongguk's eyes; it was distant, not quite empty though it had something hidden behind the dark colour of them. No stars either and Taehyung loved that part very much, so much so that he got worried about what the warlock was thinking.

So as soon as they all got back to their camp and it was around dinner time that evening, Taehyung finished up his meal that consisted of rabbit, tasty but not that great in texture. He glanced at Jeongguk, who was next to him and then glanced around at the rest of the knights before bringing his hand to the warlock's back and placing it on the Jeongguk's lower back before leaning closer to his ear.

"Baby, what's wrong? You've been uneasy all afternoon and evening" He looked at how the younger gulped and glanced at him.

"I don't trust what Bae Joon said…" Jeongguk started. " know about the unicorn's horn" he looked at the prince next to him.

Taehyung looked back into the warlock's eyes. "What do you mean? What was wrong about it?"

"The way the scarring was made, it didn't look like it was broken off like I thought it was" He shook his head "it looked like it was cut off precisely and done so delicately that it just left the hole where it should've been," The warlock explained as he kept reminding the way the unicorns head looked.

"Do you think…?" Taehyung softly started to ask.

"I think he could be lying…" Jeongguk replied. "More so I know he is"

"Because…?" Taehyung questioned.

"Well, based on legend, a unicorn's horn doesn't turn to dust after it hits the ground where the unicorn's body lays," Jeongguk muttered.

"Then what does it do…?"

"It goes from its gorgeous pearl white colour, to a black that is as dark as the night sky" The warlock looked to the prince. "...and I didn't see anything as dark as that around the unicorns body"

Taehyung looked at the warlock wiped eyed and looked around at the knights as if he were just checking them but it was to only see what Bae Joon was doing. He assumed that the younger was doing the same as when he looked back to the warlock, his eyes had flickered up to meet his own.

What they saw was small ruckus surrounding the knight. A few knights talking in awe and whispering to one another. There was one knight however who was off to the side looking fearful and hadn't shifted his eyes up to meet the prince.

"Jin-hyung, could you see what the ruckus is about?" Taehyung turned to the knight next to him and asked with a whisper.

"Of course Taehyung, I was just about to do so myself" Jin stood up from the log they sat at and made his way to the middle.

"What's with all the ruckus?" Jin asked with authority to the group of loud knights.

"Nothing," one of them replied.

"Well, if it's nothing then there isn't anything to hide is there?"

The prince and warlock slowly stood up and walked closer to Jin to see what the knights would do. Jeongguk stood behind Taehyung and held his arm in his hands as he was worried about what he would see.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now