Chapter 67: Attack.

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That night, Jeongguk stood in front of the dragon in the caverns. His eyes shot daggers to the dragon who stood waiting for the warlock to speak. Though Jeongguk stood with his arms crossed against his chest, he clicked his tongue as a sign for his patients wearing thin. He raised an eyebrow and gestured for the dragon to speak.

The dragon shifted on his legs to shift his weight and huffed through his nostrils. Both their golden eyes stared at one another; one was impatient, the other frustrated. Jeongguk had been called just as he was about to head to sleep and had to leave his lover; even though Taehyung wanted to join him, the warlock insisted that he could handle it on his own.

"You have a promise to keep, young warlock" Kilgharrah finally spoke after what felt like an hour of silence.

"I've just got engaged! You said marriage!" Jeongguk argued as he pointed an accusing finger to the winged creature.

"Engagement, marriage, close enough! Now set me free you entitled boy!" Kilgharrah growled as he pulled against his chains.

"Entitled? Boy?" Jeongguk questioned. "If anyone is entitled it's you, you overgrown lizard!" He argued back.

"Lizard? I have you know, I am a god!" Kilgharrah stomped on the ground.

"A god who listens to me!" Jeongguk fired back. "Now you listen here and you listen good! Once I set you free you HAVE to leave this kingdom and never return, I don't want to see your face around my future kingdom ever again, do we have a deal?" Jeongguk questioned with fury in his eyes.

Kilgharrah's jaw tightened as he glared at the male, he shifted on his spot and the sound of the chains shifting against the stone echoed through the caverns.

"...very well" Kilgharrah's voice sounded hollow. How'd you expect it to sound from someone who felt defeated.

"Good" Jeongguk nodded. He looked to the chains that were on the dragon and put his arm out as he focused his power onto the metal. "dirumpo"

The chains broke in half and half again, turning into little pieces as small as dust. The dragon shook his body and stretched his wings as he stretched the rest of his body.

"Now go" Jeongguk glared. "Remember our deal"

Kilgharrah nodded before opening his wings yet again and flying up. The wind was harsh against the warlock as he covered his eyes to protect them from the dust. Kilgharrah flew out of the cave towards the tunnel where there was an exit point, and he roared an almighty roar out of celebration for his escape.

"...why do I have a bad feeling this will end horribly.." Jeongguk spoke to himself as he covered his face with his hand. "..well, I probably just need sleep, that's it" He nodded before turning around and going back up the stairs.

It was a bit of a longer journey to get back to their shared quarters, sure it was the same route but Jeongguk had to go through a few more halls before getting to his lover. He hoped that Taehyung had gone to sleep and not stayed awake waiting for him to come back.

Jeongguk shook his head with a laugh; he wouldn't be too surprised if the other was still awake anyway just waiting for him to talk about what the dragon wanted. Hopefully that pesky lizard keeps his promise.

Jeongguk opened the door to their quarters and saw that Taehyung was sitting up in their bed waiting for the younger to come back. "Hyungie..?'

"Awe, baby, you're back!" Taehyung exclaimed before yawning. "What did he want this time?"

"Well.." Jeongguk sighed as he stepped forward to climb into bed. "... He wanted to be freed, so I did just that" He leant against Taehyung's chest and closed his eyes.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now