Chapter 97: 2 Months Later.

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It had been a couple of months since that night. The night when the dragon told them both about the child being created within the warlock. They decided to only tell their hyungs and no one else. The hyungs reaction was that of confusion until the warlock explained what the dragon had said to them; their magic infusing and manifesting itself as a child. Though it was different from how Jeongguk was born; somewhat. He was born with magic within his eomma's womb.

But the hyungs, though concerned, promised to make sure that they help keep Jeongguk safe and keep his pregnancy a secret. The warlock felt bad that they had to lie to their people. But he knew there wasn't much he could do. He didn't have to worry at this current time as there wasn't much of a bump. But he was still worried that someone would notice. He was glad that the tunics they wore were slightly baggy and didn't cling to his body.

That's why he was happy now; just waking up from his sleep in his husband's loose tunic with Taehyung's hand gently wrapped around his waist and softly caressing the skin of his stomach. Jeongguk fluttered his eyes open, and it took him a few seconds to fully wake up from his sleepiness. Once he did, however,  he had the sudden urge to go vomit. He wasn't sure if it was from the way he was laying, making him dizzy right away or the food from the night before that didn't settle properly but he knew he had to get up soon.

Jeongguk moved his husband's hand away from his stomach and quickly got up from their bed. Covering his mouth as he went, just in case. He made it to the toilet and lifted the lid as he stuck his head into the toilet bowl. Thankfully, he got there just in time as the contents of his stomach came up, bits of food but mostly stomach acid, which burned the back of his throat.

Jeongguk felt a few tears slide down his cheeks and drip off his chin. He almost jumped when he felt a hand on his back but didn't look as he was catching his breath.

"Shh, it's okay, you're fine.." Taehyung whispered as he placed a kiss at the nape of Jeongguk's neck. "My baby is okay. Do you need anything, love? Water?.. something like crackers?" Taehyung asked as he stroked the youngers back.

"Water, please," Jeongguk nodded as he sat up properly, moving away from the toilet bowl and closing the lid before closing it. "...maybe something to get this taste out of my mouth too," he groans.

"Okay baby, I'll be back." Taehyung nods and places a kiss on Jeongguk's forehead before getting up and walking to their bedroom door.

Jeongguk watched as his husband left the bathroom before getting up and sitting on the closed toilet lid. He turned and pulled the chain to let the toilet flush. The warlock let out a sigh as he heard Taehyungs voice in the other room asking for their breakfast and some crackers for Jeongguk. The maid didn't ask any questions, and Jeongguk assumed she nodded because he heard the doors closing again.

"How are you feeling now, baby?" Taehyung asked as he walked back to the bathroom to check on the warlock.

"Better." Jeongguk nodded slowly before he looked up at his husband and saw his worried expression. "..somewhat if I'm being honest, just tired."

Taehyung let out a sigh. "Okay, let's get you back to bed." He stepped forward and picked the younger male up bridal style, making the warlock wrap his arms around his husband's neck quickly.

"Hyungie!" Jeongguk gasped. "You don't need to carry me, I can walk fine on my own, you know,"

"I know." Taehyung smiled as he walked back to their bed. "But I'll need to start doing it eventually anyway, right?"

"I guess.." Jeongguk muttered as Taehyung placed him back in bed, making sure to pull their pillows up to allow the younger to lean against them and feel comfortable.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now