Chapter 13: The Realization.

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Fear. He wasn't meant to recognise this, even this early in their friendship. But alas he felt fear. He had spent many nights trying to figure out why his heart would flutter when talking to the prince, why he would feel something like butterflies in his stomach when the prince would look at him. Jeongguk would try his hardest to act like he wasn't feeling anything as he would talk to the older male. He succeeded most of the time in keeping himself calm and collected around the prince. He didn't know if it was only a silly little crush or he had fully fallen in love with the other. 

What he did know however is that he needed to keep himself in check with it. Make sure he doesn't go past the line, even though there wasn't really any line. Jeongguk just didn't want to have his hopes too high for when the prince is eventually crowned as king. 

"This isn't good, this isn't good" he paced back and forth in the main room of Namjoon and his quarters. 

"Jeongguk, stop pacing" Namjoon spoke softly as he stood leaning on the bench in front of him. 

"What do I do? What do I-" 

"Jeongguk!" The eldest in the room shouted to get the young warlock to stop. He looked up at the other,  eyes wide and waiting. 

"Don't just focus on this one thing, okay? We have to focus on that woman, what's worse? You realising you may just have a crush on the prince or the magic user who practically taken over the kings mind and soon kingdom if you don't stop her" Namjoon held up two hands to signify the two options.

"... ah you're always right, Namjoon-ssi, I'm freaking out over nothing.." Jeongguk sighed as he finally sat down. 

"It isn't nothing, sure it's something that can be thought about another day, but the woman is something you have to deal with now" The physician explained as he felt calm since the younger sat down. 

"... Namjoon-ssi, my feelings for the prince will be nothing in the long run, he could have anybody in the kingdom." He took a breath. "..anybody at all, I wouldn't stand a chance…" 

"Gguk.." Namjoon sighed out. 

"Don't… you know it to be true.." he bit his lip. "I'll just focus on protecting him till he becomes king, after that.." The young warlock swallowed. 

"I'll probably be gone… unless otherwise" 

"Jeongguk, do you know how much he needs you? Remember what he said? You're a person he can rely on, Gguk, a person he can rely on." Namjoon hit the bench with his finger with every word at the end, voice filled with determination.

"He needs you, more than you know" 

"How do you suppose I deal with these feelings, huh?" He looked to the other. "... I can only pretend they aren't there" 

As soon as he said that there was a knocking on the door. The two looked to each other and then back to the door, Jeongguk walked up to it and carefully opened it, hoping it wasn't the pesky magic user. But instead he saw Jimin, Yoongi and the prince on the other side. With a couple of blinks that made his eyes look like they fluttered, he stared at the three. 

"Uh… why are you here..?" He softly asked, hoping the three didn't hear the conversation from before through the door. 

"Let us in and we'll explain" Taehyung replied as looked at the younger, eyes filled with a mix of worry and there was something else there too. Jeongguk couldn't put his finger on it. 

"Come on, quickly!" Namjoon shouted as the three walked in with the young warlock closing the door behind them. 

"So what's going on?" The physician asked the three as they stood in the middle of the room. 

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now