Chapter 90: It's Okay To Be Nervous.

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After their lunch date and day off, the couple went back to work on finishing up the details of the warlock's coronation. Everything seemed to be going well and, in doing so, assumed to be going as planned. If anything, Jeongguk's coronation will go smoothly.

So why was Jeongguk caught up in his head with the sound of the falling water around him and deafening his ears as he stood in their shower? His head was against the wall as the water poured down around him. His breathing was shallow. Light, but shallow. Enough to make you feel your own heartbeat in your chest.

His head hurt. Jeongguk didn't know if it was because of the water pressure, the steam, or his breathing. But his head hurt.

He felt himself being pulled out from under the falling water. He didn't hear the water turn off, but the steam had cleared up. Then, there was a light touch on his cheek and forehead. It was quick, at least to him, before he felt something cold land on his forehead.

"Ack!- what..?" Jeongguk questioned as he blinked and finally focused on what was happening around him.

"The water was getting too warm for you. You had shallow breathing too, you didn't notice, and now your skin feels flustered…" Taehyung explained.

"Does your head hurt?"

"Huh..?" He swallowed and licked his dry lips. "..a bit yeah - wait.."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow waiting for the other to continue as he held what the younger assumed to be a face cloth that had been drenched in cold water against his forehead.

"How did you know my breathing was shallow?" Jeongguk asked.

"I came to join you to make sure you were okay for tomorrow, saw and heard your shallow breaths, pulled you out, and here we are now," Taehyung explained.

"I'm sorry…" Jeongguk apologized, though he didn't know what he was apologizing for.

Taehyung tilted his head. "For what..?"

"For making you worry… I'm just nervous about tomorrow…" The warlock sighed.

"Of course you are. It's normal, and it's okay to be nervous," Taehyung nodded before continuing. "Just don't keep it to yourself. You'll zone out and worry your pretty head,"

"Okay.." Jeongguk nodded lightly with a sigh before he looked down and noticed he was still naked. "Uh.. could I get a towel.. or better yet, something to sleep in?"

"Hmm? Why-?" Taehyung asked before he noticed that the warlock was just sitting in front of him naked. "Oh- sorry baby, I'll go get you something, just stay here and continue to hold the face cloth against your forehead, okay?"

"Okay.." Jeongguk gave a smile as he watched the other stand up and walk out of their bathroom.

"It's not like I haven't seen you naked before, though!" Taehyung shouted from the other room, making the younger's eyes wide.

"Hyungie!" Jeongguk shouted back in a playfully angry tone before he heard the other laugh loudly.

Jeongguk shook his head from how his husband was trying to ease the serious mood from before. He held the cold face cloth to his forehead but frowned before he moved it away to refold it again to feel a colder side of it again. He looked around behind him and saw he was near one of the walls opposite the shower. He leant against the wall and shivered from it being cold.

"I'm back here." Taehyung walked back into the bathroom and helped the other slip on his underwear and a loose tunic to sleep in.

"Thank you." Jeongguk smiled as he looked at his husband with a soft look in his eyes.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now