Chapter 3: Jobs around the castle.

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The warlock woke to the smell of different aromas, some he was used to, others he was not. He sat up in his bed and picked up his loose over shirt and slipped his shoes back on. Opening the door he saw Namjoon working on what seemed to be two potions, one was a honey-yellow colour, while the other was a blue colour like the night sky without clouds. 

Jeongguk spotted a bowl of porridge on the table in front of Namjoon and was hesitant to sit down, but eventually did. He watched the mentor with a confused look as he picked up the spoon and ate the fairly warm porridge in front of him. He didn't realise he needed the energy, but judging from last night's rude awakening he definitely needed a pick-me-up. 


The male looked up from his food and to his mentor who was holding up the two potions to the sunlight. He had one of his eyes closed as he looked through the glass to make sure everything looked normal. 

"Could you take the blue coloured one to Gentleman Yoongi, he's up in the castle, just ask his servant Jimin if you get lost and the honey coloured one to a man by the name of Nick who lives in the archive's…" Namjoon gave the potions to the younger. " tell him not to drink the whole thing at once as it needs to last till next month" 

"Okay, will do" Jeongguk nodded as he grabbed the two potions, the blue in his left and the honey coloured one in his right. 

"Do you know where the archive's are…?" Namjoon asked, looking questionably at the younger's face.

"Yes I do! Remember the Prince gave me a tour yesterday" the warlock smiled as he went on his way to the door. 

"Alright, see you later then" Namjoon waved to the younger as he left the quarter's.

"See you!" Jeongguk shouted back as closed the door behind him. 

He let out a nervous huff and made his way down to the archives, they weren't too far from where he was so going there first was the best idea, at least to him. Then that way he can take his time looking around the castle if he wanted to, whilst on his way to see Gentleman Yoongi, who he doesn't know much about. He placed the two potions in his pant pocket and walked out from the wall and towards the way he had come in from when arriving at the castle. 

He could hear the stones beneath his feet as he walked out and around towards the archives that had their own section to the castle. The warlock looked around as he walked, watching as knights rode in on their horses and people rushed around to buy or sell items or food. Jeongguk turned his head back towards the way he was going and spotted the old looking door that had a wooden sign to the side of it which had the title archives engraved into it. 

Jeongguk took a breath and knocked on the door before he stood back a little as he waited for someone to open the door. 

"Yes..?" A male asked as he opened the door. 

"Namjoon-ssi told me to give his potion to you, supposed to help with headaches" Jeongguk smiled as he passed the honey coloured potion to the male. 

"Ah yes, thank you" Nick replied as he grabbed the potion. But before Jeongguk could continue with his warning, Nick drank the whole potion. 

"Namjoon- uh.. hmm.." Jeongguk grew worried but smiled. "It should be fine.." he felt guilty but he couldn't do anything now. 

"I'll be off" the warlock smiled as he turned and walked back the way he came to go back into the castle. 

Jeongguk was enjoying his small jog around the castle. He was happy he could remember the things that Prince Taehyung had mentioned. For example, he could recall that the curtains and tapestries were a gift from another kingdom beyond the ocean in honor of the Princes birth. He also remembered that the castle walls were included with marble and stone to make them stronger.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now