Chapter 93: The First Day.

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Jeongguk didn't know why he woke up, but he did. He saw that the sky was still dark and it was cooler, enough to make his skin prickle with goosebumps and give me a slight shiver. He assumed it was probably the early hours of the morning, way before the sun would normally rise.

He could feel his husband breathing slowly and deeply just under his head from where he was resting. The warlock shifted a bit before placing a kiss against Taehyung's jaw and slipping out of bed.

Jeongguk shivered again as he stood up due to not having anything on his legs. He then saw a blanket at the end of the bed that was folded up for the winter months and he picked it up to wrap it around his body before walking over to one of the windows by their desk. He sat down on the floor in front of the moonlight, letting it wash over his skin and bring comfort for an unknown reason.

Though the floor was chill to the touch at first, it warmed as he sat and gazed up at the slightly clouded sky, Jeongguk could still see the stars and the moon and the darkness. It was beautiful.

Jeongguk didn't know how long it had been. A few minutes, an hour or two? But he didn't care. Though his eyes were still glued to the sky. Watching, waiting for something. He didn't know why. He just watched. Afraid to blink in case he missed something.

He didn't hear the shuffling behind him. Or the sigh and movement of blankets being moved on the bed. But he heard a soft voice behind him.

"Baby, what are you doing awake? What happened?" Taehyung questioned in a whisper, his voice a bit rough from sleep.

"I don't know, I just woke up, and now I'm wide awake.." Jeongguk replied back as he shrugged under the blanket he wore.

"Well, come back to bed. It's warmer and more comfortable than the floor." Taehyung yawned softly as he nudged the other. "You don't need to sleep, just sit or lay in bed,"

"I won't be able to see the moon from there.." Jeongguk replied with a pout. "She's beautiful tonight.."

"She sure is, but I'm sure she'll want you to be more comfortable than be on the cold stone floors, hmm?" Taehyung suggested as he brushed a hair out the way from the warlock's forehead and brushed his fingers around his ear.

"But she won't see me,"

Taehyung let out a loving sigh. "Baby, whatever her light touches, she can see it,"

"Are you sure?" Jeongguk asked softly.

"I'm sure," Taehyung nodded. "Now back to bed,"

Taehyung slipped his arms around Jeongguk's back and under his thighs, lifting him up and carrying him back to their bed. Taehyung slipped the blanket off Jeongguks body, and he was about to place the younger back on his side, but the warlock snuggled closer to him, not letting him go.

"I want to be closer to her light," Jeongguk muttered.

"Okay, baby." Taehyung nodded and laid the other on his side where he normally sleeps before crawling over him and laying down behind him.

"Better?" Taehyung asked as he slipped his arm over the warlock's waist.

"Better," Jeongguk nodded.

"What's with the sudden infatuation with the moon, baby?" Taehyung asked softly. It's not like he'll be getting to sleep soon, so he may as well ask.

"There's just something I can feel that might happen, I don't know what it is or when, but it's drawing closer," Jeongguk explained. "All I know is that the moons light - her light feels comforting."

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now