Chapter 88: Practice Makes Perfect.

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Jeongguk had been working hard on writing a speech for when he was crowned King by Taehyung's side. He had been working on it all day in the throne room with his husband in the same room going over a few things for the coronation day, making sure it was perfect for his love.

However, with Jeongguk, once they were back in their quarters, he was still working on his speech. He wanted to make it absolutely perfect and loving and just him. But he wasn't sure if it was. He felt anxious and stressed about making it perfect that after he had gotten changed into what he normally wore to sleep, he sat down at their desk that was big enough to share between them both and looked over his written speech a few more times.

Taehyung had walked out of their closet and looked over to see the other male sitting under the pale moonlight reading over his speech once more. Taehyung let out a sigh with a shake of his head before walking over. He leant down and wrapped his arms around the warlock before placing kisses on Jeongguk's shoulder.

"What's troubling my love tonight?" Taehyung asked softly as he looked down at the paper that held the warlock's speech.

"I'm just worried it doesn't sound right or there might be something wrong with it.." Jeongguk groaned.

"Are you looking for something to be wrong with it?" Taehyung placed another kiss on the younger's neck.

"No.. not entirely.." The warlock sighed from the feeling of the other kissing his neck.

"Then there isn't anything wrong with it.." The older one concluded. "..come back to it tomorrow with fresh eyes, you've been looking at it all day and for far too long, your brain needs a rest" Taehyung muttered against the warlock's forehead with a few kisses there.

"You're right.." Jeongguk muttered as he placed his speech down and let out a heavy sigh as he rubbed his eyes. "Fresh eyes see mistakes.."

"Not necessarily mistakes more so things that could be changed," Taehyung pointed out as he moved away from the younger, slowly dragging his hands away from the warlock's waist.

Jeongguk stood up from his seat and followed his husband to bed. He watched as Taehyung lay on his back and rested his head against his pillows before letting out a sigh and then looking at the young who had sat on his own thighs, watching the other get comfortable.

"Come closer, baby." Taehyung smiled and gestured to the warlock to lay down.

Jeongguk giggled. "Why? Hmm?"

"Because I want to see my beautiful baby's face up close."

"Don't say things like that, Hyung," Jeongguk grumbled, feeling his cheeks flush with blush and hid his face behind his hands.

Taehyung smiled, holding back his laugh from his husband's actions and looking at him with fondness."Just come lay down with me and get your mind off your speech."

Jeongguk let out a sigh before pulling his hands away from his face and moving so he was laying down on the other's chest and felt Taehyung's hand rest in the curve of his waist as he nuzzled against his chest.

"How can I get my mind off my speech when that's all it can think about..?" He grumbled in a pout, causing the other to let out a heavy sigh and look down at him.

"Do you remember how I felt before I gave my speech to our people? Before I had announced that we were together?" Taehyung asked as he brought his fingers up to brush and play with the other's hair.

"Of course I do. You were nervous, and you had every right to be," Jeongguk replied as he started to draw patterns into Taehyung's bare chest.

"And that means you have every right to be nervous too," Taehyung added. "As you were there for me, I'll be there for you too,"

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now