Chapter 10: As Your Future King.

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The two kings had finally sat down at a table in the throne room that was off to the side by some bookshelves. The Princess, that the three males did not know the name of, by her father with a kind smile on her lips. The necklace she wore still bothered the young warlock in the room. He felt the magical energy of it, sure, but he didn't know why he felt scared. He wanted to excuse himself to go and look for it in the book Namjoon had told him to study but he couldn't. Taehyung needed him there and it would seem suspicious if he ran and left the room. 

Jeongguk bit his lip and looked between the kings, the princess, the prince and Gentlemen Yoongi; all who were watching the kings as they discussed the many future plans of uniting their forces together and sharing resources. He wanted to slip out, to leave the room. But he wasn't sure if he could. He let out a sigh as he fiddled with his fingers. 

Taehyung watched him out of the corner of his eye and saw how uneasy the younger looked. He looked bothered just by standing there and Taehyung knew that feeling all too well. That uncomfortable twist in your stomach and tightness within the lower stomach. He's had that feeling many times, just by being in the same room as his father alone, though it has gotten better with the younger male there with him. 

"Gguk… You look uneasy.." Taehyung whispered to him. "Are you alright..?" 

Jeongguk let out an uneasy, shaky sigh as he tapped his thigh with his fingers. "I..I need to go and read about that gemstone… but I can't yet because you need me here.." 

Taehyung looked at him and then at the kings arguing. He raised an eyebrow and looked back at the other. 

"I'm sure my father wouldn't notice that you've gone… if he does I'll just say Namjoon-hyung needed you urgently" the Prince smiled at the warlock, who looked back to him wide-eyed. 

"Are.. are you sure?" He asked softly. 

"Yes, now go, quickly now and quietly" Taehyung nudged the other with his elbow as he urged him to go. 

"I won't be too long, I promise" he smiled his bunny smile and quickly left the throne room, hoping not to get noticed by anyone there. 

Jeongguk quickly ran down the halls of the castle, on the familiar path down to the physicians quarters. Down the many steps and around the corners to the familiar hall with the red material over the door that was darker than the walls. He quickly rushed into the room and towards his own room where he left the book laying on his bed. 

He didn't hesitate to open it and search quickly through each page, probably gaining a paper cut or more on his fingers from the pages. Jeongguk's eyes skimmed each title of each page and when he saw the stone on a page, he froze to read about it. 

"Blue sandstone; will give the ability to enhance willpower and success, drive out evil and enhance courage…" Jeongguk sighed in relief from reading about it. He quickly skimmed the rest to see if there was any evil from it; and there was not. 

With a slam of the book and a sigh of relief, he fell back into his bed and smiled. Then it dropped as he realised he had to run backup to the throne room. Almost throwing himself off his bed, Jeongguk quickly ran back out of his room, with a small wave to the male working on a few different potions. 

He felt like he was almost out of breath when he came to the second set of stairs but pushed himself to keep going. When he got to the third and last set of stairs, his eyes fluttered as he took in deep breaths. The warlock's vision was slightly fuzzy with a few black spots popping in, he squinted a bit when he saw a colour he recognized come into view. He almost tripped on his own feet and fell, but felt two arms wrap around him. 

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now