Chapter 53: He's Been Poisoned.

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That night, they decided to have a feast to celebrate the first day of the duel sessions. Everything was made beautifully, laid out nicely on the tables in the big throne room. The king at the highest end with his son and Jeongguk standing nearby. Candles were lit surrounding the room and making it glow a gorgeous golden glow; it had reminded Taehyung of the warlock's eyes though those were alot more beautiful.

Everyone was quietly chatting to the people next to them, different conversations overlapping each other's. Jeongguk stood next to Namjoon and he sighed as he held onto the silver water pitcher he was told to hold for when people needed water refills when they didn't want wine. He watched as everyone talked but once his eyes landed on his lover, he noticed how Taehyung didn't talk at all. He would only nod with his father, who would continuously talk about things of different topics that weren't of the prince's interest.

"Now, Taehyung, since the only other person who could've been in your interest had been…" The king trailed off.

"Beheaded?" Taehyung replied for the first time during the dinner.

"Yes, Beheaded, it will be quite hard for you to find someone for you to marry-"

Taehyung let out a groan. "I thought we went over this, Father, I don't want to marry someone I don't love" He felt like he said it over a hundred times already.

"You and your nonsense of love" The king shook his head.

"Didn't you love, mother? Didn't you love her with all your heart? What changed?" Taehyung asked, pushing harder with each question.

"That's none of your-"

"What. Changed.?" Taehyung's voice was stiff as he wanted answers from his father.

The king merely looked away from his son's gaze as he lifted his chalice to drink his wine, only to find it empty.

"You there!" He pointed to a male with a scarf covering half his face who was holding a pitcher for the wine. "Come here refill my chalice"

The male was quick to walk over and pour more wine onto the king's chalice. The red liquid filled the chalice nicely till it stopped near the top as the king gestured to the male to stop. Taehyung watched with a curious eye; why had the male worn a scarf? He didn't think much of it and took the last sip of his water from his own chalice and turned to look away for just a second.

But it only took a second. First it was a cough that echoed into the room. Then another, then another. Everyone slowly turned to look at the king and notice how he held his neck just below his jaw. He placed his chalice down as he continued to cough but it only got worse and louder. Soon the king slowly leant over and coughed into his gauntlet covered hand; there was blood on the metal.

"Father, are you okay?" Taehyung questioned as he placed a hand on his father's shoulder.

Namjoon came rushing over from where he stood, along with Jeongguk. The physician took the chalice and sniffed it while Jeongguk had gotten the cloth that they kept on their laps and raised it to the king's mouth. The physician's eyes widened as he realised when was in the wine.

"He's been poisoned" Namjoon said, feeling shock go through him. "Who poured him his drink?"

"Some guy who had a scarf on-" Taehyung replied as he looked through the surrounding crowd and saw the mysterious figure running out of the throne room. "There! I'll go after him!"

He jumped over the table, not caring about the food or drinks there and pushed through the crowd of people, right towards the door. He almost flung it open and he raced after the mysterious figure. Taehyung knew he was faster than this person as he gained up on him. He managed to tackle the person to the ground and sit on his lower back, pulling his arms to be pinned down on his back by one hand.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now