Chapter 100: Epilogue : "How Is It Going..?"

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The couple's little princess grew to be just like the warlock but also just like the king - a perfect mix of them as if the magic that had infused did it perfectly. Eun-Jeong grew to be beautiful, kind, and generous. She was gentle like Jeongguk and kind-hearted like Taehyung. She was also strong and grew to be a brilliant leader to the kingdom. She listened to her people, and whenever she needed help, she asked her parents. The couple didn't push her to marriage or anything of the sort. She could marry who she pleased. They wanted it to be better for her than what it was for them.

She did everything beautifully and with grace. The whole kingdom loved her |

The typing of the person's fingers stopped, his eyes focused on the blinking of the cursor on his screen.

The sunlight shone on the wood of the tables through the windows of the late afternoon. It was warm, and having a small breeze travel through the open door was enough to cool the cafe down on a warm afternoon. A light bell chime echoed through the small cafe as the wind travelled through. The sound of quiet conversations was spoken around a male who had earphones in.

His eyes were focused on his computer screen in front of him. His fingers were still hovering above the keyboard. He seemed to be finishing up a book he had been writing. Eyes glanced from his keyboard to his screen from time to time for a few seconds. He had a cold coffee sitting next to him from hours ago. He took a breath. He looked up for a few seconds to take in his surroundings and watched a few people leave the cafe, and a few new people walk in.

His eyes caught sight of the worker who was taking the new customers' orders with a boxy smile. For the amount of time he had been coming to the cafe to write, which had been well over eight months, and he had developed a very subtle and quite endearing crush on the worker.

His eyes watched as the worker walked back to the counter and told the cooks what the customers would like. The worker turned back and stopped for a second to look at the other with a smile at the male who had been writing away.

As the worker approached, the writer took his earphones out and paused his music, and the other took a seat.

"So.. How's the book coming along with my favourite author, Ggukie?" His name tag read Taehyung, and he smiled as he asked.

"I'm nearly done with it, actually, taking a small break to work out the best way to end it.." Jeongguk, the author in question, replied. "..I'm not sure what would make it perfect.."

"I'm sure whatever you come up with will be perfect," Taehyung replied. "I can't wait to read it. You better sign my copy." He joked around.

Jeongguk laughed. "Of course, just as long you stay my friend even if I become famous."

"Of course I will," Taehyung nodded. "And you will be, you'll be the best,"

"No, no, not the best.." Jeongguk shook his head. "Just known is all,"

"You'll be my best in my eyes." Taehyung took the other's hand from around the laptop.

Jeongguk's eyes looked to their hands, and he felt his neck and cheeks heat up. He moved his head to look away. Taehyung tilted his head to follow the other's eyes before smiling.

"What's that look..?" the worker asked.

"Hmm?" Jeongguk looked back at the other. "What look..?"

"That one.. the soft look in your eyes that looks to be the beginning of a smile, there's almost a warmth to them too, " Taehyung explained. "It's beautiful,"

"No, it's not -" He tried to deny but failed.

"Yes, it is," Taehyung insisted. "I'll tell you what, I'll prove to you that it is beautiful.. that you are beautiful. "

Jeongguk hesitated before replying, "How?"

"I'll take you out on a date,"

"A .. date..?" Jeongguk questioned as he felt his cheeks grow more warm.

"Yep, a date," Taehyung nodded. "Though once you finish your book, of course, once it's published that exact night, I'll take you out on a date,"

"Alright.." Jeongguk giggled. "It's a deal." Though he wouldn't want to admit it aloud, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest from the fact that his subtle crush was asking him out.

"Good, now I'll let you finish up." Taehyung stood up and glanced at the other's cold coffee cup. "Do you want me to make you a new drink?"

"Oh! Yes, please.. I forgot it was there. " Jeongguk laughed as he passed the cup to Taehyung. "Thank you,"

"No worries," Taehyung smiled.

Jeongguk put his earphones back in his ears with a smile, and his fingers got to work on how he wanted to end the story. He felt giddy that it was almost finished, but most of all, he felt nervous that people may not like it. But whatever may happen, he'll still have Taehyung in his life.

/ Who knew that the once boy of the river would work his way up through life, find the love of his life, and most of all, grow to have a loving family, friends, and kingdom. The villagers learnt from the best, and as time went on, so did the story turn into legend and soon turn into a myth.

It was bittersweet to have it end as a myth. But that's how kingdoms, kings, queens, and those types of stories go. All myths.

But this one? Well, it was real.


That's the end of it.

I hope you enjoyed it all!
And to those who waited till it was completed to read it all in one go, did you enjoy it? Was the ending satisfying enough?

I purple you, and I'll see you in the next universe called Roses and Vanilla! 💜💜💜💜💜💜

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now