Chapter 4: Day One.

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Jeongguk woke up the next morning after a good sleep, no pesky dragon had woken him up during the night to talk to him again. He was grateful that he had a decent amount of sleep after traveling and doing a few jobs around the castle, though it was about to get tough. Jeongguk now had to be the prince's servant. At least he can keep the prince safe easier whilst having him in his eyesight. He just hoped that the jobs weren't too hard and that, even though he'd meet the prince twice and saw how nice he was, Jeongguk was worried that it was just a fake mask. Though he would find out soon enough.

With a soft huff from his lips as Jeongguk sat down at the table where Namjoon had placed their breakfast, he loved the porridge around with his spoon almost as if he was seeing if it was alive or not. He has his head rested in the palm of his left hand and looked down at the grain mix in the wooden bowl and furrowed his eyebrows with thought. 


The elder hummed in response as he continued to eat his own bowl of porridge while reading a book next to him about the different types of mixes for potions to help with better pain relief and dizziness.

"..I had talked to the dragon in the dungeon the other night, he told me of a prophecy that I must keep the prince safe till he becomes king.." The Warlock explained softly. 

"Then you must do as he says" Namjoon looked to the other, who sat wide eye.

"Is.. is it true though?" Jeongguk questioned as he let his spoon fall into the porridge.

"Whatever that dragon tells you will become true, if he tells you to protect the prince then do so…" he placed the spoon in his empty bowl " Luckily you're his new servant, so you can be closer to him" Namjoon looked back at his book. 

"That is true…" Jeongguk mumbled. 

"Hey, eat up, you'll need the energy for today" Namjoon smiled at the younger, who nodded and continued to eat his slightly warm meal. 

Once he was done with his meal, his mentor took his bowl and placed it in his own empty one before taking them to a bucket filled with water and letting them soak. Jeongguk got up from his seat and walked to the door and was just about to leave. 



"Is the prince actually nice or is it just a mask?" Jeongguk asked as his hand was on the door handle about to open it. 

"You'll see," Namjoon smiled. Jeongguk gave him a look that can only be described as an expression you'd make for 'really?' The eyebrow raised and the side eye glance. 

"Okay, I'll see you later Namjoon-ssi" the warlock waved good-bye as he left through the door. 

The first thing Jeongguk needed to do as the prince's new servant, is to wake him up, have him bathe and then get his breakfast. Simple. He was given the run-down the day before and made sure to memorize as much as he could. With the sound of his shoes against the stone stairs and the small mutters of people talking around him as he walked past to get to the prince's quarters he couldn't help but be nervous as it was his first day but also he wanted to make a good third impression on the prince. The past two were debatable as best if they were good first and second impressions. But, he would try his best. 

"Your Highness" Jeongguk knocked on the prince's door as he pushed it open and said his name. 

He saw the red haired male sound asleep in his comfortable bed, wrapped up in the finest blackest and sheets. Jeongguk sighed as he walked closer to the prince, the door closing behind him and was deciding if he should sit on the bed or not. He decided against it as he stood in front of the sleeping prince, whose head was almost face first into the pillow. 

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now