Chapter 89: A Relaxing Picnic.

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Just as the king woke up from his sleep and saw how soft and adorable the warlock looked as he lay against him; his hair sticking up in places that made him look so endearing, the peacefulness of his sleeping expression and it just made Taehyung's heart melt from how darling he looked, how sweet, how soft and comfortable he looked. Taehyung couldn't help but smile and gently run his fingers through the other's hair softly whilst placing a kiss against Jeongguk's forehead.

Looking outside and seeing how nice it was outside; a few clouds, not many, and signs of a light breeze that would be assumed as cool in the warm sun, Taehyung thought that the warlock definitely deserved a break today from all the preparations they've been doing for his coronation and what better break than a picnic in their spot?

With a nod, Taehyung got up from their bed, hearing a whine of displeasure from the warlock before he nuzzled his head against his pillow again and drifted back after being distributed slightly.

Taehyung had quietly gotten changed and headed out of their quarters to go and set up for their picnic. Leaving the warlock to wake up on his own.

With a little stir and a small whine, the warlock awoke from his sleep a mere hour after Taehyung left; but he didn't know that until he opened his eyes and saw an empty place instead. He lifted his head and looked around to try and spot the older but couldn't. So a pout formed on his lips from not seeing his husband. Jeongguk sat up in their bed and slipped off it before walking over to their closet and getting changed. As he did so, however, he heard the door open and the sound of soft, deep humming.

"Jeonggukie~ baby, my love, where are you?" Taehyung asked in a slightly singing way.

"Just in the closet, hyungie," Jeongguk called back as he slipped on a lightweight tunic.

Taehyung popped his head into the closet through the open door and smiled when he saw the other.

"Good, you've got on something easy to wear." Taehyung walked over as he nodded.

"Why is that.. Good?" Jeongguk asked as he felt the other take him by his waist with one hand and brush off some dust from his shoulder with the other hand.

"Because I've decided that since you've been very busy these last couple of weeks that we have a picnic date as a relaxation break from the hectic planning," Taehyung explained as he tapped the underside of Jeongguk's chin.

"But won't that delay the day?" Jeongguk questioned nervously.

"Not at all, we're at least three days ahead in planning anyway. What's one day break, hmm?" Taehyung hummed as he placed a small kiss against Jeongguk's lips.

"That sounds amazing, hyung," Jeongguk smiled as he hugged his husband tightly.

"Glad you think so, now come." Taehyung directed the younger one out of their closet. "I've had our spot set up nicely for us,"

"Our spot?"

"Yes, our spot." Taehyung nodded and smiled at the younger. "It's such a nice day, perfect for a picnic, so I thought why not?"

"I'm so lucky to have you as a husband, Tae," Jeongguk confessed with a soft look and tone in his voice.

"No, no, I'm the lucky one." He turned back to the warlock and placed a passionate kiss on the younger's kiss, making Jeongguk gasp before he kissed back just as passionately.

"I wouldn't even be making a difference to our kingdom if you hadn't saved me that day," Taehyung admitted with love dripping on every word.

"Which day?" Jeongguk cheekily asked. "There were many and even a few where you saved me." He looked up to the other's eyes while dragging his finger against the king's chest.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now