Chapter 92: [S] Bath Time

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The feast was going rather lovely, the villagers talking amongst themselves, the knights keeping watch just in case a few conversed with a small group of villagers. The atmosphere was something that Taehyung never thought he'd experience. It was surreal and warm, and mostly, it felt like a family rather than a bunch of strangers like the previous feasts before he married Jeongguk; before his father died.

Taehyung couldn't help but look around the throne room before his eyes landed on his husband next to him; eating with a small pout  on his lips and the torches fires that were around the room cast a warm glow which adorned the warlock's face. Taehyung felt a smile, though rather soft and rather small as it was only the corners of his lips slowly raising up as he looked at his husband.

The crown sat perfectly on his head, though that'll need to be taken off when they go to their quarters. Taehyung's eyes trailed down the warlock's face till he spotted a bit of sauce on the side of the younger's lips from the chicken he was eating. The older lifted a finger to softly swipe away the sauce that was on the other lips before bringing it to his own and licking it off his thumb.

The action of the swipe had caused the warlock to look at his husband wide-eyed before giving him a smile.

Slowly, the festivities drew to a close, and the villagers were escorted home by the knights in small groups. The couple made their way to their quarters after bidding their goodbyes and good nights to everyone. As they walked, Taehyung held the warlock's waist in his hand and drew him closer. It wouldn't be the only time tonight that Taehyung would hold the other by his waist.

"That was so joyful! Though I was nervous beforehand…" Jeongguk beamed before letting out a happy sigh. "But that doesn't matter now." He shook his head.

Taehyung gave him a smile. "You did so amazingly, I'm so proud of you." Then he hummed. "How about a nice bath? To relax for the evening, hmm?"

"That'll be nice." Jeongguk nodded as the other male opened the door to their quarters. "As long as you join me,"

"Of course," Taehyung chuckled.

They both walked into their quarters, and the warlock walked over to where the servants had set up boxes for their crowns. Taehyung had been quietly trailing behind him and as soon as he saw the warlock move to take off his crown, Taehyung moved to raise his own to take the Jeongguk's crown off first; it was a slow movement and enjoy to make the younger smile softly.

Taehyung turned to place the crown in to return it to its own box, where it used to reside for many, many years. Taehyung gave it a delicate brush with his fingers as he looked over it. It brought both good and sad memories about his mother; the sad memories were more, so bittersweet than anything else.

Jeongguk saw a small smile form on his lips and did the same motion to take the other's crown off his head. Taehyung felt the weight of his crown leave his head, and he looked at his husband to his left as he watched the younger place his crown in the box that was next to the other.

Taehyung saw how gentle the other was and smiled before placing a kiss against Jeongguk's temple as he held his waist to pull him closer. After he did this, he moved to the door to their bathroom, taking off his cloak along the way.

Jeongguk watched for a few seconds before following after him. Once he entered the bathroom and shut the door behind him, he saw his husband half naked. The shirt had been removed, and he was just in his pants, the button undone. Taehyung was sorting out the water temperature as he leant over the side to touch the water as it poured out and into the deep, round tub made of stone that was smoothed around the inside.

Jeongguk quickly took off his cloak and the more regal and royal attire off and in the hamper with his husband's things. He left himself in his underwear as he watched Taehyung move to turn the taps off and stand up.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now