Chapter 16: The Moon Rises.

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The day was horrendous for both prince and servant. Extra long training sessions and meetings to attend, that had the mention of the celebration to the red haired prince. Taehyung didn't know how he managed to get through all those meetings without falling asleep from boredom on the table. But he knew that the younger male would be extra tired from standing and walking all day.

Jeongguk did get two breaks however during the first and second training sessions, so he was able to sit, relax and even stretch and lay to recharge his battery. He was looking forward to going to sleep that night. He hoped that the dragon wouldn't wake him up at ungodly hours of the morning. With those thoughts in mind, he had accidentally fallen asleep in the blissful shade beneath the trees in the evening.

With a block with his sword and flexing his muscles, Taehyung managed to knock the sword out of the other knight's hands causing it to lay on the dirt below them.

"That's enough for today Tae, I really can't be ass doing anymore today" The knight suggested as he took off his helmet.

"I agree with you, SeokJin-hyung" Taehyung ruffled his sweaty hair. "I wish I could just be around Gguk more" he sighed as he grabbed his leather water pouch and drank from it.

"Tae, I've told you many times to call me 'Jin'.." he chuckled. "I can't believe you're whipped for a non-noble"

"Jin-hyung, you know me, I never wanted to marry a noble in the first place, they're always so snobby, no offense" Taehyung looked to the other while wiping the water from his mouth.

"None taken…" he raised his hands in defense. "But, I might just say, you did find a good one"

"Hey- he's mine" Taehyung nudged his shoulder while glaring. They both playfully laughed with each other.

"I know, I know, my eyes are on that physician"

"Namjoon-hyung..?" Taehyung asked as he started to take off the armor and chainmail.

"Yes, him," The brunette nodded. "I need to talk to him one day," he sighed. He too was whipped.

"One day, Jin-hyung, one day" Taehyung patted his shoulder. "Well, I best be going, I want to get to my quarters before the sunsets anymore…"

"Right so, you better go wake up your fare male before he sleeps too long" Jin pointed out. Taehyung turned to look at the male who was sleeping on the grass.

"That looks so uncomfortable…" The prince shook his head as he jogged over to the sleeping servant. He couldn't help but chuckle at the state the warlock was in.

Jeongguk had curled up with his arms tucked under his head as a pillow, an uncomfortable one at that. His legs were curled up to his stomach. He was breathing lightly through his parted lips and all Taehyung could do was stare. With a sigh, he brushed his fingers along the younger's cheek bone, mimicking how the other did it to him that first morning together. It was a nice, calming way to wake up so why not do it for the blue tinted haired male.

"Ggukie, wake up now, you don't want to be up all night do you?" Taehyung softly spoke to get the other to wake up. He saw how the warlocks eyes fluttered open and shifted to look at him.

"Tae-? Did I fall asleep?" He asked as he sat up and stretched. "I'm sorry, how long was I out?" He continued to ask.

"Yes you did fall asleep, but I'm not sure when you did" Taehyung replied as he looked over at the younger. "You looked like you needed it"

"I still feel tired, but I can't do much about it now…" he pouted. "I really don't want to walk all the way back to my bed…"

"I could carry you" The prince suggested. Jeongguk's eyes went wide as he looked at the older male.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now