Chapter 80: Midnight Moments.

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The king had led the warlock away from the celebration before and through the small path. The couple walked through the forest with a torch in hand; the King had lit a stick wrapped in dry grass just as they were about to enter the forest. There was the sound of a few crickets and sticks breaking as they walked through the small path.

Taehyung knew this path well as he had been down it before. This place he had found was from before he met the warlock. It had been a few years since he had travelled there as the warlock had become, but previously, the place was Taehyung's safe space. He wanted to show his lover the place as it could be their new escape if they ever need it.

Soon, two came to a clearing between the tree, and Taehyung led the warlock through into an area where a lake lay. It was peaceful and calm, and the moon shone against the water. There was a calm breeze that made the warlock shiver slightly.

"Woah.." Jeongguk muttered as he looked at the lake. "It's so beautiful.."

"Come sit." Taehyung sat down on a fallen log that lay on its side. Jeongguk followed after him and slowly sat down as he looked at how the moon's reflection shone against the water.

"Is this where you wanted to take me..?" Jeongguk asked in astonishment as he finally looked away from the water to his fiance.

Taehyung smiled while looking over the water. "Yeah... this was the surprise, I used to come here a lot, before I met you, just to relax..away from my responsibilities, it was my safe place"

Taehyung finally turned to look at how the younger male was looking at him, eyes full of concern, yet he took the older male's hand and squeezed it in his own.

"What do you mean..was?"

"You're my safe place now." Taehyung brought their hands up and kissed the back of the warlock's hand softly.

Jeongguk gave a soft smile before he placed his head against the other's shoulder and rested his head there. They both looked to the lake, enjoying its calmness and the way there was a quiet sound of the water brushing against the stones along the shoreline, then dripping away as the water drifted back out again. There was a subtle breeze with every small wave of the lake. It brushed against the couple' cheeks, making the younger shiver again slightly.

Taehyung noticed that it was colder than most nights and noted to himself that they wouldn't stay for lon. They would come back another day where it was slightly warmer. For no, they stayed cuddled close to each other, and Taehyung laid his head against the other's head in return.

"How long do you want to stay here?" Jeongguk asked softly, not wanting to ruin the moment of the silence.

"Only for a bit longer, I don't want you to get cold," Taehyung replied as he smiled.

"Okay," Jeongguk nodded slightly under the other's head. " we have anything planned for tomorrow?"

"Not till the afternoon." Taehyung shook his head slightly.

"Good, because by the time we get back, we'll need the sleep in." He giggled softly.

"That is true," Taehyung chuckled softly. "Do tell me if you want to head back sooner than what I had planned."

"I will do," Jeongguk nodded. "Though probably not," He teased as he played with the other's fingers.

"Why not?" Taehyung asked. "Hmm?"

"I want to spend this moment with you for as long as possible,"

Taehyung grew quiet for a second before smiling and shifting his head to look down at the warlock. This movement made the Jeongguk look up at Taehyung, the warlock's eyes sparking back at him. The king leant down and placed a kiss that was full of love and passion against Jeongguk's lip, that they both just sighed into the kiss, enjoying the uninterrupted moment to themselves.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now