Chapter 26: Death Will Claim the Same Soul.

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The sound of metal being placed and leather straps being pulled tight echoed the room. The prince stood still with an expressionless face and his arms out to his sides. His eyes spoke all the emotions needed for this time, yet his unlabeled lover had a hidden anxious look on his face. It was clear that he was trying to hide the worst of how he felt from the older's gaze but Taehyung knew him well. He had told the warlock that he didn't need to help put his armor on, nor adjust or fix it in any way. But Jeongguk insisted that he would, not only for the prince's stake but for his own. For his own state of mind that nothing would go wrong during the duel, even with the right sword there would be a chance something bad would happen, it wasn't ever high but he had a right to be afraid.

Jeongguk gulped as he stepped back after he nodded to let the prince know that he was done. He watched as the prince picked up the new blade that was made just for him and looked over its details. His eyes gazed over the iron colour against the gold and the text that was written in an unreadable language that only the warlock would know with time. Taehyung slid the sword into its scabbard, letting it sit in it out of harm's way or any prying eyes.

"Gguk…" Taehyung called softly to the younger man who only shook his head. "Jeongguk.." he sighed.

"I know you're scared, I am too, but we can't let him kill any more innocent lives than there have been," Taehyung looked between the younger's two eyes as he moved the warlock's hair out from his face with a soft kiss planted on his forehead.

"I know… I just don't want anything to happen to you" Jeongguk replied softly as he held the prince's hand cupped under his own. 

Whilst looking into each other's eyes, the gazes would shift to look into one eye at a time; the colour, the movement, everything just said trust me; And the warlock did. He did trust the prince, no one else knew but them. Taehyung let the corner of his lips curved up slightly as he saw how confident the warlock looked to him. All he did was place a soft kiss on the younger's lips, the slow, cherished warmth that you get from a long overdue hug. That's what they needed; that's what calmed them and kept them from fearing the worst.

"Don't get yourself hurt out there hyungie" Jeongguk muttered. "It would be stupid if you did" he giggled.

Taehyung wanted to reply in a cocky manner, but he didn't, he knew that the warlock was right. All the red haired prince did was nod softly against Jeongguk's forehead. "You know i wouldn't, you've seen me practice against Jin-hyung"

"But that's just practice and you know how Jin-hyung is in combat," Jeongguk pointed out.

"That is true, but he has taught me that I must be ready for any attack that I can and cannot see coming" He softly grazed the other's ear with his fingers. "You've seen how quick I am on my feet"

"...When?" The warlock questioned as he leant into the touch.

"The day I saved you" was all he said and he didn't need to say more. Jeongguk knew and from his own memory, the prince was fast to catch him before he fell, the prince was fast to get an ingredient that would've been for a potion, the prince would always be there fast for him.

"I wish I had done more for you," Jeongguk whispered. The other shook his head.

"You've done so much already, you saved me from being crushed by one of the chandeliers, you saved me from that horrid sorcerer and you even found a way so we can actually kill this dead knight walking" Taehyung explained.

"I just hope that the sword works…" The warlock sighed.

"It will, I trust you and… what was the dragon's name again?" Taehyung asked softly.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now