Chapter 36: Whispers Of the Night.

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It had been a day. The sun had set and night had fallen over the campsite. The fire was flickering away and the knights gathered round, all telling one another stories of their childhood, stories of their family that were miles away and stories about legends from their villages. Laughter filled the night as each smaller group made joking remarks, but three males were quiet as they sat by the prince's tent. They held their bowls that had broth of sorts, it was warm and nice for the cold night.

Taehyung glanced at the warlock before looking over at the rest of his men. It was the night they decided to tell the rest of the knights about them. The prince would be lying if he said he was nervous, he could tell just by the way Jeongguk would take small sips of his meal that he was nervous too. The red haired male looked at Jin, who saw out of the corner of his eye that the other looked at him. Jin nodded lightly and Taehyung did the same to him.

"Men! I have an announcement to make!" Taehyung exclaimed as he placed his bowl down on the group beside his feet and stood up.

"Now, before I say what I have to…. Well… need to say, I want every single one of you to promise me that you will not say a word under any circumstances about this to anyone- including my father-"

"Why? What's so important about it?" Bae Joon questioned with a snicker.

"You idiot, if he says not to tell the king then it's a personal matter" a Knight next to him slapped his shoulder. "Sorry, your highness, continue"

"Thank you," Taehyung nodded. "Now, as you all know, Jeongguk has been appointed as my personal… helper.. by my father, as of a few days ago when I was gone, I had taken Jeongguk to his village to see if that woman- you remember her?" Taehyung asked the men.

The knights nodded their heads as they knew who he meant.

"Well…she killed everyone who lived there, including Jeongguk's eomma" Taehyung cleared his throat as he looked back at the warlock who was watching intently.

"Whilst there, we discussed a few things in regards to how…" Taehyung took a breath. "How we feel about one another-"

"In what sense?" The knight who apologized from before asked softly, making all the other knights look at him. "What? You're all curious too" he shrugged.

"In the romantic sense" The prince let it set in the knights minds for a second as they all looked at him wide eyed. "We are partners, Boyfriend's if you must"

"But what about the bloodline?" Bae Joon asked.

"Again, idiot, we all know that Taehyung just wants to love someone as they are, he doesn't care about the bloodline much and anyway there are ways" The knight spoke up in defence for the prince and warlock.

"Thank you, Dae Sung," Taehyung smiled. "Now as I said before, I don't want any of you to say a word, not even a whisper about this around the castle, got it?" He was glaring at the knights, almost like he was drilling the information into them.

"Yes, Sire!" They all replied.

"Good, now back to how you were," Taehyung sat back down and then picked up his bowl again to continue to eat.

"Taehyungie, are you sure they won't say anything?" Jeongguk questioned quietly, feeling unsure about the situation.

"I'm very sure love, it'll be okay" The prince replied as he took the warlock's hand in his own hand and gave it a squeeze of reassurance.

"Your Highness" Dae Sung spoke aloud as he placed his empty bowl down and stood up and walked over to the prince and younger male. "I swear under the blood oath of the knights, I will not say a word" he knelt down onto one knee and bowed to the two of them.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now