Chapter 71: Reassurance.

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Their day was long, and it was restless for the two males. One was impatient, the other nervous and plagued with doubts. The evening rolled around, and they both just wanted to wind down and enjoy each other's company. So after their dinner they decided to go have a bath together. The older one suggested that a nice bath would help relax them and they could talk about the announcement that he'll have to do.

The two sat in the hot water of the bath; the warlock's back laying against Taehyung's chest, sitting between the other's legs. Jeongguk's head was against Taehyung's shoulder as he relaxed in the water, feeling the other caress his cheekbone and brush against his hair. It was still calm even. The way that there wasn't any noise but the repeating rhythmic of a drip hitting the water in the bathtub.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Taehyung softly asked, not wanting to scare the male more.

"What else is there to talk about? You know how scared I am about the fact that the people may not like me or just be afraid of the fact I have magic -"

Taehyung took the warlock's jaw between his fingers. "The fact that we have magic, but do continue baby"

"Right, yes, but…" He sighed. "...they'll forgive you because you're their king, I'm just some commoner who was ordered to be your personal servant, who just happen to use magic and not be killed"

"Jeongguk, you know I don't like using the term servant. You've known that for years now, what's going through your head, my love?" Taehyung questioned as he looked into the warlock's eyes.

Jeongguk's facial expression shifted from being stiff to dropping. Tears had formed in his eyes, and he tried to hide his face in his lover's neck.

"I don't want them to hate you. You shouldn't be hated by the people who should love you," Jeongguk sobbed.

"Oh sweetheart, my love, my darling," Taehyung pulled the male closer. "As I said earlier today, if they hate me so much for using magic and loving you, then they can leave the kingdom, that's up to them, and it can't be on us,"

Taehyung spoke so softly into the warlock's ear whilst holding him tight that he knew when the other started to calm down from his cries by the way he took deep breaths.

"All I hope…is that.." Jeongguk took a breath. "..they support you, support us… because I would absolutely hate myself if they hated you."

Taehyung sighed. "Then I'll love the both of us more than you'll hate yourself, if you do."

"Stop being so sweet," Jeongguk smiled as he looked back up at the older male.

"Never." Taehyung shook his head and wiped the rest of the tears away from the warlock's face.

Jeongguk just looked at the older male with a loving gaze; the type of gaze you wouldn't see whilst in a public space. It was soft, genuine, and above all, just pure love. The softest smile and the soft eye smile, too. The type of look of which you could just see the love radiating off of him. It was so pure.

Taehyung placed a kiss against the warlock's forehead before saying. "The water's getting cold. Let's get out and snuggle in our bed, I have a sneaking suspension tonight, which will be slightly colder than last,"

"How can you tell?" The younger man asked. "Is it the clouds - or the lack thereof? Or the winds coming from the east?"

The older male laughed. "It was the birds. They went quite as soon as we entered our bath," Taehyung pointed out.

"Oh-" Jeongguk nodded slightly. "So it'll be cold once we step out of the water?"

"Yes, tell you what though, I'll go out first and bring you a towel so I can wrap you up in it and keep you all warm till you get changed" Taehyung looked at Jeongguk with a loving gaze. "That's fair, right?"

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now