Chapter 30: Talks Of The Night.

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After the two had sat and watched the sunset by the warlocks, eomma's makeshift grave. The prince stood up and walked over to the horse which was grazing on the grass further away from the rivers bank and grabbed a blanket from the back of the saddle and the bag they had packed for their journey. The blanket itself was thick and would be warm enough for the both of them, so there wasn't much of a worry about being cold and they could just cuddle up together if needed.

Taehyung turned to look at the younger who looked to be looking at his eomma's grave but could be looking past it towards the water. He sighed and walked closer aa he noticed how the warlock shivered slightly from the cool night air. Without a second thought the prince placed the blanket over the younger's shoulders before he sat down next to him.

"Here, I don't want my baby to be cold" Taehyung smiled as he opened the bag they had with food.

"But what about you hyungie?" Jeongguk asked as he held the blanket to keep it from slipping off. His eyes were trained to what the prince was doing.

"I'll be fine, I've trained to able to sleep anywhere and in any weather" The prince gave a soft wave as if to tell the other male not to worry.


"No buts- trust me" the red haired male smiled.

Jeongguk only pouted a bit with a slight glare of stubbornness. He released a sigh which made his shoulders drop and looked down at the blanket that almost drowned him in the material. He looked back to the prince to see him get up and walk towards the forest side more.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he silently watched.

"Getting firewood" He heard as a reply from the prince who was walking around the grass by the tree trunks for thick and thin branches.

Jeongguk only nodded to himself as he watched the prince walk around the grass and pick up fallen branches and thicker pieces of fallen tree trunks that were from smaller dead trees. Taehyung walked back over with his arms full, carrying a hefty load of wood in his arms, small pieces on top with the bigger on the bottom.

"Now, this goes like this …. And this goes here" Taehyung muttered as he placed some of the more medium sized branches in a small circle as he kept the rest to the side and put the smaller branches in the middle. "And.."

Taehyung taps his pockets on his pants and around his body as if trying to find something. "I don't have it, I must have left it back in my quarters" he sighed.

"Left what..?" Jeongguk questioned.

"My flint and steel lighter" he huffed as he sat down properly, trying to think of another way to light the fire. 


"I'm trying to think, Ggukie" Taehyung replied as he closed his eyes with his hand on his face.

"Taehyungie.." Jeongguk tried again with a giggle.

"Shh.. quiet your adorable giggles" Taehyung smiled slightly.

"Did you forget I can use magic?" Jeongguk questioned softly as he stared at the prince with a playful smile on his lips.

"I just wanted to be romantic though" Taehyung whined softly. "..Go on then" he smiled back.

"in igne" Jeongguk muttered as he looked at the branches set up nicely in the spot they were. Then the wood caught on fire and started to spread across the different small branches.

"Thank you" Taehyung placed a kiss on the younger's cheek before placing some more medium sized branches on the fire to make it bigger.

"You're welcome" The warlock giggled.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now