Chapter 15: An Unformulated Plan

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The noise of the birds chirping away outside the window to the warlocks right as he sat upon the prince's bed. Taehyung had called the few of them to gather in his quarters to work out what they could do to defeat the evil scorer that lived in the castle. Yoongi had sat by the prince's table along with Jimin and the warlock kept close to the red haired prince, he felt safest with him for some reason. It wasn't for some reason, he knew deep down, he just knew why. His feelings for the prince kept coming into play and he had told himself many times that he should let it get too far. Every time he told himself to focus on the logical side of things, his heart said otherwise. 

Jeongguk didn't want all his decisions to be based on his heart's play, he wanted his decisions to be based on his mind's making. It was a battle internally and his mind was losing without reason. The warlock wanted nothing more to either forget about his feelings or to just give in, but he knew he was too stubborn for that. He'd fight with his logic over the heart's needs, well more like wants. 

"I don't get it, even if the King is under her spell shouldn't he be fighting it? And even more so killing her?" Jimin asked as he looked at the other three there. 

Jeongguk stiffened at the mention of the death penalty and glaced at Taehyung, who looked like he had held his breath from the comment by the other. The prince gave the warlock a glance back before letting out his breath slowly 

"Jimin-ssi, with due respect, I think her power is stronger and that in itself, is enough to keep the king under the influence…" Jeongguk chose his next few words carefully. "And anyway, it seems to be a love spell and you know what the saying is"

"Love is blind, I get it…" Jimin replied. "You're right and even under that… spell he would blind to her actions and not even kill her anyway" 

"Exactly, so we don't even know what she has planned," Taehyung pointed out. "All we know is that she wants to take over the kingdom… well she's starting too anyway.." he sighed. 

"So…" Yoongi cleared his throat. "What did the dragon say then..?" 

"All he said was to watch her, find her weaknesses and figure something out," Jeongguk replied. "...I don't know what though" he rubbed his face with his hand. 

"It's not long till the celebration…so we need to work it out fast" Jimin mentioned. 

"Celebration…?" Jeongguk asked, feeling confused as he looked at the prince. 

"Yes, a celebration… for the king and her wedding, it's coming up in about two weeks or so," Jimin explained with a nod of his head. 

"And you told us this now Jimin-hyung…?" Taehyung asked as he looked at the other. 

"You should know, Taehyung…" Jimin blinked. "Wait you don't…?" 

"No..? My father didn't tell me anything, nor did that woman, so I only just found out now" The prince replied. 

"Oh…" Jimin whispered. "Maybe they were going to tell you today??" He shrugged. 

"Probably.." The red haired male sighed. 

"We should head back before they notice and Taehyung you need to start your training" Yoongi mentioned as he stood up from the chair. 

"Now that you mentioned it, yes.." Taehyung sighed. "See you guys later, stay safe" 

"We will," Jimin nodded. The two left the prince's quarters and left the other two alone. 

Jeongguk stood up from the prince's bed and quickly patted the blankets just to make sure that there weren't any wrinkles made by himself, though there were plenty in the white and golden design, probably from when the prince would sleep and toss and turn during the night. He felt the other's gaze on him. Burning into the side of his head making him turn to look at the other. 

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now