Chapter 96: "I Don't Need Help Just Yet Hyungie"

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The couple had decided to stay the night in the field so as to not tire themselves out for the journey back to the castle. Thankfully, Taehyung had packed some extra clothing for them and knew how to set up a fire. Though he regrets not bringing a packed tent for them. So they'd have to snuggle up under a thin blanket by the fire. Thankfully, though, it was summer, so the nights were quite warm.

The warlock sat by the fire that his husband had started and stared at its flames. The flames danced around the sticks and dry grass that had been placed in it. He suddenly didn't know how to sit. He didn't know if he was allowed to be hunched over or curled into himself. His eyes fluttered as he slowly moved his hand over his stomach, clutching his tunic.

He didn't know what to think; he was happy, sure. But he was also scared. Terrified. There was a lot going on in his mind. Some thoughts of how their people would react, would they believe their silly little lie of him having to go off on a trip and, most importantly, at least to him, would he be a good father?

"Love..." Taehyung called as he saw how the younger was slowly slipping more and more into his mind. "My love..?"

Taehyung let out a sigh before he walked back over to his husband and knelt down by him. He placed a hand on Jeongguk's shoulder before moving his head so he was eye to eye with his husband.

"Baby?" Taehyung called again. This time, however, the other looked up at him slowly, his eyes wide and about to well up with tears again.

"Oh..My sweet, sweet baby," Taehyung whispered as he moved to sit down properly and pull the younger to his chest to hold him close. "It's okay, hmm? Why are you feeling upset?"

"I.. I'm terrified, hyungie.." Jeongguk sobbed.

"What about..? Hmm?" Taehyung rocked them back and forth softly.

"What if I.. what if I'm a terrible father..?" Jeongguk stammered out softly.

Taehyung shook his head. "You'll be an excellent father, wanna know how I know?"

"How?" Jeongguk asks as he sniffs.

"I've seen how you look after the children in the village," Taehyung explained. "They love you, and you treat them with such kindness as if they were your own, even before we left to come here you helped that little girl who was hurt and'll be an amazing father"

"You really think so?" Jeongguk questioned as he looked up at the older male.

"Of course.. and if you ever had doubts ever again, we'll talk it out, okay?" His voice was sincere and soft.

"Okay, thank you, hyungie.." the warlock thanked as he took a deep breath to stop his tears. "So.. what are you hoping for?"

"In our child?" Taehyung confirmed it to the younger one. Jeongguk nodded back as he leant against the other. "Hmm, I would hope that they would be a great leader to the kingdom when it's their time to rule, I hope they're loved by the old and new and I hope they are respect and are written in the story of what our kingdom is.. that's all I would hope for"

Jeongguk sat there speechless but also happy. He, too, would hope for the same. He, too, hoped that their child would grow to be a great leader. No matter what gender they were, he hoped that they'd be given respect and that they get given kindness.

"I hope for the same.." Jeongguk replied. "I hope they have your kindness and charm, hyungie," He giggled.

"I hope they have your sweetness and strong will," Taehyung replied with a smile. "I hope they're the perfect mix of us,"

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now