Chapter 14: Questions with A Limited Amount of Time.

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The moon rose slowly after the sunset, with the stars slowly blinking into existence and fluttering like fireflies across the moonlit sky. Jeongguk slowly snuck his way around the quarters yet again, but this time without an annoying voice booming from the dragon below ground. He was kinda happy the dragon wasn't shouting for him but also this time he was going to the creature out of his free will.

The warlock had no idea if the dragon would want to see him or not. Well the scaly creature had no choice in the matter, Jeongguk was going to see him and that was that. So with the familiar torch in hand, he lit it again with the spell he knew well and wandered down the stairs and through the halls that harbored cells that held sleeping prisoners, snoring to their heart's content. He passed the same guards, silently hoping that the dragon knew he was coming and put a sleeping spell on them. He hoped anyway. Though he wasn't going to risk it.

Coming to the steep staircase he had been down before, his hair bouncing as he went down each step and almost falling into his eyes. He gulped when he slowly came to the last couple of steps. He could see his breath and wondered how it became so cold below the castle, soon he felt warm as he heard chains shift and run across large borders and stones, some smoothed and craved by the chains, others gagged and sharp from indents of claw marks. Just by the sound of the chain moving you could hear the difference.

Then a huge gust of wind blew against him blowing the fire he had set out, with a huff he relit it and held it up to see the dragon's eyes and some of the scaly features on his face.

The warlock cooked his eyebrow up to say 'really?'  As the dragon has blown the torch out.

"Ah! young warlock, What troubles have you come to tell me?" His voice sounded airy and a bit rough, that sort of tang in the back of the throat.

"You should know…" Jeongguk sighed. "There is this woman, she had cast a spell on the king to make him fall in love with her and I suspect she wants to take over the kingdom" He explained to the dragon in front of him.

"You mean we.." the dragon chuckled.

"...'we'..?" The male questioned as he looked at the dragon confused.

"Yes, 'we'.." the winged creature nodded. "Taehyung, you and his other friends, you all suspect it" he tilted his head. "Don't you..?"

"Well, of course..we do.." Jeongguk nodded. "More so Taehyung, really.." he bit his lip.

"How so…?"

"Don't you already know?" Jeongguk asked, knowing the dragon was cocky about what he did and didn't know.

"I want to hear it from you, young warlock" the dragon looked at him, his golden eyes filled with knowing.

"I had to tell him I'm a magic user too, okay? Happy?"

The dragon only laughed at the male and hid the stone beneath him with his claws hands, making rubble fall to the bottom of the cell.

"I do not fear that prince of yours, he's a real protector that's for sure" the creature kept laughing.

"What do you mean?" The warlock asked softly.

"What I mean is, he's going to be doing a lot more protecting you than you are for him," the laughter continued.

"You're talking to someone who can use magic, you know" The male huffed.

"Yes, but which one of you can use a sword?" He questioned while laughing at the poor male.

"Very funny," Jeongguk sighed. "So.. about the woman..?"

"Yes, yes of course, her" the dragon cleared his throat. "Watch her closely, find her weaknesses and most importantly…"

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now