Chapter 34: The First Hunt.

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The prince and warlock had gone back into the castle to get ready for the first hunt they had to do as the king's weird punishment. They were in the armory as the prince got his armor on and tightened it to his body. Jeongguk just stood off to the side and watched as that's what he was told to do. Taehyung didn't want him to do all the annoying things that were easy for himself to do. He didn't understand why his father would have people do the smallest things for them as it's easy to do themselves. So Taehyung just did it himself and he didn't want his boyfriend to do any labor as it was against his personal morals.

Jeongguk stood with a pout on his lips, eyeing his boyfriend. He was waiting till the prince was done so he could get one last kiss before they left, for who knows how long for this hunt. He crossed his arms over his chest as he waited. As much as the warlock wanted to be cheeky and cast a spell that would move an object or something similar, he didn't. It would waste time and they both wanted to get this over and done with.

"Alright, all set" Taehyung turned to his boyfriend with a smile, only to be met with the other's pout.

"What?" Taehyung chuckled out. "What is it baby?"

"Well… since we will be out hunting with the other knights for… who knows how long.." He trailed off a bit. "I was thinking… that we kiss before we leave so we don't have the …need later"

" that's what that pout is for huh?" Taehyung chuckled as he saw how the warlock threw him a little glare. "Alright. Alright."

The prince walked closer to the warlock and wrapped his arms around his waist as he pulled him closer. Taehyung smiled as he saw the corner of the warlock's lips turn upwards for a second before going back to the pout. The prince shook his head lightly before leaning down and placing his lips against the younger males softly. That softness didn't last long however, as the warlock kissed back and moved his hands up to be in the prince's hair, running his fingers and gripping the strands of the red colour between them. The prince lifted Jeongguk up and placed him on the table nearby, as he let his hands roam around his body, getting dangerously close to slipping up and under the younger's blue tunic.

"Tae-" Jeongguk tried to speak through the kiss when he took a breath.

Taehyung pulled away lightly as he placed his forehead against the other's. "Hmm? What is it?"

He was eyeing the other's slightly bruised lips. Jeongguk noticed that stare and smiled lightly.

"We're going to be late if we keep this up" he whispered but it was loud enough for the older to hear him.

"You're right, you're right" Taehyung lands a light peak on the warlock's lips. "That was one for the road" He winked.

"That's- not fair-" Jeongguk muttered as the prince pulled away and helped him down from the table.

"Nothing is fair darling, but I'll tell you what, if we find a spot that the other knights don't know about, we can sneak off and make out some more, deal?" Taehyung teased.

"Deal," Jeongguk nodded.

"Good" Taehyung smiled. "Now, let's go"

They both walked out of the armory, the warlock making sure that his tunic wasn't stuck halfway up his back or hooked on itself. It wasn't, but he had to make sure. As they stepped out from the armory, the prince closed the door behind them and as soon as they started to walk to where the knights were meeting, they acted like nothing more than prince and servant. Not boyfriend's. Not lovers. It was going to be hard.

The meeting spot was outside the front of the castle. There were many knights standing by their horses with their bags packed on the sides and weapons ready by their hips. The sounds of them murmuring and horses huffing were echoing around the space. The knights looked up as soon as they saw the prince and they waited for him to speak.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now