Chapter 40: "What happened to it?!"

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It was finally the day the group of knights could go back to the castle with all that they've hunted. They killed wild boar, deer, rabbits and more, though they didn't find another unicorn thankfully. The prince and warlock were both just as nervous as each other due to the unicorn horns curse. But the only thing keeping the young warlock's thoughts at bay was him reminding himself that once they get back he'll check if the powdered remains of the horn would do anything to the kingdom. He also had to remind the prince with the same reminder to keep the older calm too.

The group was riding back on their horses, the warlock asleep against the prince, in between his arms as the younger sat in front of him. The knights didn't question a thing as they already knew about the two, plus they saw it as a safety precaution rather than anything else. Why was Jeongguk asleep on their journey back? He didn't get much in the way of sleep due to nightmares of what if thoughts because of the unicorn horn. He was scared for his lover's future kingdom and as well as his own safety being in a place that forbade magic.

As the group got closer to the kingdom, Taehyung decided it was for the best that Jeongguk woke up before they got any closer to the kingdom gates.

"Come on baby, wake up" Taehyung said lightly as he nudged the warlock awake. "We're getting close to the castle and we don't want anyone to assume anything"

"...mmm, just tell them I had a rough night and it was safer …" Jeongguk trailed off, still half asleep.

"Alright" Taehyung shook his head. "Whatever you say" he just accepted that the warlock needed the rest and that he could just make up a good excuse.

They approached the gates of the kingdom and were let in by the guards that were there. One by one they made their way through the small village that had surrounded the castle and slowly made their way up towards it. Taehyung led his horse around to it's stables as a knight who had stayed behind took hold of the reins and directed the horse to where she would be.

"Why is your personal servant sleeping on you, Sire?" The knight questioned. "Especially against your front, if anything he should've slept against your back"

"It was safer for him to sleep against my chest, between my arms, than against my back where I wouldn't have been able to catch him if he fell," Taehyung explained. "He slept uncomfortably last night and I saw how tired he was so I let him sleep some more on the journey back, does that bother you?"

"Not at all, Sire, I understand your kindness to anyone who deserves it" The knight replied.

"I don't think I've met you before formally, what's your name?" Taehyung asked as he took the warlock in his arms before he slipped his leg over the horse's back and slid off the saddle safely.

"Ji-hun, Sire" The knight bowed.

"Ji-hun, hmm" Taehyung hummed. "Could you keep a secret?" He questioned.

"For you? Of course" he nodded.

"Jeongguk, my personal-"

Ji-hun cut him off by bringing a hand up. "You don't need to say servant, he wasn't treated like such, do continue sorry"

"Yes, right," Taehyung nodded. "Anyway, Jeongguk and me and dating-"

"I'll do all that I can to keep both of you safe, Sire" he placed a hand over his chest.

"That's good to know…" Taehyung hummed. "Could you also be a personal guard to me? I had told the group that came with us but I don't trust a few of them" He glanced over at the group.

"Did they swear on the blood oath?" Ji-hun asked.

"They did, yes, but still… I feel like one may say something to my father" Taehyung looked up at the window of the castle where his father would normally stand and watch.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now