Chapter 63: No Harm Done.

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The air stood still around them. Taehyung stood looking at the other, figuring out what he could do that would harm Jeongguk. He looked to the ground and noticed a few weeds that stood out from the rest of the grass. His eyes shifted back to the warlock's; they seemed to be waiting. Hiding a cunning emotion. Though he knew his lover all too well.

Jeongguk stood, waiting for the older man to start his first move. It was like a duel but without the swords and only magic. The warlock had to think of multiple outcomes to different spells that the other might try. He was how the king's eyes moved to the ground.

"Cresco," Taehyung whispered, his eyes glowing gold as he cast the spell.

Jeongguk felt the ground beneath his feet shake a little before he jumped back and rolled to lay on his back. He saw the weeds growing from the grass and huffed.

The weeds made their way to his legs and wrapped themselves around his leg, dragging him along the ground towards the trees. Jeongguk looked at the weeds that were wrapped around his right leg and thought of the spell he knew well.

"Ignis" Jeongguk spoke, his eyes flashing gold as he spoke as the weed on fire. It unraveled itself from his leg quickly and shriveled up from being burnt.

He looked at Taehyung and his eyebrows furrowed. His eyes shifted to being just above the other's head. His eyes flashed gold again as he whispered. "pruina"

Taehyung saw the younger cast his spell and felt a sudden coldness and wetness on his head and shoulders. He felt a shiver go up his spine and looked over his shoulders to see snow on himself. Taehyung also felt the snow shift from his hair as he turned to look back to the warlock who was giggling.

"This isn't funny Jeongguk.." Taehyung huffed. "It's cold!"

"Of course it is! It's snow not fire!" Jeongguk shouted back with a smile as he stood up. "It'll melt in no time" He dusted off his pants.

Taehyung huffed and looked at the warlock. "movere radix"

Jeongguk saw the other's eyes flash golden and looked confused for a second before he felt the ground shift again. He looked down and saw a root rise from the ground by the tree and it knocked him off his feet, making him trip onto his back and let out a groan from the impact.

"Baby!" Taehyung called as he raced over to the warlock. "Oh god- I am so sorry, did I hurt you at all? Anywhere? Legs? Arm-"

"I'm fine, no harm done…" Jeongguk sat up and took a breath. "It just winded me…is all" He coughed. "You know, from the impact"

"Still…I hurt you" Taehyung couldn't look at the warlock who was looking at him with comfort in his eyes.

"No you didn't" Jeongguk turned around and lifted his tunic up. "See..?"

Taehyung looked up and gasped. "I did.."

"Huh..?" Jeongguk asked as he turned his head.

Taehyung touched the younger's back gently, it had a bruise starting to form along his spine in the middle of his back. "I did"

"Tae.." Jeongguk tried to talk but felt the other's forehead touch his back.

"You're hurt, it's going to bruise… but I hurt you" His voice cracked as he spoke. "I didn't want to, I never wanted to.."

"Taehyung" Jeongguk's voice was soft. "There's no harm done, I'm fine" He turned around while letting his tunic fall. "See, hey look at me" He took Taehyung's face in his hands.

The warlock placed his forehead against the kings. "I'm fine" He tried to comfort him.

"I'm going to get Namjoon-hyung to make you a cream… or potion so you heal faster," Taehyung said as he stood pulling the younger man up with him and moving his hands off his face. "That's enough training for today and no buts"

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now