Chapter 60: Nightly Comfort.

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The festivities were slowly coming to an end as the night drew closer. The civilians had slowly left over time and the new King understood why; they were tired. They all were. Especially his lover. Taehyung had noticed that the other had been slowly getting exhausted after time from interactions with everyone. Taehyung sighed softly and looked around, noticing only a few people were left and knew he should start wrapping the night up and have the knights escort the remaining civilians home.

He looked to the knights who stood around the room, they had come back from moving his items from his old quarters to his new one. Taehyung walked up to one of the knights who was standing by the throne room doors and cleared his throat.

"Excuse me" Taehyung called.

"Yes, Sire?" The knight turned to look at the new King.

"Could you please get a few knights to escort the remaining civilians home to the village? I do not want them to walk around at night" Taehyung ask the knight as he looked around at the remaining civilians in the room.

"Of course, Your highness" The knight nodded. "We'll get right on it" He was just about to walk away and give orders to the other knights but Taehyung had stopped him.

"And tomorrow I want all the knights and the others alike to have a day off, everyone was very busy today and they deserve rest" Taehyung smiled. "Could you tell them all that too?"

"Of course Sire! Thank you, you're too kind" the knight bowed before walking off with a smile to tell the rest what the new King had said.

"What did you tell him to do, Taehyung?"  The new King turned to look at the sound of the warlock's voice.

"I just ask if he could get some knights to escort the remaining civilians home and that the others and them alike, will have a day off tomorrow to rest up from today's business." Taehyung smiled as he explained to the other.

"You're always so kind, handsome" Jeongguk smiled with a small wink.

"Did you just..?" Taehyung smirked as he looked at the other with fond eyes, almost shifting to a teasing expression.

"Maybe.." Jeongguk looked away with a shrug and his ears turning red, along with his neck and cheeks before taking a glance at his lover. "..don't look at me like that"

"Like what..?" Taehyung kept his teasing expression present. "Hmm? You'll have to tell me"

"N..not here…" Jeongguk stammered as he looked around the room as the knights had slowly been leaving the throne room with the remaining civilians.

"You're right," Taehyung nodded, shifting to something of an unreadable expression; though it was mixed between stiff and teasing. "Let's head up to my new quarters"

Taehyung placed a hand on the other's lower back and guided him along to the door of the throne room. They made their way into the hall and walked the long path up the halls; the quarters were a little further than his previous, but had been bigger in size, along with the bathroom.

"Taehyungie" Jeongguk spoke softly as they walked.

"Hmm?" Taehyung hummed as they came to the doors of his quarters. It was a double door close to the colour of a rich chocolate.

"Nevermind.." Jeongguk shook his head as he watched the older male open the doors. "I'll tell you once we're inside…"

"You sure..?" Taehyung asked, wanting to make sure. Jeongguk only nodded. "Okay"

Taehyung pushed the doors open and they both walked through. Their jaws dropped once they saw how big the room was, compared to Taehyung's old one. The bed was better than his double, it was, ironically, a king size bed, but instead of the white and gold blankets, it was red and gold. While on the frame it had ingrainings of many different swirl designs with rubies placed at each end. The walls are the colour of bone and the floors are the colour of coal. It was amazingly spacious with a medium round table in the left corner by the door. There was even a desk at the other end of the room past the bed and by the window empty of papers. The candles were lit even though the sun had just finished setting and the light coming through the windows; the windows themselves were lined with red curtains with gold trim matching the blankets on the bed.

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now