Missing - Part 1 - Magneto x Reader

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This is going to be the beginning of another one of my X-Men/Avengers crossovers. I love doing these as I get to include all my favourite characters. This will probably be the start of another long imagine, but I hope you enjoy.

(Y/n) stared out into the Canadian wilderness and breathed deeply. The scent of the pine, her coffee, and the sound of the river that ran past the small cabin filling her senses.

She smiled to herself. A genuine smile that she hadn't shown for a such a long time. Secure in the knowledge that there was no way they could find her. Well, not unless she wanted to be found. She had learnt to cover her tracks perfectly. Learnt from the best. And given her powers, not even Charles could see her mind.

Even though she loved her X-men and Avenger families, (Y/n) needed time to collect her thoughts and figure out my next step. Trying to persuade herself, not to let Tony Stark ruin what she had? Not to let another man take everything away from her.

(Y/n) had ensured that the only person that she had contact with was Fury. She had met up with him the day she left the compound, giving him as brief an explanation as possible, as to why she had to leave for a while. To her utter shock, Fury had seemed to understand, he had merely told her to contact him if she was in any trouble or wanted to return. (Y/n) had left soon after, without a single word to the rest of the team. She had felt guilty and missed them all desperately, especially Natasha and Wanda, the three of them having formed a real connection from day one and becoming the firmest of friends. (Y/n) knowing that out of everyone, Natasha especially, would be disappointed in her for leaving as she had done. But this was something she had to do.

(Y/n) had had left the X-men with Charles' consent and had been a part of the Avengers for quite some time. Her mutation of ability creation meant that she could create any power or ability she wanted or needed, and could pass them to others, even if it was only for a limited time, if she had to. This capability had proved more than useful to the team, and she had found herself fitting in very quickly. And the fact that she was also able to pick up hand to hand combat and the use of weapons immediately, helped with her assimilation, especially with Clint, Bucky and Steve. And meant that they, and the others, felt less of a need to worry about her if for some reason her powers were disrupted.

Like most mutants, (Y/n) hadn't had an easy life, her family abandoning her at an early age, forcing her to do anything and everything she had to do to survive. Originally, they had tried to put her into care, but there was no way (Y/n) was going to stay in one of those homes. Her life being made miserable by the other children who would bully and tease her because of what she was. Because she was different. So, she had quickly escaped, and spent most of her youth on the streets, learning everything she could from whoever she could. That was until that one fateful day.


It had been a freezing cold day, and (Y/n) sat in front of a fire with a few other people, the only person she trusted on the streets sitting down by her side. Josh was much older than (Y/n), he had been a captain in the army for a few years until he was badly wounded in an explosion and lost his leg. When he had returned home his wife had left him for another man. The captain devastated by the betrayal. And through a series of unfortunate events, he had ended up living on the streets.

When (Y/n) first met him, she had taken an instant liking to the soldier. Despite everything that life had thrown at him, he was kind and gentle, and he had taken her under his wing. And even though she had never told him about her mutation, she had always had a feeling that he knew, but didn't care.

(Y/n) made it her mission to look after her captain. He was the only one that had ever cared about her, and that had meant a lot, resulting in a strong bond to form between the unusual pair. (Y/n) would do all she could to make sure that the disabled captain was safe and healthy, and if they hadn't made enough money, (Y/n) would go and steal food just to ensure that they could both eat. It wasn't something so was proud of, but she did what she had to do to keep them both fed. Often having to use her abilities to get away from the police or an irate store owner.

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