Big sister's little surprise - Part 2 - Happy Hogan x Tony Stark x Reader

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Now, I know I promised to introduce the new character in this chapter, buuuuuuut, my stories have a habit of getting away from me, and this one is no different. I always say that it is the characters that write my imagines. It is they that dictate how and what I should write, and I just go with it. I know it sounds a little weird, but that's just me. So, given that, it was Happy that spoke the loudest today. But I promise, hand on heart, that the new character will be in the next part. Promise😄

(Y/n) listened happily to the classical music that filled the car. The sights of upstate New York, slowly turning into the towers of glass, steel and concrete of the city itself. She enjoyed times like this. She enjoyed the quiet of the car. Enjoyed watching the world go by. Harold occasionally asking if she was alright. If she needed anything or wanted to stop off anywhere before they arrived at their destination. The older Stark always smiling and telling him that she was fine, and that no, she needed nothing, and they were fine to just go to the place that they were headed. Harold replying with a smile of his own, through the rear view mirror. The chauffeur/bodyguard having to admit that he appreciated the difference between the two Starks. That he much preferred to drive the good doctor around. That taking Tony to the clubs and returning with a drunk boss and his latest one night stand was not as much fun, as being able to just enjoy the peace that (Y/n) seemed to bring with her. Happy always making sure that the car was just right for when she needed him to take her anywhere.

"Is everything alright, ma'am?" Happy asked, as he heard a huge sigh come from the back of the vehicle. The head of Stark security knowing that if anything was to happen to (Y/n), he would never, ever, hear the last of it from Tony.

"Everything is fine, Harold. I have just realised how much I miss the quiet. How much I sometimes miss my old life. But, no matter how full on Anthony can be. Despite the myriad of personalities that others present me with on a daily basis, now. I don't think that I would change this life for the world. Though that said, my time in this car, is always a much appreciated respite." (Y/n) replied with a soft chuckle. Her eyes moving from the world outside to the eyes of the man in the driver seat.

In truth, Happy didn't know a lot about (Y/n)'s old life. In truth, there weren't many that did. And those that did know, would never know the whole truth. Even before she had graduated Oxford, (Y/n) had been approached by a British agency, with the view to her undertaking a certain role in their organisation. A role that was highly classified and covered by every official secrets act that you could imagine. And that was something that she had done for years, liaising between the British and American governments, until she had returned to the States for good, to keep an eye on Tony after he had been kidnapped by the Ten Rings in Afghanistan. After Obadiah Stane had turned against him. After Tony had revealed himself as Iron Man. And after he was challenged by Ivan Vanko. (Y/n) always feeling guilty for not being able to be with him when he had needed her the most. Not being able to protect or help him, because she had been too deep undercover to get to her brother's side. The older Stark always promising herself that that would never happen again. That the promise that she had made to Anthony when their mother had rested the newborn babe in her arms, would be kept. That she would always be there for him.

"Will you be needing me to wait for you, ma'am?" Happy continued with smile. The big man sure that (Y/n) was the only one that could actually ever make him do that.

"No, Harold. I'll be fine. I am sure that you have far better things to do than wait around all night for me. I'll find my own way home. In fact, I might even spend the night in the city. I am sure that the Ritz-Carlton could find space for little old me for one night." (Y/n) replied, hating the idea of keeping Happy from his own bed, just to wait on her like he did her brother.

"Well, if your sure ma'am. But I'll keep my cell on just in case." Happy told her, as he drew the car up outside the French restaurant on Lafayette Street. The big man quickly exiting the car and racing to the passenger door so that he could open it for the doctor.

"Have a good night, ma'am." Happy added, as he held out his hand and helped (Y/n) from the car.

"Oh, I'm sure that I will, Harold. Thank you. And if Anthony calls you, which I am sure he will. Please don't tell him anything." The doctor replied, smiling at him, before making her way inside the restaurant. Happy nodding as she passed, yet still finding himself wondering, just as much as Tony was, who this old friend of (Y/n)'s could be.


"Going out again........won't tell me where she's going. Some strange man........anything could happen." Tony mumbled, as he made his way back into the labs. Bruce pushing his glasses back up his nose, as he looked up from his work.


"Queenie. She........she's gone out again. Won't tell me where she's going. All she said was she was going out. That she's going on a date. A date with a man." Tony grumbled, as he dropped himself down into the sofa. His arms crossed firmly over his chest. Bruce shaking his head, as he watched the younger Stark pout.

"A date? Well, good for (Y/n). I swear that she spends more time cooped up in here than I do. It's about time that she got out and enjoyed herself. Who's the lucky guy?" Bruce enquired, as he managed to drag himself from his work, and take a seat at his friend's side.

"Don't know. She wouldn't tell me. All she'd say was that he was an old friend. A gentleman. Someone that she trusted. Can't believe that she wouldn't tell me. That she'd keep it a secret." Tony huffed, as he continued to act like a five year old.

"Well, to be honest Tony, if I were (Y/n), I probably wouldn't tell you who it was either." Bruce began, shaking his head yet again, as Tony stared at him. Appearing to be shocked by his comment.

"Don't pretend that you've forgotten that time that she met one of her old professors from Oxford. You stormed into that restaurant like an irate father, demanding to know who he was and what he thought he was doing with your sister..............."

"And? I was trying to protect her from being hurt............."

"You nearly gave the man a heart attack, Tony. The guy was eighty if he was a day. He had been married for nearly sixty years and was the father of four. Grandfather of twelve, and great grandfather of three. You went in, acting like you'd just found your teenage daughter with the local bad boy. So, I really can't blame (Y/n) for not telling you anything. And she deserves to be happy. She spends all her time looking after the rest of us, its about time that someone looked after her." Bruce interrupted, shuddering as he remembered the headlines in the next days paper, and how angry (Y/n) had been.

"Hey! I look after (Y/n). I always..............."

"No, Tony. (Y/n) is the one that looks after you. She is the only one that you will listen to. The only one that can make you go to bed." Bruce interrupted yet again. Chuckling as he recalled how one night (Y/n) had taken Tony by the ear and pulled him out of the labs, after he hadn't slept for three days.

"Laugh it up, green bean. But you're under orders too. Queenie said that she doesn't want to find either of us in this lab when she gets home." Tony replied. Grinning broadly, as Bruce's eyes grew wide. The doctor remembering that on that same night, he had found his own ear in (Y/n)'s other hand, as she had led him to his own room. Not seeming to hear or care about his protests.

"Oh, er........yes.........I.........better just finish off what I was doing then." Bruce said nervously. The doctor knowing that even the Hulk didn't like the idea of getting on (Y/n)'s bad side.

"Chicken." Tony chuckled, as he pulled his phone out from his pocket and dialled a number.

"Ah Happy. Now where did you take Queenie?" Tony began, hoping that the big man would be able to shed some light on his sister's little date.   

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