Ghost - Part 4 - Stephen Strange x Reader

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Suddenly, the cloak of levitation moved, wrapping itself tightly around Stephen and (Y/n)'s forms. The cape throwing the pair out of the way, as the sharp shards of wood and rocks came towards them. The crowd around the duo screaming and shouting, as they quickly ran from the small dance floor. Stephen pulled himself away from (Y/n). His hands reaching up to stop another attack. But before he could do anything, he felt the material of the cloak move away from him body and float up into the air. The magician growing wide eyed, as he saw the cloak take (Y/n) up with it. The beautiful woman appearing like an angel of vengeance, as she hovered above the ground. A dark purple and black mist surrounding her before (Y/n) reached out her hands and moved them steadily. Stephen watching on in disbelief, as a Tao Mandala appeared in front of him, protecting his prostrate form from further attack. The doctor able to feel the Eldritch Magic, as (Y/n) sent out a blast that resembled his Eldritch whip. Orin's body flying backwards through the air, as the magic weapon hit him.

Stephen scurried forward, as (Y/n)'s limp form fell to the floor. The cloak protecting her from the sudden drop. The master magician unable to fathom what he had just seen. (Y/n) had never told him that she was also a magician. That she could conjure up the same magic as he could. And he could certainly not remember Wong mentioning anything about it when he had told him the story of the Dagger of Souls. But questions would wait for another time. Now, well now he had to make sure that (Y/n) was alright.

"(Y/n)?" Stephen asked softly, as he brushed her hair away from her face. The sorcerer shocked that the cloak continued to cling to her protectively, as if it belonged to her. As if being around the woman's shoulders was the right place to be, which Stephen couldn't help but find rather strange. He could still remember when the Ancient One had described the cloak as fickle and that she along with Mordo, had been surprised when it chose him as its master. Stephen always feeling that their words suggested that the cloak hadn't chosen a master in a long time. Or perhaps never at all. And that maybe, when it did choose, it only chooses the most capable of magicians.

Quickly, Stephen got to his feet. Looking over to where Orin still lay, a loud groan coming from the older man as he tried to move. Stephen taking (Y/n) into his arms and carrying her back to the inn. Whatever had happened here, he would find out later. For now, he had to make sure that he and (Y/n) were somewhere safe, just in case Orin tried again.


Stephen dabbed a damp cloth against (Y/n)'s forehead. A small murmur leaving her lips, as she finally began to rouse from her insentient state. The cloak had stubbornly continued to refuse to move from (Y/n)'s form. Instead insisting on helping its master dab at the unconscious woman's brow. The cape seemingly overjoyed, as she slowly opened her eyes.

"(Y/n). How do you feel?" Stephen asked, as he helped a rather groggy looking (Y/n) to sit up. The doctor quickly checking her over, as (Y/n) seemed to do the same to him.

"I'm.......I'm fine.....but what about you? Orin didn't hurt you, did he? I didn't..........?"

"No, no, I am fine." Stephen assured. A relieved sigh leaving (Y/n)'s lips, as he took her hands and squeezed them gently.

"Did I hurt Orin? I didn't mean to. Its just I was angry.......the Ancient One said that I should never get angry." (Y/n) continued. A small chuckle coming from her lips, as the cloak wiped the tear away, that was slowly trickling down her cheek.

"I like your cloak. I had one exactly like it. But..............." (Y/n) began. Her eyes widening, as the cloak thrust a small part of itself in front of her face. The cape pointing at the place that it wanted (Y/n) to see.

"That's impossible. It can't be.............."

"What? What is impossible?" Stephen interrupted. The doctor sure that he had never been more confused in his life.

"This.......this is my cloak. Look, these are the stitches I put in to stop the hem from fraying. The Ancient One gave it to me years ago. She said that it would look after me, if I looked after it. And I did, but one day, it disappeared. I looked everywhere for it. I always thought that Orin had taken it for some reason. That he didn't like me having it...........But how........where did you find it?" (Y/n) explained, as she pulled her hands from Stephens, and showed him the tiny, neat stitches that he had never noticed before.

"It is a little difficult to explain, (Y/n). I had no idea that it was your cloak. That you were a magician.............."

"No, I'm not a magician. Well, not a magician like you and the others. I was born able to control the magic. The Ancient One said that I was special. That one born with the mastery of the magical arts is rare. She has helped me to learn to control my abilities over the years. But sometimes, when I get angry, the other side of my powers rears its ugly head. When the.........when the dark magic comes through. When Dormammu.......... takes control." (Y/n) explained, the cloak holding her tight, as she turned her eyes to the ground. Fearing what Stephen would think of her confession. Fearing what he might think of her.

Stephen had to admit that he was slightly shocked. He knew that the Ancient One drew power from the Dark Dimension to fuel her immortality. That others like Loa, Morgan le Fay, and Kaecilius could also use its power. But this felt different. Stephen feeling that if (Y/n) was born with the natural ability to control not only Eldrich Magic but also Dark Magic, she could, in the right, or wrong hands, become an even greater sorceress than the Ancient One herself. And that was perhaps why the sorceress kept her close. Perhaps that was why she had given her the cloak. The ancient woman maybe having seen what could happen to the world, if (Y/n) was ever corrupted.

"You should have him back. If the cloak left me to be with you, then it is only right that you should have him." (Y/n) said, finally breaking the silence, as she tried to pull the cloak from her shoulders. The cape stubbornly refusing to budge.

"No, (Y/n). I think that he belongs with you." Stephen replied, as he placed his hand under her chin, and raised her head so that he could look into her eyes. The Master of the Magical Arts now knowing that he not only had to protect (Y/n) from Orin, but also Dormammu too. That even though he had been able to use the Eye of Agamotto to trap the primordial inter-dimensional entity in an endless time loop until he agreed to leave Earth and take Kaecilius with him, in his own time. In this time, whatever time and dimension this was, it could be a very different case. And that all he could do now, was stay by (Y/n)'s side, and hope that he would get a chance to speak with the Ancient One. To hopefully find out why he had actually been brought there.

"I think that we should get you to your bed. You need some rest." Stephen said, as he once again took (Y/n) into his arms and moved through the homely inn.

"Yes. You're right. But only if you promise that you'll stay with me." (Y/n) agreed. Her head nuzzling into his neck, as she felt Stephen slowly nod. 

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