Lost girl - Part 10 - Bucky Barnes x Reader

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"So, can you really turn things to stone.............?"

"How are you with a bow...............?"

"Does all your hair do that snake thing.............?"

"Do you become a snake...........?"

"What about wings............?

"Could I make you some special glasses............?"

(Y/n) looked around the Avengers that had surrounded her. Trying her best to answer all their questions that they were bombarding her with. The gorgon unable to stop herself smiling, as she looked at all the smiles that were coming back at her. Not for one moment had she expected that this would happen. She had convinced herself that threatening a god would have been considered a bad thing. Even if that god was the God of Mischief. But as the earth's greatest heroes crowded around her, it would seem that she had been wrong.

"Er......yes, I can really turn things to stone. Wouldn't be much of a gorgon if I couldn't." (Y/n) chuckled, as she began to reply to the varied enquiries.

"I'm not bad with a bow if I get my hands on one. Could do with some practice though. It has been a while." The gorgon continued, as she looked up at the seemingly delighted archer.

"And yes......When I'm annoyed, my entire head turns into a writhing mass of white snakes. Although if I want, I can do what you saw earlier. That said, they don't really like being touched, so the little wrigglers can sometimes have a mind of their own, and come out of their own accord."

"As far as me turning into a snake and the wings things are concerned, the answers are, sort of, and yes. That's the full extent to my change. I suppose that you could say that I look like a mix of a weird mermaid, and a harpy. Only my legs become a snake's tail, though my top half does get scales on it too. My wings are large, black, feathered things. I am quite an interesting sight when I fully change. Not that you could really look at me..........." (Y/n) chuckled.

"And I would only really need glasses for when the snakes appear. Until then, I'm safe. After that though, if you were to see my eyes, I am afraid that the only thing you would be useful for, was a water feature. I do use sunglasses, but they aren't perfect. So, perhaps, if you wanted, glasses would be good." (Y/n) explained. A soft blush coming to her cheeks, as Tony winked at her. The billionaire relishing the chance to see what he could create for the beautiful gorgon. And if she was to become a permanent fixture in the tower, maybe something for the rest of them, just in case.

"So.......so you don't want me to leave then? After what I did, I thought that you might all want......"

"Leave? Who said you were leaving? No one wants you to leave." Sam interrupted, as he moved closer to (Y/n)'s side. The Falcon completely ignoring the murderous glare coming from Bucky.

"Yeah, it was only Loki. And he did bring it on himself. If you ask me, you let him off easy. If I could do what you could do, his ass would have been rock as soon as he got here from Asgard." Clint interjected. The archer imagining the delight of pushing a stone Loki off the top off the helipad of the tower and watching him shatter into a million pieces below.

"See, I told you it would be ok, doll." Bucky told her with a soft smile. (Y/n) feeling a sense of happiness that she hadn't felt before. A sense of belonging that she had never known.

"If it would be alright, I would really like to be able to test your abilities, (Y/n). We've never come across anyone like you before................."

"I wouldn't say that, Doctor Banner." A voice suddenly interrupted. The team turning to see Fury standing in the doorway. (Y/n) looking over at Bucky, as the director moved into the room.

"Hello Director Fury. I suppose that security guy downstairs contacted you about the agent Medusa thing, right?" (Y/n) asked, as she got to her feet and made her way over to a slightly confused Bucky.

"Right. If I'd have known that all it would take was Sargent Barnes to bring you in, I would have sent him myself a long time ago." Nick replied, as he made his way into the room. Bucky and the others looking between the gorgon and the director. The rest of the team as confused about all this, as Bucky was.

"Maybe you should have. Or perhaps you should have tried sending agents that didn't want and kill me when they came after me. That would have helped. As far as I was concerned, S.H.I.E.L.D agents seemed to be just as bad as Hydra operatives when they have guns aimed at you." (Y/n) retorted angrily. The gorgon relaxing a little, as she felt Bucky's hand slip into hers.

"You........you knew about her?" Tony asked, as (Y/n) and Fury continued to look at one another.

"Oh, he knows about me alright. S.H.I.E.L.D and Hydra have both known about my existence for quite a while. And both have sent people after me. Unfortunately, none of them seemed to be suitably equipped to deal with my particular powers. And despite the fact that I had no intention of hurting anyone, they didn't seem to like it when I informed them that I had no desire to go with them. That I had no desire to be used. That's why I live on the streets, it makes it harder for them to find me. For them to try and hurt me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you any of this James, but you see the last time that some agents found me, rather than wanting to bring me in, I was told that they were there to kill me instead. To make sure that I didn't fall into the hands of Hydra." (Y/n) explained, as she looked at the old soldier. Bucky's hand gripping hers tighter, as her story unfolded.

"It was nothing personal Miss (Y/l/n). You are just far too dangerous to have wandering the streets of the city. Your abilities, as Doctor Banner noted, are different to any others that we have come across. You are a walking weapon. A weapon that needs to be controlled and monitored. Your capacity to constantly disappear into the crowd, rather disconcerting. Yet now it would appear that you have come in of your own accord............."

"I am not here because of you or S.H.I.E.L.D. I am here because of James. And if he and the others want me to stay. To see what I am capable of. Then I will be happy to do that. But, I will never work for someone that sent people to kill me. That gave me no other option but to turn his agents to stone." (Y/n) interrupted. Steve quickly getting to his feet, as he saw the look on his old friend's face. It obvious that Bucky wasn't taking kindly to the notion that agents had been sent to kill his lost girl. That S.H.I.E.L.D was one of the reasons that she was lost in the first place.

"Perhaps, for now, we should leave this. It's been a long day for all of us. We are happy to have (Y/n) here. So, you needn't worry about her being on the streets anymore, director." Steve told Nick. Doing his best to be as diplomatic as possible.

"What Rogers here really means, is that you can get the hell out of my tower." Tony added, as he moved to stand by Steve's side. The billionaire not knowing whether he should be shocked by what (Y/n) had said or not. Though really liking the fact that he could tell the director to get out of his building. Fury just nodding, as he turned and made for the door.

"Welcome to the team, Miss (Y/l/n)." Fury called out as he left the room. The director not caring how she had come to be in the tower. Only caring that now the deadly creature was somewhere he could keep an eye on her.  

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