An old friend - Part 4 - Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Reader

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(Y/n) looked in amazement at the bustling city that sprawled out before her. Paris at once so different, yet so familiar, as the two other soldiers led her through the streets. The boys having finally wrestled their old friend from Tony's grasp. The captain couldn't help but feel her heart gladden, as she saw all the happy faces of those that walked by. Of all the joy and love their seemed to be. The last time that she had stepped foot onto these boulevards and avenues, the war was far from being over. German troops marched in formation down the streets, stopping and searching any citizen they wished. Staff cars with generals in them, made their way down the Champs-Élysées. Nazi flags hug from all the government buildings. And all lived in fear. All dreading what the invading forces could and would do next.

(Y/n) herself had been stopped on a number of occasions. The soldiers demanding to see her identity card, as they looked her up and down. Some of them joking in German that they would like to take her back to their barracks. About all the things they would like to do to her. (Y/n) always biting her lip. Always preventing herself from replying. From telling them that she would rather die than have anything to do with men like them. Preventing herself from luring the soldiers into a dark alley, so that she could take care of them in a very different way. (Y/n) always telling herself that if the Nazi's found two of their own dead, then it would make life worse for everyone. That the Germans would clamp down, and things would get tougher. That it would make the job of her little Resistance cell, and all the other cells, so much harder.

"So, what do you think, Captain (Y/l/n)?" Tony asked, as he caught up with the three old soldiers.

"Well, Paris is Paris. There is still the Eiffel Tower. Still the Arc de Triomphe. Still Sacre Coeur, and Notre Dame. Still so many sights and smells that I know. Yet so much is different. There are so many things that I will have to get used to. But the old place is still as beautiful. In that respect, Paris will never change. And it's (Y/n), please." (Y/n) replied with a smile. The billionaire flashing the captain a wide smile of his own, as the team continued on their way to the café on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées.

(Y/n) couldn't help but smile to herself, as Steve and Bucky tighten the grip on her arms. So many times, she had wished that she could have done this when they were all young, well, when they had been young in the 40s. How she wished that her two boys could have been with her as she had done her little part to bring down the Nazi war machine from the inside. How she had wished that they had been better times, and that the three of them could have just enjoyed the city, rather than having to fight. But at least they were here now. And soon she would be back home. The captain wondering just how much her hometown would have changed after all these long years.

"(Y/n), doll. What is it?" Bucky asked, as (Y/n) suddenly came to an abrupt stop. Her eyes fixed on a small lane that branched off one of the main avenues.

"I..........." (Y/n) began, as she pulled her arms from those of Steve and Bucky, and slowly moved towards the lane.

"I just have to see something. To see if it's still................." (Y/n) trailed off, as without another word, she ran. The team once again staring at one another, before they realised that it would probably be a good idea to follow. Especially as she was S.H.I.E.L.D's newest asset. And Fury wouldn't be too happy if she got away. That, and a one hundred year old woman, really shouldn't be left to wander the streets of a city all by herself. Even if she was a super soldier that still looked as though she were in her early 20s.

(Y/n) stopped as she reached the little, out of the way place. The captain standing before it in disbelief. Even after all these years, it looked the same. The paint around the large window and doorframe was still flaking. The chairs and tables that sat outside underneath the small canopy, looked as they did eighty years before. The odour of freshly brewing coffee and warm croissants still filled the air. And (Y/n) couldn't help but feel as though she were home. She had spent two years of her life in and around this café. Two years that in some ways had been the hardest and worst years of her life, but in others had been the best, filled with friendships and a camaraderie that would stay with her until the end. Hesitantly, she placed her hand on the door. Her heart pounding violently, as she pushed it slowly. The little bell above the door ringing out happily, as it informed all those inside that there was a new customer. That an old friend had come to call.

Once again, her mind began to drift. Once again, she was back to a time before she had been captured. Before she had been taken, tortured and experimented on. Before she had been frozen by her tormentors and left. Forgotten by time. Stepping into the intimate café, she could see the patrons sat at the tables, sipping on their coffee. She could see the German officers as they drank down copious amounts of red wine. As they caused nothing but a nuisance of themselves. Talking too loudly. Singing. Smacking the backsides of the waitresses, as they went about their work. The young woman doing their best to avoid the drunken men.

"Mademoiselle?" A voice suddenly came. (Y/n) looking at the young man in front of her.

"Vous disposez d'une cave. J'ai besoin de le voir." (Y/n) informed the waiter. The young man furrowing his brows, as he wondered why someone would demand to see the cellar of all things.

"Mademoiselle. Je.............."

"S'il vous plaît monsieur. J'ai besoin de le voir. C'est important." (Y/n) continued, as she took hold of the man's arm. The waiter still unable to understand why anyone would think that their cellar was so important. But given the desperate look in the beautiful woman's eyes, how could he refuse.

"Bien sûr, Mademoiselle. C'est juste de cette façon." The blonde man replied, gesturing for her to follow him into the back room.


"Where the hell is she? I swear that we are gonna have to put a bell on that one." Clint said, as he and the others looked around the lane. Their eyes scanning the multitude of shop and café fronts, looking for any sign of the captain.

"She has to get used to things, alright. She's only been back in the world a few days. Why don't you try it, Barton? See how much sense the world makes to you, after I freeze your ass for eighty years." Bucky growled in reply. Nat and Steve standing between the pair, as the soldier and archer glared at one another.

"That looks promising." Tony suddenly interjected. Pointing to a café that looked just like any of the others on the street. The only difference being that the door to the establishment was open.

"Come on Buck. Let's go and check it out." Steve said, as he turned Bucky away from Clint, and pushed him towards the little eatery.

"Excusez-moi monsieur." Steve began, cringing at his own terrible French accent, as he Bucky, and then the rest of the team piled into the small establishment.

"Je, euh........ une jeune femme........" The captain continued. Doing his best to try and think of what little French he knew.

"What he means is, did some crazy woman just come racing in here?" Clint interjected. The description of (Y/n) being crazy, eliciting death stares from Steve as well as Bucky.

"Ah, oui monsieur. Ze Mademoiselle asked to see ze cellar. I showed her ze way, and she asked if I could give her a moment." The waiter replied, this time gesturing for the group to follow him into the back. Opening the door to the room beneath. Bucky and Steve making their way into the gloom.

"(Y/n)...............?" Steve called out, as the pair stepped tentatively down the old stone steps, that had been wore through years of use. Their eyes growing wide, as they caught a glimpse of (Y/n), who was sitting on the damp cobbled floor.

"It's just the same. Its all just the same. It still smells of aging cheese, old wine and mould. I can still hear the voices and see the faces of Alexander, Monique and the others. I can hear the voices from upstairs. The knock that Monsieur Dubois would give, when the Germans came into the café." (Y/n) explained. The tears rolling down her cheeks, as Steve and Bucky crouched down in front of her.

"I don't want these ghosts anymore. I just want to go home. Please take me home." (Y/n) sobbed, as she threw herself into the two men's arms. Both Steve and Bucky more than happy to do as she had asked.   

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