An old friend - Part 6 - Steve x Bucky x Reader

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Without warning, (Y/n) suddenly jumped to her feet. A look of anger in her eyes that neither man had seen in a very long time. A look that she would give the bullies that would wait to beat Steve up. The look she would get before she rolled up her sleeve to help Bucky smack the living bejesus out of anyone that dared to think they could take on their friend.

"Why did they wake me up? They should have just left me in whatever hole the Nazi's disposed of me in, all those years ago. When I was taken, I was a soldier. I was fighting for freedom. I was part of the Resistance. I was proud. But what am I now? A freak! Turned into something I do not know. Capable of things I have yet to fully discover. A person out of time, that has no idea about how this world works. Whether there is a place in it for me..............."

"(Y/n), we know what you're going through. All you have to do is let us help you.........." Steve interjected, as he too got to his feet. (Y/n) turning to look at he and Bucky.

"It would be safer for everyone if you just took me back to France and forgot about me. Tell them to freeze me again. To dispose of me somewhere. Because if you don't, I fear what I will do. I want revenge for what was done to me. To make someone pay. Every time I close my eyes, I am back there. Back in the war. Back in the capital surrounded by the enemy. Back in the labs being experimented on like a rat in a cage. I'm dangerous, Steve. You know it. Bucky knows it. Probably everyone else here knows it too. I nearly killed the scientists when I was woken up, for god's sake. And if I'm honest, for the first time in my life, I don't know if I am strong enough to do this.........."

"Till the end of the line.........." Bucky suddenly said, as he joined (Y/n) and Steve.

"Do you remember how we used to tell Steve that? How we would fight alongside one another until our dying day. Well now it is our turn to do that for you (Y/n). To be with you until the end of the line. All you have to do is believe that. And you are more than strong enough. Let's face it. If me and the punk here can do it, then it will be no problem for you. So, you're coming home with us, and you are going to get through this. You'll learn to use whatever they did to you, and then turn that desire for revenge to helping stop what happened to you, from happening to anyone else. Okay?" Bucky continued. Gently taking (Y/n)'s face in his hands. Slowly raising her head so that she was looking into his eyes.

"Till the end of the line....." (Y/n) agreed, with a nod of her head.

"But don't blame me, if I make old Captain America and the Winter Soldier look like rank amateurs when I do really learn what I can do." (Y/n) managed to chuckle, as she took Bucky's hand. Steve placing his hand over the top.

"I have decided what I am going to call you three." Tony called out as he emerged from the cockpit, leaving Clint to pilot the jet. Seeming to think that the moment called for some levity. Steve and Bucky just rolling their eyes. Both knowing that they didn't have to ask what it was, because Tony would just tell them.

"The Three Musketeers." The billionaire continued. All three soldiers shaking their heads.

"I don't actually think I mind that. Though I definitely call dibs on being Aramis." (Y/n) replied, as she let Bucky lead her back to the seats.

"We could help you find out about what happened to your friends, if you like." A soft voice suddenly said. (Y/n) looking up to see a softly smiling Bruce.


"Yes. And we can start right now." The doctor continued, as he took a seat across from the three old soldiers.


(Y/n) listened as Bruce reeled off the information. She knew that it would be bad. But not this bad.

"Alexander Blanchet. Killed by firing squad in August 1943. Monique Laurent sent to Buchenwald, date of death unknown. Gabriel Dupont, died in the Fort de Romainville, in September 1943. Louis Renaud shot dead while evading capture. And François Abbe, sent to Dachau. Date of death unknown." Bruce explained sadly. Not sure if there was anything that he could say to lessen the blow of the information.

"Can that thing tell you the day that my friends were arrested. The day that they were taken?" The captain enquired, as she looked at the thing in the doctor's hand. Bruce scanning the electronic documents for the date.

"July 27th, 1943."

"That was the day after Bastien was in my apartment. The day after he told me I was going to regret not listening to him. To regret rejecting him. He sold us out. He gave all our names to the Germans. I was dragged away to the labs, and the others to the prisons. Though I am not surprised that Louis didn't go down without a fight. That was just who he was." (Y/n) explained. Her grip on Steve and Bucky's hands tightening.

"What about Bastien? Bastien Acy...............?" The captain enquired. Waiting as Bruce seemed to press a few things on the flat panel.

"I am afraid that there is no information on him after the end of July 1943." Bruce answered. Turning the pad so that (Y/n) could see the image. A large lump forming in her throat, as she saw the face of the man that she hadn't seen in so long. The face of the man that she now realised had been the one to not only betray her. But also, the rest of her cell.

"Can you access the German records? Nazi records? If so, look up the name Klaus Baade." (Y/n) continued. Watching again as the doctor pressed the screen. His eyes growing wide, as he saw the image of face that belonged to the new name. The exact same face that he had already seen. The only difference being the German uniform.

"It's the same person, isn't it? Bastien Acy, was Klaus Baade, wasn't he?" Bruce slowly nodding at (Y/n)'s question.

"Klaus Baade. Decorated for infiltrating and bringing down a number of Resistance cells in Paris between 1941 and 1943. In late 1943 he was assigned to escort a high value prisoner to a base in Poland for experimentation. The convoy he was in, was bombed by allied planes. Baade didn't survive, but the prisoner............"

"Well, that explains a lot. Thank you, Doctor Banner. Thank you very much." The captain interrupted. Her story slowly becoming much clearer.

"So, now I know who had a hand in turning me into what I am. Why don't you tell me how I can use it to help the great Avengers? To help others." (Y/n) smiled. Squeezing Bucky's hand. The two other soldiers smiling, as Bruce began to tell the captain all that they believed she could do. 

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