Play with fire - Gotham - Part 2 - Ed x Reader

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(Y/n) made her way to Ed's little domain. The pile of files from all the other "Bullseye" cases firmly under her arm. Unlike many others in the precinct, (Y/n) quite liked Ed. He was sweet in his own way. A little, well........a lot weird, but still sweet. And even though she knew that Harvey in particular didn't have much time for all his riddles, (Y/n) actually found that she quite liked her time with the forensic investigator. Their conversations sometimes the only intelligent ones that she seemed to get.

"Morning Ed. What ya got for me?" (Y/n) asked, as she pushed her way through the door. Her eyes falling on the naked body, that waited on the cold metal slab.

"Oh, er........good morning Detective (Y/l/n)." Ed replied. Placing his rubber apron over his green clothing, as (Y/n) made her way over to the body.

"Sorry it took me so long to get down to you, Ed. But Harvey just dropped this on me, and I needed to retrieve the rest of the files. And get up to date with all this. Now, what can you tell me preliminary? And its (Y/n), please." (Y/n) explained. Looking up from the body to give Ed a small smile before turning her attention back to the stiff on the slab.

Ed couldn't help but smile softly, as he watched the beautiful female detective look at the bullet wound between the victim's eyes. He had to admit that he had been delighted when Detective Bullock had informed him that (Y/n) would be taking over the "Bullseye" case. And given the fact that she had already sat in on a number of autopsies of the other victims, she seemed, to Ed at least, to be a much better choice for the job than either Bullock or Gordon. He had always found (Y/n) fascinating. There was something different about her. Something that set her apart from all her peers in the precinct. And it wasn't just her undoubted intelligence and beauty either. It was something else. Something..........well, something dark. Something secret and unsaid. Something that suggested that perhaps she knew more about the other side of the law than a cop really should. But he was not about to judge. (Y/n) was the only other person, apart from Kristen, that seemed to have any time for him. That seemed to want to have anything to do with him. And he felt as though her presence in the labs, was the only time that he could have an intelligent conversation while he was at work.

"That is quite alright...........(Y/n). Please think nothing of it." Ed replied with a smile, as he made his way over to join her at the table.

"Well.........preliminarily I would say that we have the same killer as all the others. The only difference with this one being is that this particular shot was taken as the muzzle of the gun was pushed up against the deceased's forehead, as you can see from the powder burns around the bullet hole." Ed began, as indicated to the dark marks around the hole.

"The entry wound appears consistent with a . But as there is no exit wound, I won't be able to say for sure until I crack his noggin open and dig the bullet out." Ed continued, a slightly bigger smile pulling at his lips, as (Y/n) looked up at him.

"You know something, Ed? Sometimes I think you like your job waaaaaay too much." (Y/n) chuckled, as she stood up and placed her pile of files on one of the metal trollies that wasn't covered in medical equipment.

"So...........this is a possible eight victim. And just like the other vics, there are no shoe prints, no DNA, no security footage from any surrounding building. No fingerprints at the scene other than the victims. There is no sign of forced entry at the crime scene. No signs of an altercation. No nothing. The only thing I really have is that the striations on the bullets that have been recovered from the other seven victims. all match, proving that the bullets all came from the same gun." (Y/n) sighed, as she leaned up against the wall, and stared at the body.

"It is quite a riddle, isn't it, detective?"

"Yep, Ed. Maybe even a riddle better than one of yours. All I have at the moment are bodies and bullets. Though I suppose having the bullets is better than nothing." (Y/n) sighed again. Sure, that since Harvey had talked her into taking this case, that she had sighed more times than she had done in years.

"I can tell you one thing though, (Y/n)." Ed chirped happily, drawing (Y/n)'s gaze towards him.

"The bullets may all come from the same .22 calibre handgun, but I believe that the handgun is an unusual one. A one off specially designed piece, that requires these one off bullets. The bullets are slightly different to normal .22 projectiles. The copper content is higher than what we would expect to find in a normal bullet, and they are more elongated. So, perhaps it would make sense to try and find the manufacturer of these bullets." Ed explained, as he (Y/n) pulled out the pictures of the bullets from the files and studied them.

"Great idea Ed. These specialist armourers are typically vain about their work. They normally leave something as a signature to tell everyone else that this is their stuff. And even though there isn't anyone that I have heard of that ups the copper in their work, at least it gives me a start. See, you're not just a pretty face after all, Ed." (Y/n) told him. The detective not seeing the slight pink tinge that was now kissing the forensic examiners cheeks, as she pushed the pictures back into the files.

"As soon as you've recovered the bullet from this guy's head, and checked it against the others, will you let me know if it's the same? I haven't got time to be dealing with copycats if I already have seven confirmed victims. And thanks to you, at least I have somewhere to start now. Though I have a feeling that whoever this so called "Bullseye" is, we haven't seen the last of him, or his victims. And given what I have already read, I think that we are dealing with a very cool, calm and intelligent assassin, that thinks before he kills. That studies his victims and the surroundings before he does the deed. A guy, that might even put Zsasz to shame. But we will have to see. I have learned that in Gotham, you should always expect the unexpected. Because if you don't, it has a tendency of coming back and biting you on the ass." (Y/n) smiled, as she picked up the files and walked back over to the door.

"Oh, and Ed." (Y/n) called out, as she made her way out of the lab. Ed looking over to the slowly closing door.

"Thanks." The word came. Ed puffing out his chest slightly, before he pulled the microphone down and picked up his first tool. The forensic examiner more than happy to begin his work. 

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