The Lucky Lady - Part 5 - Norrington x Reader

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(Y/n) woke slowly. A soft, yet slightly disgruntled moan leaving her lips as she found that she didn't have as much room as normal in her already small bunk. (Y/n) trying to move the pillows that she believed were by her side, only to find that whatever it was next to her, was not goose feather stuffed piece of material. That whatever it was, was warm, firm, and........breathing.

The young pirate captain's eyes flew open. The sight that greeted her eyes, confirming her suspicions. The sight of the smiling ex-commodore making her heart beat faster, as she recalled the events of the night before. Norrington had indeed stayed, as she had asked. And over one or two glasses of rum, she had told him all about herself. About the nuns. About running away and making her way to the sea. About how she had got a place on her first ship, by cutting her hair and pretending to be a boy. About how, during a battle, the ship had lost its captain, and she raced to grab the dead man's sword. That she had managed to rally the sailors. Shouting out her commands, so that the ship and the lives of those aboard it, had been saved. And that the rest, after that, was history. She had also told him about her father. How Jack had been when she was little, and how he had changed when she had finally been able to find him again.

It was strange. (Y/n) knew that she shouldn't feel so comfortable with the Navy man. That she shouldn't..........well, like him so much. That she shouldn't being telling him all that she had told him. But, she couldn't help herself. He had such sad eyes. Such a wonderful smile. And when it had looked as though she was about to cry again. He had made her laugh. And for the entire time they had spoken, he had just looked at her. As if she were the most precious thing in the world. And she couldn't help but begin to feel the same thing about him.

As the candles had begun to burn low, he had said that he should leave. That Gibbs had told him that she needed some rest. But she grabbed his hand and asked him to stay, once again. Told him that she had no desire to be alone. That it was an unladylike thing to ask, but could he just rest in her small bunk with her. And much to her delight, he had agreed. Norrington taking her hand and leading her over to the bed. The two squeezing into the small space. James now taking his turn to tell her about himself, as he slowly combed his fingers through her hair.

"Good morning, captain." Norrington said with a soft smile. His thumb brushing delicately over her cheekbone. (Y/n) feeling herself blushing, as she looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. The young Sparrow, sure that they were the same colour, as the coral seas that she had seen.

"Good morning to you too, Mister Norrington." (Y/n) replied with a soft chuckle. Moving her head so that she could rest it on his chest. The small hum that came from deep inside him, to her ears at least, sounding sweeter than any siren's song.

"I should leave. I am sure that someone will be wondering where I am. Well........maybe not, but they will probably notice that I'm not out scrubbing the deck." Norrington said. Despite the fact that he had no desire to leave. Had no desire for this to end.

James hadn't been able to believe it when, (Y/n) had asked him to stay. Let alone when she had begun to speak, as though she had known and trusted him for all of her life. He had been able to do nothing but look at her as she had told him about her life. About her time with the nuns after Jack had left her with them. About how she had got onto her first ship, and how she had become its captain. Then she had told him about Jack. About how he had been before. About what she could remember. James doing his best to make her laugh whenever it looked as though she was being consumed by sad thoughts.

He had felt his heart pound violently in his chest when she had asked him to not to go, as the night drew on. When she had told him that she had no desire to be alone. That despite the fact that it was an unladylike thing to do, she had asked him to just rest in her small bunk with her. And he had been all to delighted to agree. His breath catching in his throat, as he took her hand and led her over to the bed. The two squeezing into the small space. James taking his turn to tell (Y/n) about himself, as he slowly combed his fingers through her hair.

"Yes. You are probably right. Normally I would have already thrown two buckets of water at you. And given that I haven't, someone may notice." (Y/n) agreed. Despite the fact that she had no want for him to leave. Had no desire for this to end. The young captain tightening her grip on his shirt. James chuckling slightly, as he pulled her closer.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. (Y/n) and James sitting bolt upright in the bunk. Looking at one another. Both of them grateful that it wasn't Jack. The pair knowing that the old pirate had a terrible habit of just walking in, unannounced.

"Who is it?" (Y/n) called out.

"It's just me, captain." A familiar voice replied. (Y/n) breathing a sigh of relief as she heard Joshamee's soft tone.

"I.........just one minute." (Y/n) called out again, as she and James scrambled from the bed. The two straightening themselves, before (Y/n) took a seat at the desk and James stood before her.

"Come!" The young captain said. Smiling warmly at the first mate, as Gibbs made her way into the cabin.

"Captain, I was looking for................." Gibbs began, his eyes falling on the man that he had come to find. The old seadog holding back a smile, as he noticed the blush on James and (Y/n)'s cheeks.

"Ah, Mister Gibbs. I have been informing Norrington here, that I have new duties for him. That I have need of his assistance in finding our lost island. Given he was a member of the Royal Navy, I am sure that he must know something useful about navigation and these water. And we have to face the fact that he is quite useless as a deck scrubber. So, I would appreciate it if you would ensure that he cleans himself up a little. If he is to be spending some time with me, I have no desire to have the odour of pig shit drift up my nose every time he comes into my cabin." (Y/n) explained. Gibbs nodding in agreement. Even though he knew that the former commodore had not just been in the captain's cabin for a few moments. That in fact, he had noticed that Norrington hadn't been in his hammock all night.

"Aye, captain. I think that would be a sound idea. Well, I'll be taking tha lad then.............." Gibbs said, gesturing for Norrington to follow him.

"Oh, and Norrington............" (Y/n) shouted, as she turned her attention to the map on the table.

"Yes captain?"

"I would appreciate it if you would bring me something to eat, later." The captain replied. A small smile kissing James' lips, as he caught her eyes look up at him.

"Anything you wish, Captain Sparrow."   

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