New family, new love - Twilight - Part 2 - Jasper x Reader

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(Y/n) made her way down the main street. A lone pickup truck driving slowly past her as she walked towards the hotel. The man in the vehicle making her nose twitch. A small smile coming to her lips, as she once more detected the odour of wolf that had hung much heavier on the outskirts of town. (Y/n) presuming that that was where the pack must live. That the man must be something to do with them. The lone vampire hoping that despite the fact that wolves and her kind were not known to get along well, she would be able to meet the creatures. To find out a little more about them before she took her leave again.

But she had decided that she quite this Forks. The inclement, grey blanket of rainy weather that hung over the settlement, suited her perfectly. (Y/n) presuming that that was why the others that she could detect had chosen to call it home. The lack of bright sunlight allowing them to hide the diamond like sparkle that would come from their skin when the ray of the celestial orb would kiss it. Would allow them to live in peace and anonymity amongst all the living. Allowing them to hunt for their victims without being suspected. Yet her blood sucking brethren were not her concern at the moment. At this moment she wanted to be out of the bitter wind that had suddenly picked up. Out of the rain that had now become much heavier. Not that the inclement elements bothered her any. But she could still recall the distant memory of when they had. Of when the cold would eat through to the very marrow of her bones. Of when the rain would make her shiver. And even though she could no longer feel those things, she clung onto these recollections as the last vestiges of her mortality. Of her humanity. Her mind often convincing her that she could still feel the cold.

"Afternoon. How can I help you, miss?" An elderly man asked from behind a counter, as (Y/n) made her way into the reception area of the small hotel. The odour of fresh brewed coffee and the pale haired, bespectacled man's cologne seeming to hang in the ether.

"A room. I would like a room if you have one please." (Y/n) replied, as she pulled the hood from her head. The man looking over the top of his glasses at her, as she unzipped her drenched jacket slightly. Seeming to examine her closely. As if attempting to work out her reason for being in the small town.

"Its $40 a night." The hotelier finally replied, as he turned to pick out a key. (Y/n) reaching into her pocket to grab a bundle of scrunched up notes.

"It will be just two nights at the moment. Though it could be more, if that's all right." (Y/n) explained, as she pulled out the relevant amount and handed it to the man.

"Don't get many tourists, especially at this time a year. You here visiting someone?" The man enquired, as he placed the key into (Y/n)'s frozen hand.

"No. Just passing through. Heading up through Canada for Alaska when the weather gets a little better." (Y/n) replied. The answer one that she had used on more than one occasion. One that seemed to satisfy the curiosity of most.

"Alaska, huh? Tough place to live. Wild................."

"Yeah. But I'm not scared of a little tough and wild." (Y/n) interrupted. Giving the man a small smile and a respectful nod, before making her way to the room.


(Y/n) quickly closed the door behind her. Dropping her old bag to the floor before peeling off her sodden jacket and making her way over to the window so that she could close the curtains. The lone vampire breathing a sigh of relief, as the world outside disappeared from view. (Y/n) finally able to take off the rest of her sodden clothing before dropping onto the bed that was covered by an old comforter that had definitely seen better days.

She couldn't help but look around. The room wasn't perfect, but it was good enough. Better than resting out in the open like she normally did. Better than perching herself on the highest branches of the tallest trees so that no one would see her. And it was only for a couple of days. Two days to scope out the area. Hunt for some animal in the surrounding woods. To see what the others of her kind and the wolves were like. And after that she would be on her way. But as she lay there, the soft mattress seeming to envelop her, she couldn't help but get the strangest feeling that as she had told the old man the two days could end up being more. A lot more. A voice in the back of her mind telling her that she had to stay. That there was something important. Someone important in this little town, that she had to meet. Someone important enough to make the usual cautious oddity come out of hiding.

Slowly she sat. Her thoughts suddenly filled with the idea of food. It had been days since she had hunted. Days since she had last had warm blood. Yet towns were never the best place to find prey. They were full of cats and dogs, yes, but she could never bring herself to deprive a child of their beloved pet. And the idea of having to trawl the local back alleys in the dead of night for the rats that invariably called the dumpsters home, made her scrunch up her nose. So, she would have to wait. She would get into the shower and take the grim from her form. Dress in some of the thicker clothes that were in her bag. And once the moon was high in the sky she would venture out. She would race into the forest and search for deer. The lone vampire hoping that the wolf pack would be asleep, and that the other vampires would not detect her. Either that, or feel as though they did not have to concern themselves with her.


The Cullen coven made their way into town. It was dark now. The centre of Forks quieter than it would usually be, thanks to the heavens opening earlier. The rain seemingly refusing to cease. Alice had continued to tell them all she could about the visitor. That she was older than all of them put together. That her strengths and abilities were much different to those of other vampires. That she had chosen to be alone since the time that she was changed, as she distrusted others of their kind. But that now, after all the long, lonely centuries she would finally be able to call somewhere home. Would finally have a family. Would have someone to love.

"Everything will be alright, I promise." Alice assured, as she placed her hand on Jasper's shoulder.

"You will just have to be a little patient with her. We all will. She hasn't seen another vampire in a very long time, and she won't like us very much. But eventually she will. Eventually we will make her see that she belongs with us. With you." Alice continued. A smile pulling at the corners of Jaspers lips, as Carlisle and Esme gave him a reassuring nod. Alice turning him around and pushing him towards the hotel. 

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