Big sister's little surprise - Part 4 - Tony Stark x Nick Fury x Reader

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"Is that it?" Tony asked with an annoyed sigh. Pinching the bridge of his nose as Happy finished telling the younger Stark everything that had happened on the way into the city.

"Er.........yeah. Miss Stark just said that she missed her old life a little. And despite the fact that you could be a little er..........full on at times, she said that she wouldn't change this life for the world. Though she did also tell me that her time in the car, was always a much appreciated respite. I dropped her off outside that fancy French restaurant on Lafayette Street. She told me not to stay. That she would find my own way home. Either that, or she might spend the night in the city at the Ritz-Carlton." Happy reiterated. His eyes growing wide, as he realised that he had let it slip about the restaurant. The big man just hoping that the agitated Tony hadn't picked it up.

"So, you didn't see this mysterious gentleman then?" Tony asked again, as he stopped his pacing and turned to look at the head of security.

"No. Nothing. I just helped her out of the car, watched her go inside, and left." Happy reaffirmed. Sure, that he had already said that same thing about ten times.

"Where are you going?" Bruce asked, as Tony grabbed his jacket and made for the door.

"Well, Happy just let it slip about the restaurant, so I am going down there to find out what the hell is going on, and who this guy is." Tony replied. Bruce and Happy looking at one another wide eyed for a moment, before the two men jumped up and raced after the younger Stark. The pair barring his way, as he tried to get into garage.

"Tony, you can't. (Y/n) is old enough to do what she wants with her life. You can't go charging in there demanding to know what's going on. She isn't a teenage girl, and you are not her father. I know what Queenie means to you. I know what you mean to her. But you have to let this go. Whatever is going on. Whatever is happening. (Y/n) will tell you when she's good and ready. And if you go down to the restaurant, all guns blazing and embarrass her again, she might never forgive you." Bruce reasoned, as he rested his hand on his friend's shoulder. Hoping that some of his words had got through to Tony.

Deep down, Tony knew that Bruce was right. (Y/n) wasn't a kid. She could do what, and see who she pleased, and he had no right to stand in her way. It was just that he was worried about losing her again. From the first moment he could remember, he had looked up to and loved (Y/n). And given that, when their parents had sent her away to be educated in England, he had felt lost. His life only seeming to make sense again, when she had decided that she would find a role in the U.S, so that she could be with him and assist with the family business on a permanent footing. And could, as (Y/n) had put it, keep him out of trouble. Tony often feeling that (Y/n) was the only one that had ever really understood or believed in him. The only one that was truly able to deal with the mess that he was. The only one that could stop him from second guessing every damn thing that he did. And he didn't want to have that taken from him, because he really did fear what would happen if that anchor was no longer there.

"Ok." Tony almost whispered. His shoulders dropping, as he accepted that he couldn't invade his sister's private life, and ruin things for her. He had never wanted anything more than for his sister to be happy, and if this mystery man made her happy, then he would just have to accept that.

"Ok." He said again. This time with more confidence, as he stood up and straightened himself. Throwing his jacket over a relieved looking Happy's shoulder.

"But I will be having a word with her when she gets home." Tony added with a large grin, as he made his way past Happy and Bruce.

"Now, who wants some escargot? All this talk about French restaurants is making me hungry." Tony called out as he headed for the kitchen. The two other men rolling their eyes before following after him.


(Y/n) looked at the compound as Nick pulled the car up out front. She would like to think that her father would be proud of what Tony had been able to achieve. Not necessarily proud of all the dumb things that he had done, but proud of what he had become. Of how he had changed Stark Industries for the better. How he had become Iron Man and leaned to make sacrifices for the good of others. How he was working with Steve. A man that their father had always admired. And how he and the other Avengers had saved the world probably more times than anyone would like to count.

"Is everything alright, honey?" Nick asked, as he turned his attention to the woman by his side. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D reaching across and taking her hand. Concerned that (Y/n) seemed to have drifted. That she might be having second thoughts about telling Tony about the two of them.

"What? No..........I mean yes. I'm sorry Nicholas. I was just thinking about Tony. About my father. Wondering whether they would get along if Howard were still with us. If he would be proud of everything that Tony has achieved. What I have achieved. I've spoken to Steve on a number of occasions. Asked him about my father. And he's told me so much that I didn't know that it makes me wonder if I ever actually knew anything about him. I have spent most of my life trying to live up to the legend of our father, the great Howard Stark, that I feel like I have missed out on things. That I missed out on time with Tony. That I missed out on time with you." (Y/n) explained, as she smiled back at Nick and squeezed his hand.

"Does that mean that you still want to tell Tony about us? Maybe we should leave it.................."

"No, Nicholas. I want to do it now. I've waited too long already. Tony needs to know. He needs to get used to the idea that there is someone else in my life. Someone else that I love. And that that someone, is you." (Y/n) interrupted, as she leaned over and kissed Nick on the cheek.

"Now, come on. I have a terrible felling that Tony is waiting up for me, so that he quiz me about where I have been and who I have been with." The older Stark chuckled, as she opened the car door and made her way into the compound. Nick shaking his head and smiling to himself, before following behind her. The director getting a feeling that whatever was to come, it was definitely going to be interesting. 

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