Play with fire - Gotham - Part 8 - Victor x Harvey x Jim x Reader

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"Morning Victor." Harvey said, as the assassin rounded the corner. Victor momentarily looking for a way to escape, before realising that Gordon and a few other bumbling flatfoots had surrounded him.

"What do you want?" Victor replied curtly. Not really in the mood for Bullock's bullshit. Not really in the mood the deal with the inept and corrupt GCPD, full stop.

Again, he had been out looking for the new assassin in town. He had heard that there had been another victim. That Bullseye had been out and about, putting extra holes in people's heads once again. Yet, frustratingly, no matter what he had done. Where he had been. Bullseye was proving to be annoyingly elusive. Victor finding himself coming up with all manner of ways to kill the upstart newcomer when he finally did show his face. But the more questions he asked, the more it had begun to feel as though he was trying to catch some mythical creature. As if he was trying to come face to face with a rumour. A dream. Or should that be, a nightmare.

"Now, don't be like that Victor. We just want a word with you." Harvey sniffed, as he leaned against the wall and pushed his hat a little further back on his head.

"And why would I want to listen to that word? I haven't done anything, and unless you have a warrant for my arrest................."

"Bullseye!" Jim suddenly announced. Victor turning on his heels to look at the younger detective behind him.

"Bullseye? What's that...................?"

"Oh please! We have a stiff on a slab that had a bullet shoved into his brainpan with your name on it, Zsasz. So, that either means that you're stupid enough to advertise that you're this Bullseye. Or..............."

"Or what................?" Victor scoffed, as he turned his attention back to Bullock. The assassin not able to believe that even the GCPD would be stupid enough to think that he would do something that idiotic.

"Or.............Bullseye has got you in his sights, and we want to know what you know about this guy. We don't want a twisted killer turf war on our hands. So, we would appreciate it if you would come and speak to us." Jim interjected. Being as polite to the assassin as he could possibly force himself to be. The detective moving to stand next to his partner. Both men watching, as Victor mused for a moment.


(Y/n) slowly and quietly opened the door just enough so she could get a glimpse of the stairs. She had received word that Jim and Harvey were on their way back to the precinct with Victor. That at any moment, all three would be walking through the main doors. And that for the first time in years, she would catch a glimpse of the man that she was determined to kill. A man that had left her for dead.

Suddenly, the voices in the old building seemed to die away. (Y/n) opening the door just a little more so that she could get a look at the bald headed man, that now smugly stood at the top of the staircase. Jim gesturing for Victor to make his way to one of the interview rooms. The female detective quickly pushing herself up against the wall, as Victor seemed to look in her direction. Her breath catching in her throat, as she caught a glimpse of the eyes that she had once known so well. Eyes that she had once looked into with love.

He seemed to have barely changed since their youth. He was a little older of course. Perhaps a little line here or there. But really, he appeared as he had the day that he had got out of the bed after they had made love. As he had, when he had gone for the gun and turned and shot her. The last thing she had seen, his face, before the world went black.

"Stop it! Pull yourself together. You have a job to do. So, stop acting like the pathetic, foolish, naïve girl that you were. And get it done." (Y/n) ordered herself, as she pushed off the wall.

"Talking to yourself?" A voice came. (Y/n) looking up to see Ed smiling at her.

"Yep. But you know how it is. Talking to myself is sometimes the only intelligent conversation I get around here." (Y/n) chuckled in reply. Doing her best to seem as though everything was perfectly normal.

"Yes..........I do know how it is. But........are you alright?" Ed continued with an air of concern. The forensic investigator sure that he and (Y/n) really did have a lot more in common than it would first appear.

"I'm fine, really. Thanks Ed. Its just sometimes I worry. Sometimes I think that I'm not good enough to do this. That if I do something wrong, then the bad guy won't get what he deserves. I was just giving myself a pep talk. That's all. But thanks for worrying." (Y/n) assured, standing on her toes so that she could place a kiss to his cheek.

"Ahem! Not disturbing anything am I?" A voice enquired. (Y/n) rolling her eyes, as she saw Harvey over Ed's shoulder.

"Would you sod off if I were to tell you that you were?" (Y/n) scoffed. Giving Ed a wink before turning her full attention to the male detective.

"Probably not." Harvey replied. Giving Ed a look, before following after (Y/n) who had begun to make her way towards the interview rooms.

"I take it that you and Jim are ready for me? I saw you bring Zsasz in. Remember, don't mention me. I want him to think that its you and Jim that are after this Bullseye. I want them to be completely blindsided." (Y/n) said, as she made her way into the room adjoining the one in which Victor sat with Jim. The two way mirror allowing her to get a real view of the man that she had been waiting years to wreak her revenge on.

"Yes boss." Harvey retorted jokingly. Giving (Y/n) a salute before he closed the door and made his way to join Jim and Victor. 

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