Angels and Riders - Ghost Rider - Part 2 - Carter Slade x Reader

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Johnny stared at the woman that the Caretaker had just brought into the small home. The old man gallantly pulling out a chair for her to sit on. The motorbike stunt rider could definitely say that he had never seen anything like the woman before. And if this was the angel that the Caretaker had been talking about, then he certainly had no reason to question that description.

Whereas Mephistopheles had really just looked like any other well-dressed old man. An old man, that in a strange way Johnny would describe as, well, pretty normal looking. Johnny mussing over the notion that that was why demons could so easily walk the earth and not be noticed. Because most of the time, they looked like everyone else. Or perhaps that was just how the demon appeared to him. Yet, the same could not be said for the woman in front of him. Johnny sure that it must be obvious to everyone that saw her, that she was otherworldly. Something that only a greater being could have created.

"Kid, I'd like you to meet an old friend of mine. This is (Y/n)." The Caretaker announced, as he handed the softly smiling angel a glass of scotch. Johnny not failing to notice the looks of affection between the pair.

"Sooooo, angels drink scotch, huh?" Johnny asked, as he picked up his own glass and took a drink.

"I may be an angel, Rider. But I have never claimed to not have one or two bad habits. Most of which this scoundrel taught me, last time that I was here." (Y/n) replied with a chuckle. Raising her glass in salute, before downing the contents. The Caretaker taking a seat next to her and pouring her another drink.

"So, you are new bounty hunter? I must admit that you aren't quite what I expected. You are much different to Carter. And that er......that metal steed of yours is certainly much different to Banshee. That said though, I know that that old devil would only call on you if he knew that you could get the job done. If he knew that you could stop Blackheart and the Hidden ones. Could stop them from getting the contract and overthrowing him." (Y/n) continued, as she looked Johnny up and down. The angel hoping that he was slightly more impressive as the Rider, than he was in his human form.

"Er........well, I don't know about that. I just turn into this thing.................."

"Well, I hope you can. Because if you can't then I will just have to take matters into my own hands. I helped Carter Slade to stop that old devil Mephistopheles, from bringing hell to this world all those years ago. And I am not about to allow his son, to do what the father could not. I am here to bring balance back to the world. To make sure that Blackheart and the others do not ruin the equilibrium. For as bad as is, he is something that we can balance out. A demon that we can deal with. But if Blackheart comes to power, it will result in a war. A war that will rage for a thousand years. A war that will not only result in casualties in heaven and hell, but also on this plain. Millions will die if the Ghost Rider cannot stop the chaos. Cannot stop Blackheart from claiming the thousand condemned souls of San Venganza................." The angel interrupted, as she got to her feet, and glared at Johnny. The rider gulping at the large lump that had just formed in his throat, as he saw the fire burning in her eyes.

"(Y/n)." The caretaker said softly, as he placed his and on her arm. Doing his best to calm her. To distract her. He had heard this all before. All those years ago, she had given him pretty much the same speech. She had told him about a great war. About hell on earth and the death of millions. She had also glared at him in the same way when he had told her that he wasn't sure that he could do it either. But in his case, she had helped him outrun the devil himself. Helped him conceal himself and the contract Mephistopheles. She had given him something worth living for. And that was her.

"Give the kid a chance. Its not everyday that you turn into a flaming skeleton that can burn the souls of the guilty." Carter continued, as he stood and placed his arm around the angel's shoulder. The former Texas Ranger feeling (Y/n)'s body relax under his touch.

"Yes, you are right. My apologies rider. Leaning that you are the devil's bounty hunter is no easy thing. Believe me, I have seen how others react at the prospect." (Y/n) chuckled, as she placed her hand over Carter's. The old man chuckling himself, knowing full well that the angel was referring to him.

"Mephistopheles has never chosen poorly in the past, and I doubt that he has stared to do that now. And if this old scoundrel believes that you can do it, then so do I." (Y/n) continued, as her glare turned to a soft smile. The angel offering out her hand. Johnny looking at it for a moment, before taking it and carefully shaking it.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Johnny Blaze."


Carter and (Y/n) watched as Johnny left. The large bike quickly disappearing into the distance. The angel sighing softly, as she felt the arms of the caretaker wrap themselves around him.

"You know that he will come looking for the contract, don't you?" (Y/n) finally said. Her voice soft, as the Ranger pulled her close. Her back now pressed firmly against his chest.

"Yeah, I know........." Carter hummed in reply, as slowly kissed her neck.

"Then you also know that he will not make it to San Venganza without us?"

"Yep." Carter again agreed, as he continued to kiss. The Ranger determined to not let anything distracting him from what he was doing.

"Then I hope you have enough power left for one last change my love. For I am going to need my rider." (Y/n) continued. Her finger's ghosting over his beard, as she turned to face him.

"For you, sweetheart, I could do anything." Carter replied, as he took her hand.

"But for now, why don't you and I get reacquainted." The pale haired man said, as he led his angel towards the bedroom. 

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