Big sister's little surprise - Part 1 - Tony Stark x ? x Reader

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 I have started it off as all Tony, but the next part will bring in another character that I haven't written for yet. But I will leave that as a mystery until part 2. Hope that you enjoy.

"Queenie!?" Tony called out, as he made his way into his sister's rooms.

"I'm in here, Anthony." A very English sounding voice replied from the dressing room. Tony shaking his head as he made his way over.

He couldn't help but find it amusing. His big sister, (Y/n), had been born in Manhattan, just like he had. Yet because their parents had decided that they wished their daughter to be educated in England, the oldest of the Stark siblings sounded every inch like an English lady. Every inch, like royalty. And that was why he had always called her 'Queenie'. The title seeming to suit the graduate of Oxford University. Seeming to suit the woman that anyone that didn't know her, only dared call, Doctor Stark. That, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes at her calling him, Anthony. His older sister the only one that would ever do it.

"(Y/n), its Tony. I prefer, Tony." Tony continued with a groan, as he made his way into the room, sure that he had told her that a million times before. The younger Stark, stopping as he saw that his sister was getting ready to go out.

"You might prefer it, Anthony. But if our parents had wanted you to be called Tony, then they would have called you Tony. You, little brother, will always be Anthony to me. And it is Anthony that I love." (Y/n) replied, as she walked toward her brother and kissed him on the cheek, before returning to finish her dressing.

"I er..........yeah.........I.........Queenie, where are you going?" Tony enquired, as he looked his sister up and down. Admiring how elegant she looked.

Admittedly, (Y/n) always looked elegant. Always looked wonderful. She prided herself on not letting down the Stark name. Not letting down the legacy that her parents had built up. Yet recently, she had looked more wonderful and elegant than usual. And she had been going out nearly every night for the past few months. It wasn't that Tony was concerned, although he had to admit that he was. (Y/n) was the only real family that he had left, and he didn't want to lose her. Not to anyone or anything. It was more that he was intrigued. Intrigued that the usually quiet and home loving (Y/n), would all of a sudden be out on the town, so very often.

Unbeknownst to most, (Y/n) was the one that their parents had actually left the company to. Left the family fortune to. Howard always saying that (Y/n) was the more sensible of the duo. That she was a true Stark. The one that he was proud of. Yet (Y/n) had insisted that Tony should be the head of Stark Industries. That he was the one that knew more about the business of the company. That unlike her, he loved the limelight. And despite his slightly childish ways, it looked better if he took over. (Y/n) always assuring him that no matter what their father might have thought about him, she trusted him. Was proud of him. Knew that he could do anything that he put his mind to. Tony often feeling as though he had let her down. Betrayed her trust. But no matter what he did. No matter how big a fool he had made of himself. (Y/n) had always been in the shadows to pick up the pieces. The first to defend him. The first to fight all those that had said a bad word about him. The one that had always loved him.

"Well........I'll give you a clue, Anthony. I'm not going to bed." (Y/n) chuckled, as she took her large overcoat down from its padded hanger and held it out so that Tony could place it around her shoulders. The little brother dutifully stepping forward and doing just that.

The others couldn't believe it what they had first met the older Stark. She could trump Bruce in the number of PhDs that she had. The doctor always saying that he felt like an idiot compared to (Y/n). And unlike Tony, she was quiet and observant. Always pleasant, calm and methodical. Well, that was until anyone tried to come up against her little brother. The older Stark more feared than the Hulk, if anyone ever said anything about Anthony. The rest of the team having to admit that they were slightly stunned by the bond that the pair seemed to share. How they could have been apart for so long, yet still managed to seem like they had always been with one another. Amazed by how much Tony respected her.

"Er.......yeah, sis. That's obvious. But..........where are you going?" Tony continued, as (Y/n) turned to face him. A large smile on her face.

"I am just going out....................."

"(Y/n). I know ya going out. I get that. You don't normally dress like that to slum it in the labs with me and Bruce. It's just that you've been out nearly every single night for the past few months. And I am getting worried. Usually, you prefer to just sit and make me, Bruce, Loki and Strange feel like village idiots. But now................." Tony explained, as (Y/n) checked her hair one last time in the mirror.

"I assure you, that there is nothing to worry about, Anthony. I'm just going out for dinner. I have merely started meeting up with an old friend again. And its fun to spend time with them. It's fun to just be me. Yet unlike you, my dear little brother, my outings do not end up plastered over the next day's papers, or the internet and tv. It is sweet of you to concern yourself with my wellbeing, and I promise that tomorrow night, I will stay home and make you feel like the halfwit if you would like me to. But tonight, tonight I have a date." (Y/n) replied, kissing her shocked brother on the cheek once again, before walking past him and making her way to the nightstand upon which lay her gloves.

"Date?! As in a date, date? With someone? With a man?" Tony continued, as he walked after (Y/n). Placing his hand on the door, to stop her from leaving.

"Yes, Anthony. It is a date, as in a date. Yes, it is with someone. And that someone just happens to be a man." (Y/n) replied, giving her little brother a look that told him that he better move his hand from the door, or else.

"And who is this man? What are his intentions? I mean......I hope he doesn't expect..........."

"Anthony!" (Y/n) scolded. Stopping her brother midsentence.

"Anthony, I love you, you know that. You are the only family I have. But the last time I looked; you were not our father. I am old enough and intelligent enough to look after myself. And I don't know what century you have just been transported back to, but you don't need to know what his intentions are, nor what he expects of me. The man I am meeting is a gentleman. He is an old friend. A trusted friend." (Y/n) added. A sudden knock on the door making Tony jump. (Y/n) shaking her head, as she opened the ingress the find Happy.

"Good evening, ma'am. The car's ready when you are." Happy informed her. Smiling fondly at the older Stark.

"Thank you, Harold. Its so kind of you to drive me. I really do appreciate it." (Y/n) replied, before turning his attention back to Tony.

"By the way, Anthony, I am borrowing Harold here for the evening. But don't worry, he and I will be back before we both turn into pumpkins. And please don't wait up. And make sure to tell Bruce to get some rest too. I don't want to come home and find either of you in that lab." (Y/n) told the still confused Tony. Ruffling his hair, before leaving the room. Happy just shrugging his shoulders at his boss, before placing his chauffeur hat on his head, and following after the doctor.  

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