Water maid - The Hobbit - Part 6 - Bilbo x Reader

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Bilbo grumbled slightly, as the rays of the sun hit his eyes. The glare almost blinding, even with his eyes firmly shut. The Hobbit was sure that he had closed his bedroom curtains as he had made his way to bed. But then he realised, he hadn't made his way to bed. He had been listening to (Y/n), as she had regaled him with her own adventures. As she told him about the glories of the seas. About brightly coloured thing called coral and the equally vibrant fish that called it home. About creatures that she would play with, that sounded like dogs but had flippers instead of legs. About great fish that had pointed teeth that were the same size as his head. And fearsome creatures that had eight arms. Arms that could wrap themselves around wooden ships and take them to the depths. Her stories leaving Bilbo's mouth agog. The Hobbit wondering how his Water maid had lived for so long, given the terrors of the deep. The halfling sure that (Y/n) must be the bravest creature that he had ever met. That she must be much stronger than her frame suggested. That she must be more fearless than she made herself out to be.

He could remember how he had inched closer, as (Y/n) had told him about the vastness of the oceans. Of the dark depths that sunk lower than even she could go. Of forests of water plants that swayed with the waves that crashed above. Of the storms that she had seen. Of raging winds and rain that had fallen so hard from the sky that it could cut the flesh of any sailor foolish enough to find themselves out in the squall. Yet after that. After the fire had started to die down, he could remember very little. Only that his eyes had begun to grow heavy. Only that he had been comfortable. Had been warm. That he had felt as though he had been wrapped in a pair of protective arms. And as his eyes slowly opened, he realised that he was. That he had fallen asleep on (Y/n)'s makeshift bed. That he had fallen asleep with his beautiful Water maid. Her arms wrapped around his much smaller form. His body cocooned by her embrace.

Part of him wanted to jump up and apologise for having fallen asleep there. For not being more of a gentleman and leaving her to sleep on her own. But the bigger part of him just wanted to stay where he was. The hobbit not wanting this moment to end. Not wanting to have to leave her embrace. Not wanting to have to lose the feel of her body against his. Bilbo sure that he had never felt so safe or protected in his life. The owner of Bag End, in his mind, making plans to take her to see all the things that he had spoken to her about. To take her to see the homes of the elves. To see Dale and the Lonely Mountain. Sure, that every mortal man, dwarf and ellon would be jealous of him. That they would all want to know the beautiful, and enchanting creature that was by his side.

"Good morning." A sleepy voice came. Bilbo sighing happily, as he turned over to look at the yawing maid.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I didn't mean to stay. To fall asleep with you..........."

"What? No, I'm glad you stayed, Bilbo. It's been a very long time since I have been out of the water. And having you here made me feel safe. You make feel..............well, you make me feel..............." (Y/n) told him. The hobbit finding himself lost in her eyes, as they continued to lay there. Finding himself drawn to her lips.

"Breakfast!" Bilbo suddenly exclaimed, as he remembered himself. Remembered that he should act like a good host. The hobbit jumping from the makeshift bed and quickly making his way to the larder. The Water maid slowly getting to her feet and following after him.

"We could have bread and jam. Or bread and cheese. How about bread and honey?" Bilbo called out, as he looked through his supplies.

"Whatever you want." (Y/n) replied. Bilbo turning to see her bang her head on the ceiling of his small home. The hobbit rushing over and taking her hand. Helping the Water maid to the kitchen table. Moving the chairs out of the way so that she could sit on the floor.

"(Y/n) you shouldn't be moving. You should rest. Your wound won't heal if don't rest." Bilbo scolded. Sure, that he sounded just like his mother did when he even got so much as a scratch.

"I know, but if I don't move, I won't get used to my legs. And if I am going to be staying for a while, I have get used to walking." (Y/n) replied. Her captivating smile making it impossible for Bilbo to argue. The little man instead taking a seat by her side and sighing.

"Fine. But promise me that you will take it easy. I don't want anything happening to you................."

"I promise. Now, you mentioned breakfast? I'm starving. I think that there is something about the Shire that makes one hungry. It's no wonder that hobbits seem to have such healthy appetites. Perhaps........perhaps I should have been a hobbit." (Y/n) replied. The Water maid giggling, as Bilbo disappeared and returned from the larder with an arm full of food. The hobbit placing it on the table, before making his way to start the tea.     

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