Se sȳndor morgho - GoT - Part 14 - Tyrion x Reader

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Tyrion looked up at (Y/n). He still couldn't get over how nonchalantly she made invitations like that. How she could make inviting a man to join her in the bath house, sound like she was talking about the weather. That appearing before him, as naked as the day she was born, was as normal as breathing. Yet she did and could. In fact, she had quite the knack for it. A knack for not giving a damn about what anyone thought. A knack for not bowing to societal constraints and expectations. Not that he expected her to know what those things were in the first place. The diminutive lord sure that schooling (Y/n) in expectations of how a woman should act in polite society, was not high in the slaver's minds when they had begun to train her. She had been brought up in a world no better than the Seven Hells. Survived by learning everything she could learn from the others that passed through her dark world. Survived by killing others. By becoming a figure of legend. Becoming the Shadow of Death. Tyrion sure that if he could meld the likes of Bronn, Sandor, his own brother and even the feared Red Viper together, he could still not create a man that had seen and been responsible for more deaths than the beautiful woman that stood before him. That the new Lion's Protector, could beat all of them with one arm tied behind her back. A feat that would be impossible for even the strongest and most battled hardened of men.

"You really wish me to join you.................?"

"Of course. I would not ask unless I wished you to. Normally, in the pits, I was only permitted to bathe by myself. The slavers sometimes letting one of the younger women, or my little mouse to help me with things. The others on the other hand, were allowed to wash together. I could hear them laugh from my cell. I could hear them enjoy the last few hours of their lives as they partook of the services of the women that had come to join them. I used to feel jealous. Feel as though it was something else, I was missing out on. But Mouse always assured me that what went on there was not for my eyes. That it was only right that my mystique be upheld by keeping me separate. That bathing with those that I would end up having to kill the next day, was not right. Yet he did also say that one day he did hope that I would be able to find out what did go on, on those nights. And I was hoping that you would want to help me find out what that was, now." (Y/n) explained, as she looked at the little man. The warrior hoping that all those things that her little friend had told her she was better off not concerning herself with, were as interesting as they had sounded. And that her new friend would be the one to introduce her to the possible delights. That the little lion would teach her not only how to be (Y/n), but also a woman.

"Well.......If you put it that way. It would seem ungentlemanly to refuse." Tyrion chuckled, getting down from his chair and pulling his heavy jacket from his shoulders, before making his way over to the door and opening it. The young Lannister bowing, as he gestured for (Y/n) to show him the way.


Tyrion had watched once again, as (Y/n) had taken the clothes from her body. The warrior standing before him in all her glory for a few moments, before making her way to the bath, and lowering herself into the water. The lion sure that despite all her scars; despite the fact that her hair was cut so close to her skull that he could see to skin beneath, she was, without a doubt, the most beautiful creature that he had ever been privileged to lay eyes on. That she was more exquisite than any other woman that called either Westeros or Essos, home. That more than any other, he wished to claim her as his.

"Well..............?" (Y/n) queried, as she looked at the still fully clothed man. Tyrion shaking the thoughts from his mind at the sound of her voice.

"Do lords in Westeros bath in their clothes? If they do, it's going to be a very unusual bath." The warrior continued. Her smile growing, as Tyrion coughed and began to remove his shirt and breeches. The youngest Lannister feeling as though he were just about to lose his virginity again. Yet this time, his brother hadn't set the whole thing up. Yet this time, he would not end up married to a whore that his father could pay to service each one of his guards, as he watched on. This time the woman was freely and happily giving herself to him. This time, the woman wanted him. Really wanted him.

Tyrion's eyes flew up as he heard a nervous chuckle. The little lord not sure what to think for a moment as (Y/n) looked at his very naked, and very prepared form. His mind racing for an instant, as the little voice in the back of his mind mocked that this woman was just like the rest. That despite what he believed, hoped, he was just a half-man to her too. The little man reaching for his clothes and trying to pull them back on.

"No.........please. I............I'm sorry. I wasn't laughing at you, Tyrion. Its just that I have never seen a...........I mean............I have never actually seen that part of a man's body before. Despite the fact that I have emasculated more than one. And I have certainly not seen one in that state. I didn't really know...........I just...........I'm sorry. I must sound like a fool." (Y/n) tried to explain with a heavy, sad sigh. The feared pit fighter chastising herself for sounding so ridiculous, as she turned her gaze from the lord. Tyrion chastising himself for even momentarily allowing himself to believe that she was like everyone else. For not realising that given that she was kept away from men until it was her time to kill them. That given the fact that she had never given herself to a man, it was only to be expected that she had never had dealings with such a thing. Tyrion allowing his clothes to drop back to the floor, before he made his way over to the bath. The little man climbing the small set of steps at the bath's side, before lowing himself in the water behind (Y/n). His fingers moving the wet hair from her shoulder as his lips connected with her flesh.

"You have nothing to apologise for (Y/n). It is I that should apologise to you. Now, why don't you let me show you what you missed out on all those nights?" Tyrion replied. The little man turning her around. The warrior wrapping her arms around the lord, as he moved closer. Tyrion glad that this time Bronn wouldn't be able to spoil things. Glad that he had locked the door to the bath house behind him.    

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