Big sister's little surprise - Part 5 - Tony Stark x Reader

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I know that this chapter is a little shorter than usual. But I wanted to leave one of my much loved cliff hangers. Hope you enjoy

Nick hung back, watching as (Y/n) made her way through the compound with a determined stride. Knowing that he had to leave the tricky conversation with Tony, to her. A smile coming to his lips, as he watched the sway of her hips. She was a good woman. A strong, intelligent woman. And he loved her for that. He had always loved her for that. Despite the secrecy that had always surrounded both their lives, in their youth they had been able to find a little normalcy in each other's arms. A little love in an otherwise crazy world. And now that he had that love back. Now that she was in his life again. He wasn't about to let that go. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D determined that this time, nothing and no one would keep them apart. Including her brother. Whether Stark liked it or not.


Tony looked down into the empty tumbler. He had promised himself that he wouldn't drink. That he wanted to be completely sober when, and if, his Queenie got back to the compound. Yet he had started to think. He had started to think about his mother. His father. Of all the things that the Winter Soldier had taken from him. Of what life could have been like if he and (Y/n) hadn't been thrust into the world as they had been. Whether he would have been as big a fuck up as he was, if (Y/n) hadn't been sent away. If she hadn't already been involved in all that James Bond shit that she did over the pond and given him the everyday running of the company. If he wouldn't have been so screwed up, if he had always had the stability of the only member of the family that was left, in his life.

He knew that he couldn't blame (Y/n) for anything. That she hadn't even heard of their parent's demise until sometime after the event. That she hadn't been able to attend the funerals. That she hadn't been able to come back home because she had been in some unknown country. Doing some unknown thing. Tony finding it impossible to even get word to her, despite the circumstances. The younger Stark remembering how he had cracked open a bottle and drank until he couldn't feel anymore. Until he forgot that his father didn't trust him enough. Didn't think enough of him to leave anything to him. The family legacy, all the money, left to (Y/n). Tony only able to do what he had done, to be what he was, because (Y/n) had loved him enough to say that it was all his as much as it was hers. And then what had he done? He had made a fool of himself. Drank to much. Been involved with any woman that had taken his fancy. Dragged the Stark name. His sisters name into the gutter.............

"That won't do you any good, Anthony." A calm, soft voice suddenly said. Tony looking up, as the empty glass was removed from his hand, and placed on the table in front of him.

"How many have you had?" (Y/n) asked, as she looked down at her younger brother. Doing her best not to sound disappointed. Knowing that Anthony had always told her that she sounded just like their father when she was disappointed.

" three." Tony confessed. His hand rubbing over his face. Doing his best to sober up. (Y/n) crouching down in front of him. Pushing some of his dark hair. Hair that desperately needed cutting. A fact that she had told him several times. Back behind his ears.

"And why have you been drinking...........?"

"Thinking." Came Tony's reply.

"Ah, thinking? I have always said that thinking never did either of us any good. We have a tendency of over thinking everything. Blowing it out of all proportion. Imaging the worst. So, little brother, why don't you tell me what you have been thinking about? Perhaps I can put your mind at ease." (Y/n) told him, as she took a seat on the sofa. (Y/n) taking his hand, as Tony rested his head on her shoulder, just as he always did when he was little.

"Mom. Dad. Me. You........."

"Oh, that kind of thinking, huh? Now I can sort of understand the drink. I......."

"Don't leave, (Y/n). I need you..........."

"What? Why would you think I would be leaving? I happily gave up a life to come home because I wanted to be with you. To help you. When I came home, I thought that it would be just me and you. That we would be fighting the world. That we had lost all our family. That we only had one another to rely on. But I was wrong. Not only do I have you, but I also have Steve and Bruce. I have James and Sam. Natasha and Clint. Thor, Scott, Wanda and Peter. Even Harold. And I have no intention of leaving this family. No intention of leaving you. I love our crazy world, and I love you. So why would you think that?" (Y/n) interrupted. Tony moving so that he could see her eyes. The older Stark sure that time had just gone backwards. That this was exactly how Tony had looked when he had been told that she was having to go to England. A little boy lost.

"This oh so perfect man of yours. The man that you met at the restaurant. The one that you're gonna marry and go away with..........." Tony began. Knowing that he was sounding like a spoilt, petulant child. That if anyone was listening. Was watching on, they would laugh at him. Tony's rant cut short, as Fury appeared from the shadows. A loud groan leaving his lips as he saw the Director.

"Is everything alright, (Y/n)?" Nick enquired, as he made his way further into the room.

"My sister, Doctor Stark, is fine. What do you want anyway, Fury? Bit late for one of your meetings. So, if you don't mind, we are discussing family business." Tony huffed, reaching for his empty glass, only to have it taken from his hand again.

"Well.......that's the thing Tony." (Y/n) began, as she got to her feet, and made her way over to Nick.

"Nicholas will actually soon be family." The older Stark continued. Tony staring in disbelief, as Nick wrapped his arm around (Y/n)'s waist.

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