The ishtar's daughter - The Hobbit - Part 3 - The company x Reader

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The dwarves had been muttering to one another since the incident with the orcs and their mounts earlier that day. All manner of conjecture spilling forth from their lips, as they tried to figure out what the Ishtar's daughter was. How she could do what she had done. Most sure that (Y/n) was some kind of evil spirit. Yet as forwards as the dwarves could be, asking Gandalf if his daughter was some kind of evil, was not something any of them really wanted to do. Even Dwalin shying away from the task. Fili and Kili taking great delight in teasing him about being too scared to speak to the wizard. But as the night began to draw in. As the company settled down around the low fire for the evening. Curiosity was growing in each and every one of them.

"Bilbo should go and speak to him. Gandalf likes Bilbo the most." Kili whispered. The company and their little thief watching as (Y/n) kissed her father on the cheek, before making her way into the dark forest that surrounded them.

"What.......? Me...........? Oh, no, no, no. And what am I supposed to say? Excuse me, Gandalf. We were just wondering if your daughter was an evil spirit?" Bilbo retorted in disbelief. Not liking the idea of the young prince's suggestion at all. The hobbit already having decided that he really didn't care what (Y/n) was, as long as she was on their side, he was alright with that.

"It should be Balin. He's the most diplomatic." The hobbit countered, as he turned his gaze to the older dwarf. The rest of the company looking at one another, before agreeing completely with what Bilbo had said. The pale haired dwarf helped to his feet, before Fili and Kili almost pushed him over to where Gandalf rested.

"Ahem." Balin coughed. Straightening his jacket, as Gandalf looked up at him.

"Master Balin. How can I help you?" The wizard enquired, a small smile pulling at the corner of his lips, as the Maia moved slightly so that Balin could take a seat next to him. Gandalf having a feeling that he knew why the dwarf had come over to join him. The wizard deciding that he would save the elderly dwarf the embarrassment. That he would save him from having to ask all manner of awkward questions so that he could work his way around to the real question, and just tell him what he and the others probably wanted to know.

"(Y/n)'s mother, Ealara, was a sorceress. A disciple of the dark lord, Sauron. One of the most powerful of her kind. As dark and wicked as any that followed him. Yet that wasn't always the case. When I met her, she was the gentlest of beings. Gifted and wise. But Sauron came to know about our relationship. He lured (Y/n)'s mother to his side. Turned her into the darkest of sorceresses. And the child she was carrying, our child, was corrupted by the dark lord's power. (Y/n) born a child of the darkness, able to use the night, the shadows to her advantage. And that if why she can feel, smell, creatures like orcs and wargs. That is why she can sense the evils of this world. Her own magic at its strongest in the night hours. In the shade. The gloom. It took me many eons to find her. Then more to bring her back to me. But now, I would trust her as much as I would trust any other. Her abilities making her quite unique. And I would not have had her follow you, if I did not think that she could help." Gandalf explained. The Maia offering Balin some of his pipe-weed, as the dwarf took his pipe from his pocket. The oldest son of Fundin, mulling over what the wizard had told him, as he packed his pipe and lit it. The dwarf and Ishtar slowly taking in the smoke.

Balin had to admit that he had been quite impressed by what he had seen (Y/n) do. How easily and quickly she had dispatched the orcs and their mounts. How she had told the company to hide, so that they didn't get hurt. How she had been following them without them knowing, and never done any of them any harm. Even helping Bilbo with the Trolls. And given that, the elderly dwarf had to think that perhaps continuing to have (Y/n) with them would not be a bad thing. Given that she could feel the darkness and counter it, with her own magic, surly a good thing. Yet that said, could you really ever trust a child that had been corrupted from the womb by the legendary second dark lord? Someone whose powers worked at their best in the dark. Who could kill easily and effortlessly, in the blink of an eye. Or did a child that had had no choice in what she had been born as, deserve a chance? Deserve his trust.

"So, Master Balin...........?" Gandalf continued. The wizard wanting to know what the older dwarf thought of everything he had just told him. Balin using his thumb to pack the weed a little tighter in his pipe, as he continued to ponder.

"So........I for one don't think that a child should be punished for the mistakes of a parent. From what I have seen, (Y/n) has already more than proved that she will make a good addition to the company. Though what I should tell the others..............."

"Tell them the truth, Master Balin. (Y/n) would want it that way." Gandalf interjected. Balin slowly nodding in agreement. Both sure that the truth would cause some concerns with the others. And both deciding that they should enjoy their pipes before Balin had to face all the questions. 

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