Rasputin - Part 8 - Tony x Clint x Reader

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(Y/n) made her way through the compound. The freedom to go anywhere, and do anything was, she had to admit, a little daunting. Scary even. Being back around the others, unnerving. After two years of being locked in one Hydra hellhole or another. After being on her own for so long, she had grown used to it. Grown used to the quiet. Grown used to the darkness. Grown used to the solitude. But Bruce had assured her that in time, and with a little help, she would be back to her old self. With perhaps one or two changes that Hydra had forced upon her. Changes that she and the others would only find out about once Bruce had finished running all his tests.

"So, big bad old Doc Banner has finally let you out, huh?" A jovial voice came, as she stepped into the common room. A large smile spreading across her lips, as (Y/n) laid eyes on her favourite billionaire.

"Yep. Bruce said that I should be fine to start trying to get back into things. That he had learnt everything that he could from having me in the medical bay. That all he had to do now, was work out what Hydra had pumped into me. So, he was happy to let me out. It was that, and I think I was driving him crazy. I mean, I love Bruce, but it was getting a little boring being couped up in that medical room all day, and I was getting antsy." (Y/n) chuckled, as she took a seat next to Tony on the sofa. The returned Avenger pulling on the now very tight clothes that she had recovered from her old room.

"Yeah, they do look a bit snug." Tony chuckled, as (Y/n) pulled at the tight legs of her pants. The muscles in her arms and legs restricted by the snug fit of the cloth.

"I do appear to have put on a little muscle since I've been gone. Bruce said that I could have been given something like the super soldier serum. That it's made me bigger and stronger than I was before I was taken. The only thing is, it means that none of my clothes fit me anymore. Believe it or not, these were the loosest things I could find." (Y/n) chuckled, as she rolled up the sleeves of her t-shirt. The deep red band that the seam left behind, telling (Y/n) that the shirt wasn't as loose as she had thought.

"Maybe I should go and ask Steve if I can borrow some of his shirts. Some of his, or Bucky's sweats............."

"Do you really want to look like those old men? To look like Captain cautious and Sargent stick in the mud. Their look is so last century, and not really for a girl about town. I think that instead, you and I should go shopping. Have a girl and billionaire day out. I will get Happy to drive us into Manhattan..............."

"NO! I..............I mean, shopping would be nice and I would really appreciate it, Tony. I would love to spend the day with you. But.........but perhaps we could just do it here. Do the whole home shopping thing. I don't think that I'm quite ready for Manhattan just yet. I just want to be here, with you guys. Let the whole thing sink in before I venture back out into the world." (Y/n) interrupted. A relieved sigh leaving her lips, as Tony nodded in agreement.

"Of course, sweetheart. Whatever you want. But if we are going to do it, we are going to do it right. If you don't want to go to the city, I will have the city brought to you. I'll get Happy to go to that diner you like, have him bring back something for lunch, while we shall peruse the finest clothing stores." Tony smiled, the billionaire placing his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder, as he asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to give Happy their lunch order.


(Y/n) couldn't help but smile, as she watched Tony scrawl through the range of clothing on the screen. Others might have a low opinion of the billionaire. Might only see the reports of him in the news. Might only believe all the bad things. But (Y/n) knew better. (Y/n) knew that he was one of the kindest and most caring people that she had ever been fortunate enough to know.

"Thank you............." (Y/n) suddenly said. Tony looking up from the screen in his hand.

"Thank you for what, sweetheart..............?"

"For not giving up on me. For not stopping looking for me for the past two years. Bruce told me that every spare moment you had, you were doing all you could to try and find where I was. And well.............thank you..............."

"Lot of good it did though. We still found you by chance. If those guys hadn't been at that base................."

"It doesn't matter whether you found me by luck or judgement, Tony. All that matters is that I'm here. That I'm back with you and the others. You know.........they showed me some awful things to try and get me to do what they wanted. Showed you all dying in one way or another, in hopes that it would break me. But yours............well, they seemed to save the worst for you. They........." (Y/n) sniffed, as Tony pulled her closer to his side.

"Its ok, sweetheart. You don't need to think about that anymore. Look, I'm here. This is me in all my glory. Very alive and kicking. Now, what say you and I spend some money?" Tony chuckled, as he handed (Y/n) the pad.


"I am not wearing that!" Steve, Bucky, Sam and Clint heard, as they made their way to the common room. The space filling with an all too familiar giggle. A giggle that none of the men thought a few days before, they would ever hear again.

"And how did we get on to you looking for my underwear?" (Y/n)'s voice continued. The four men looking at one another before rushing into the common room. Each relieved, but slightly confused, as there on the floor sat (Y/n) and Tony looking like they were having a picnic in the middle of the room.

"Oh, hi guys." Tony smiled, as he picked up half of a sandwich. (Y/n) taking the pad from his other hand.

"As much as I appreciate the shopping spree, Tony. I think that I will take care of my undergarments myself." (Y/n) remarked, as she picked up her forth sandwich and munched on it happily.

"Something smells good." A revealed Bucky remarked, as he and the others moved into the room. Each of them taking a seat on the floor. Glad that they hadn't all just walked in on something they shouldn't.

"Yeah, I think (Y/n) ordered everything on Katz's menu. If you want one of the Reuben's I'd get it quick. She's on her forth..............."

"Hey, I'm hungry. Bruce has had me on something that looked like gruel while I was in the med bay. And you said I could order anything. And Katz's Reuben sandwiches make me happy." (Y/n) objected. Her words muffled by the pile of fresh cut corned beef. A smile coming to her lips, as the boys laughed at her. The returned Avenger more than happy to be teased by Tony once again. To be with the people that she cared about. People that she loved.

"(Y/n)." Clint said quietly, as he looked at the woman by his side. The archer happy that for the moment Sam was too concerned with tucking into the large amounts of food that littered the coffee table next to him, to notice him speaking to (Y/n).


"Can I have a word with you in private..........?" Clint asked, as he got to his feet and offered (Y/n) his hand. Sam nearly choking on a mountain of pastrami as he saw (Y/n) let the archer help her to her feet. As the two made their way from the room. Sam inhaling the rest of his sandwich before getting to his feet and following after the duo. The Falcon determined to find out what the archer was up to. 

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