Sweet talk - Gotham - Part 3 - Harvey Bullock x Reader

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"But honey.........!"

"Don't you honey me, you......you.......you Bullock you. I'm not talking to you. So, go away." (Y/n) interrupted, from the other side of the door. Harvey removing his hat and wiping his suddenly sweaty brow.

"Sweetheart. If this is about the Quiet Man file that I left on your desk. It was a joke, admittedly a bad joke, but it was a joke. I knew that you would find it straightaway. I know you know all your cases. I just wanted to see that gorgeous butt of yours wiggle as you walked away. I'm a jackass, but you can't blame me for loving ya butt............"

"I don't care about the case, Bullock. This has nothing to do with the case. The case was just the straw that broke the camel's back. And you can forget about ever seeing my butt again. Or any other part of my anatomy. So, move that saggy ass of yours, and leave." The female detective called out. Harvey slumping against the wall, as she said that it was nothing to do with the case file. Harvey having no idea what else it could be. He had to admit that he did a lot of dumb stuff, usually on a daily basis. But this time he was at a loss.

"Ok. I give up. What did I do? I can't remember telling you that it was too dangerous for you to be a cop. I can't remember saying that me and Jim could handle the Jameson case better. Well, not again. I remembered your coffee..........."

"Exactly! You don't remember anything else. Just my coffee. You don't remember when we've organised to have a nice dinner together. You don't remember when it's a special occasion. Hell, you've even forgotten to come around when I've told you about the new lingerie that I bought. I mean, what man forgets to come around when his girl tells him that she has bought lingerie? But you never forget my coffee. Oh no, you don't forget that. And now I know why. So, why don't you go back to the coffee shop and give her that wilted bunch of weeds that you've brought." (Y/n)'s voice came again. Her rant not clearing up anything at all. Well, not as far as Harvey was concerned anyway. And he didn't think that the flowers were that bad. But who this "she" was, and why he would go to the coffee shop, he couldn't figure out.

"(Y/n), please. I know I'm an idiot but ya gonna have to make things a little clearer than that. Come on honey, open the door and let's figure this out. And when did you get new lingerie?" Harvey replied. Shuddering a little when he heard something smash inside the apartment.

"Yes, you are an idiot. You don't know a good thing when its standing right in front of you. You are more interested in that little thing that works at the coffee shop, than me. And now I know the real reason that you don't want to tell anyone that we are together. Why you wouldn't want the fact that you already have a girl, to get out. So, like I said, why don't you take your weeds to her, and see if she appreciates them. See if she puts up with all your bullshit. Because I'm not going to do it any longer. And it doesn't matter about the lingerie, because you are never gonna see it. NOW GET LOST!" (Y/n) growled. The sound of her banging on the door, making Harvey jump a little.

The detective slumped further onto the wall. His mind going to the coffee shop where he would usually go to for their morning coffee. Harvey's eyes growing wide as something clicked. The new woman that had started working at the shop just a couple of months ago. The new woman, that had seemed to take an interest in him. That always spoke to him. But even though he had found the attention a boost to his ego, he knew that the only girl for him, was (Y/n). And he had to admit that the attention was getting a little creepy. Harvey even going out of his way to find a new place to get (Y/n)'s favourite brew. So, where his girl might have got the idea that he was more interested in this woman than her, he didn't know.

"(Y/n). Open the door. This is ridiculous. I don't know what you think. But whatever it is, its wrong. There's only one woman for me, and that's you. If you haven't noticed, honey, I'm not Don Juan. I don't have women lined up around the block for a chance to be with me. So, I know how lucky I am to have you..............."

"Then why did you ask her out on a date...............?" (Y/n) interrupted. Harvey looking at the still closed door in shock. The detective sure that he had never said anything like that to the woman behind the coffee shop counter. No. Strike that. He was positive he had never said anything like that.

"Date? What date................?"


"Date? What date............?" (Y/n) heard. The female detective scoffing at the comment, as she pushed away the shards of broken vase with her foot and dropped, with a bump, onto the floor in front of the door. Her fingers brushing away the tears from her cheeks.

She hadn't wanted to believe it when she had gone into the coffee store. Hadn't wanted to believe it when the woman behind the counter had started to gush about the handsome detective that had asked her out on a date. (Y/n) thinking, or should that be hoping, that she was in fact referring to the often very charming Gordon. (Y/n) sure that she had never heard anyone but herself ever think of, or refer to Harvey, as handsome. But much to her distress, the rather slender and small woman behind the counter had named Harvey as the man that she was referring to. Her Harvey. Or was he, her Harvey? Had he ever really been her Harvey? Had his desire for someone else been the reason that he had wanted to keep their relationship a secret? She knew that he had told her that it was to keep her safe. That given the number of bad guys that roamed the streets of Gotham. Given the number of men like Falcone there were. The number of assassins like Zsasz that were out there. Keeping their relationship quiet, stopped the bad guys from targeting her just to get back at him. But now, the horrible thoughts that all that had just been a pretense, were gnawing away at her. Like maggots were nibbling away at her rotten core. And she was determined that she wouldn't allow Harvey to hurt her. That if the big, scruffy Bullock wanted someone else, then she wasn't going to waste any more of her time and love on him.

"Oh please. You'll have to do better than that. Just leave me alone!"


"Oh please. You'll have to do better than that. Just leave me alone!" Harvey heard, as the sound of more banging came from behind the door. The detective deciding that he had had enough of standing outside (Y/n)'s door like an idiot. Trying to convince the woman that he cared for, that she was the only one for him. Harvey straightening himself as he made up his mind that it was time that he brought out the big gun. The big gun that he knew he really should have brought out a long time ago.

"(Y/f/n) (Y/l/n). I love you. I LOVE YOU!" 

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