The flaming idiot - Part 1 - Johnny Storm x Reader

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New character time, and another crossover. This time, it's the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. I have chosen the 2005 movie version of the characters, just because I love Chris Evans', Johnny Storm. I admit that they are not the best movies that the MCU has ever come out with. But, its Chris..........Hope you enjoy.

"Reed! Sue! Ben!" (Y/n) exclaimed happily, as she made her way into the common room. Giving all three of them a hug.

"I'm so glad to see you. I don't believe that you're all here. Looks like Tony or Bruce finally persuaded you to come and slum it, huh?" (Y/n) laughed, as Tony huffed. The billionaire muttering that his compound and labs were far better than Reed's facilities.

"Hey! You forgot me." A smug voice suddenly interrupted. (Y/n) and Ben both rolling their eyes and groaning, as Johnny made his presence more than known.

"I've wanted you all to come and see what can do here, for so long. But couldn't you have left him back at home? He's only gonna make stupid comments and break something. Either that or do that ridiculous thing he does by trying to pretend that he's Steve." (Y/n) said to Sue. The invisible woman just giving (Y/n) and apologetic smile, and small shrug.

"We tried to leave him. Believe me............" Ben grumbled in reply. Shaking his head, as Johnny came to join the rest of the group. A huge grin spread across the former airman's lips.

"Yeah. They did. But the walking boulder here, couldn't be quiet to save his life. Soooooooooo here I am.........Did you miss me, beautiful?" Johnny interrupted. Placing his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder. Only to quickly have it pushed off.

"About as much I'd miss an extra hole in the head. Look here, tinker-bell. I've told you on more than one occasion what would happen to you if you put those grubby hands of yours on me. So, watch it!" (Y/n) warned. Johnny glaring at Ben, as the big guy began to laugh at the comment. The Thing, as well as Johnny, Reed and Susan, all quite aware of (Y/n)'s abilities.

Whereas the members of the Fantastic Four had got their abilities through their exposure to cosmic radiation. (Y/n) had received hers when she had been involved in the same accident as her big brother, Bruce. But while Bruce changed into the big green guy when he was angry. (Y/n)'s mutation was far different. Much more subtle. Though no less dangerous. Johnny shuddering, as he remembered that the last time he had overstepped the boundaries, the younger Banner had made his mouth.........well, made his mouth disappear. (Y/n) only making it reappear again, despite Ben trying to tell Sue that they should leave the pilot to suffer a little. And that they needed some peace and quiet, when Susan had apologised for her younger sibling. And promised that Johnny would never do it again.

(Y/n) had been interested in Reed's work for some time. And when she along with Bruce, had been lucky enough to meet the other doctor at a conference, Reed had invited her to come and work with him for a while, after being intrigued by what she was doing with the Avengers. (Y/n) quickly coming to care for the new team. Well........that was apart from Johnny of course, who had proved himself to be just as arrogant, impetuous and immature, as she had heard. The younger Storm quickly finding that his powers, both the ones he got from the radiation, and the ones he had with the ladies, were quite useless when it came to the young Banner. Much to Ben's delight.

"Hey! Has Bruce told you what we've been working on? You should come and see it. I would love to get your input, Reed. And Tony's new suit is just........." (Y/n) began, as she turned her attention back from the Captain America doppelganger, to the rest of the team. Taking hold of Susan and Ben's arms and pulling them out of the common room.

"What about me? I'd like to see what you and the big brother have been working on. What the old guys latest suit looks like.................."

"Oh please. The only thing scientific that you are interested in is the possibility that there might be a quicker way that you can get a woman out of her underwear. So, no you cannot come. Stay here. Stay out of the way. Don't break anything. And don't upset anyone. Because if you do, this time I will make sure that some other part of your anatomy disappears. And I promise you, that it will be permanently." (Y/n) warned. Johnny crossing his arms and grumbling as Ben laughed again. The human torch reminding himself to make the big guy suffer later. That, and this time he knew he better do as he was told, seeing as (Y/n)'s big brother was there. Johnny not quite sure how he would fair against the Hulk and the rest of the Avengers.

Johnny pouted, as he dropped himself into the chair behind him. He hated being left out of things. He hated it when Ben was able to laugh at him. He hated it that (Y/n) wanted nothing to do with him. It was true that he had no one to blame but himself. He did have almost as bad a reputation with women, as Tony Stark did. And it didn't make it any better that during (Y/n)'s time helping Reed, he had had a steady stream of girls leave his room in the morning. All of them making their way into the kitchen with nothing more than one of his t-shirts on, while (Y/n) and Sue talked. Sue always giving (Y/n) an apologetic smile, for her brother' antics. But in truth, he really liked (Y/n) Banner. He had liked her from the moment that he had set eyes on her. And when he said "liked" he really meant "liked". She was clever, beautiful, funny and Sue loved her. Johnny coming to realise that (Y/n) was what he had always wanted in a woman. Though he had to admit that he didn't know how to fix all that he had done. How he could make up for his dubious reputation. How he could make up for all his fooling around. For making fun of her brother and the rest of her Avenger family. Because, he had never had to do it before. He had never stuck with one girl for much longer than a couple of nights. So, there was never really any need to apologise for being a jerk. But he had a feeling that there might be someone in the compound that could possibly be able to help him figure it out. A person that (Y/n) very much respected and admired. A person that she cared for. A person that was what (Y/n) had always described as 'The perfect gentleman' and 'A real man'..............

"Oh, Storm. I didn't know that you were here............" Steve said, as he made his way into the common room. Moving over to the kitchen so that he could pour himself a coffee. The Captain furrowing his brow, as Johnny suddenly sat bolt upright and smiled broadly at him.

"Ah! Just the man that I wanted to see................"    

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