A voice on the line - Part 3 - Gotham - Riddler x Reader

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(Y/n) had to admit that she had done some dumb stuff in her time, but this, well this was beyond dumb. And it wasn't the agreeing to meet up with the crime boss that was the dumb part. The really dumb part. The part that made her believe that she needed her head looked at, was the fact that she had agreed to meet the Riddler inside the ghost train, at an abandoned amusement park. And just to put the loony icing on the insane cake, she was at this amusement park, wearing a short red dress and black heels. The same outfit that she had planned to meet Ed in, when they had originally organised to meet. Yet now, as she cautiously made her way down the main drag of the park, she was beginning to wish that she had worn something more suitable. Something that would allow her to make a quick getaway.

She knew that she shouldn't, but she had managed to borrow a small gun from one of the girls. The deadly instrument, hidden snuggly in her purse. It wasn't that she had really brought it with her because of the criminal mastermind. It was more that she had seen too many horror movies which appeared just like this very moment. And as silly as it may sound, (Y/n) wanted to be prepared if anything ghastly that may jump out of the shadows. Not as though she knew how to use the gun, but still.

Riddler had explained why he thought the deserted funfair was the best place for them to meet. That it would be the last place that the cops would ever think of looking for him. The abandoned Ghost train in a way, reminding the former forensic investigator of the horrors of his old life. The professional criminal had assured her that all would be safe. That no one would dare touch her, and he would be waiting for her inside the broken down ride. Yet that didn't make this whole situation any less frightening. But she was here. And given that, she might as well see it through to the end.

Finally, (Y/n) found the old ride. Her eyes growing wide as she looked up at the large skull and crossed bones that graced the façade. Its skeletal face, painted with a pair of glasses, and large black question mark on its forehead. An effort to fit it with a green bowler hat, almost making her laugh out loud.

"Well, (Y/n), looks like we might be in the right place." (Y/n) told herself. A nervous chuckle leaving her lips, as she tentatively placed her foot on the first step. Her heart beating violently in her chest as the wood beneath her shoe, creaked and splintered.

"Great. If Riddler doesn't kill me, this place might just see me off for him." (Y/n) noted, as she carefully placed her foot on the next step. That one creaking and cracking as badly as the first.

"Oh yes, I would love to come and meet you. Of course, I don't mind making my way to the middle of a horror show. Ghost train? Why yes, lets make it the ghost train. I swear (Y/n), if we get out of this alive, I am never letting you decide where we should go, or who we should meet, ever again." (Y/n) scolded mockingly, as her hand reached out to push open the door. Her eyes growing wide, as she was greeted by the slightest of warm glows, from inside the otherwise dark ride.

(Y/n) hesitantly called out, as she swallowed hard on the large lump that had just formed in her throat. Her fight of flight instinct shouting in her ear for her to turn and bolt. Yet the sound of soft music, and the warm flickering light were calling her to them. (Y/n) knowing that despite everything, she couldn't fight the need to meet the man that she had known as Ed.


The Riddler looked around. Admittedly, it wasn't the first place that he had wanted to meet his voice on the end of the line. In truth, he would rather have met her somewhere sophisticated. The opera perhaps. Maybe a gala. Somewhere that he could have wined and dined her, before he escorted her onto the dancefloor and took her into his arms. Whispering into her ear all the words that he had wanted to say for so long. Yet circumstances dictated that he couldn't do any of those things. And as strange as it was, this was the best that he could do at the moment. The criminal knowing that this was the last place that anyone would come looking for him. For despite the beleaguered and overworked state of the Gotham police force, the cops were still after him. The Riddler having no desire to be caught and dragged to Arkham for the rest of his days. So, he had done all he could to make his strange choice of venue, as pleasant as he could. The former forensic scientist finding that he felt oddly at home amongst the fake blood, plastic skeletons and zombified mannequins. He had had a small table set up, with two chairs placed around it. Music was playing softly in the background. Candles provided the atmospheric lighting, and a bottle of champagne sat chilling in an ice bucket.

He had decided that for once he would not don his usual garb. Riddler well aware that (Y/n) would probably associate his green suit and bowler hat with all the crimes that he had committed. The professional criminal not wanting to scare his beautiful voice away. He had to admit that without it, he did feel a little naked. Perhaps even vulnerable. But he was sure that once (Y/n) got used to him, she wouldn't mind seeing his usual style. Though he wouldn't know that until they finally lay eyes on one another.

Riddler had told (Y/n) to arrive at the Ghost train at midnight. That she would come to no harm, as she made her way through the dark streets and the abandoned amusement park to meet him. And as the hands on his watch moved closer and closer to the witching hour, he could feel his stomach twist with anticipation. She had told Ed what to expect. She had described herself, even her perceived flaws. Yet what was to actually pop its head around the wall, was still quite a mystery.

"H.........hello?!" A soft, familiar voice suddenly called out. Riddler smiling as he saw that the time was exactly midnight. The meticulous man, straightening his suit, as he waited for his beautiful voice on the line, to finally appear.

"Hello.......Ed..........Riddler?" The voice came again. Sounding slightly closer than before.

"(Y/n). I'm here!" The Riddler called out in reply. His eyes growing wide, as a woman suddenly appeared from the gloom. His heart pounding, as she made her way into the light of the candles. Sure that he had never seen anything more perfect in his life.


"Hello.......Ed..........Riddler?" (Y/n) called out again, as she moved further towards the soft glow of the lights. Her hands reaching out and pushing away the cobwebs that hung low from the ceilings. She had to admit that she had never particularly liked the idea of the ghost train when she had come to this fair in her youth. Her friends always calling her a chicken, when she refused to go on the ride. Yet she believed that the world was filled with enough horrors, and there was no need to purposely inflict any more on herself than necessary. So, she had always avoided the thing. But now, as she looked at the plastic spiders, the silly rubber witch masks, and the white sheet ghosts, she couldn't help but feel a little silly.

"(Y/n). I'm here!" A voice finally called out in reply. (Y/n) unable to stop a smile coming to her lips, as she heard Ed's familiar tone. Her eyes growing wide, as she made her way around a wall and a man appeared from the gloom. Her heart pounding, as she made her way further into the light of the candles. (Y/n) sure that he had never seen anyone more lovely in her life. 

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