What have you come as? - Part 2 - Loki x Reader

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I would like to wish you all a very happy new year. And I hope that 2022 is better for all of us.

Loki looked at himself in the mirror, quite pleased with his efforts. He knew that he had grumbled and griped when (Y/n) had suggested that he go to the party for this Halloween thing. He knew that he had said that he had far better things to do than spend the night with the insufferable Stark and the others, dressed up in some silly costume. But in truth, he knew that he could not have refused. Could not have denied that hopeful look in her eyes. Those perfect eyes that seemed to be able to look past all the wrong things that he had done, to the man beneath. Eyes that he had loved since the moment he had seen them. The God at first sure that the Midgardian must possess some strange power. A magic that he was unaware of. Yet quickly it had dawned on him, that the only magic between them, was that of love. And he, the God of Mischief, had fallen under its spell. Loki knowing that (Y/n) had been as struck as he was. That whatever the fates had planned. They had planned for them to face it together. Yet up until now, he had been too foolish to say anything. Trusting that the fact that he had not pushed her away. Had not called her a pathetic Midgardian like he did the other, would show her that he did care. But now, now he knew that he had to say something. That he had to make the beautiful mortal, his, before someone else made their advances. And by someone else, he meant his brother.

Loki had seen in Thor's mind, what he thought about (Y/n). What he desired of (Y/n), and he was determined not to let his brother take from him what he so cherished. What he so needed. So, tonight, he would have to speak frankly with (Y/n). He would have to break down the walls that he had built up around him. The walls that he had built up around his heart, and let her in. Allowing her to reside in there forever, as Queen. As his queen. He would have to show her, that each moment they spent together, meant more to him than anything else. That the touch of her hand, and her gentle giggle were capable of sending his mind racing. That he would happily do anything and everything that she asked of him, if only she would promise to never leave his side.

The sound of revelry suddenly shook Loki from his thoughts. A heavy, determined sigh leaving his lips, as music and the dull hum of hundreds of voices met the Gods ears. Loki puffing out his chest, as he took one last look at himself in the large mirror in front of him. More than amused by his choice of costume. Sure, that it would turn more than a few heads. Sure, that it would have a few tongues wagging. Loki hoping most of all, that it would irritate his brother, no end. The God of Mischief smiling broadly to himself, as he turned and made his way to the celebration.


"You owe me fifty bucks, Wilson." Tony chuckled, holding out his hand, as (Y/n) and Thor made their way over to the rest of the team. (Y/n) furrowing her brows questioningly, as Sam grumbled, and pulled the bill from his pocket.

"Tony made a bet with Sam that you would come looking like Loki." Bruce explained. Ignoring the dagger stares of the billionaire.

"Oh, ha bleeding ha. I should have made a bet with Sam that you'd come dressed as a horse's backside. Because he would have owed me money too. Though it would be a fools bet. You are always a horse's backside, Tony." (Y/n) scoffed, as Thor guided her to a seat.

"Don't be like that sweetheart. It was just an innocent wager. Though I do have to confess that that get up looks much better on you than it does on old reindeer games. Much better. Though I think it would look even better on my bedroom floor. What do you think?" Tony asked, as he took a sip of scotch from his glass. Chuckling to himself, as Thor moved to stand protectively in front of (Y/n).

"Not on your life, tin can. And anyway, what have you come as? You look like you stuck your head in a candy floss machine." (Y/n) retorted, as she took hold of Thor's arm, and pulled him down to sit by her side. Her eyes looking Tony up and down, as the billionaire rose to his feet and turned around so that she could get a better look at him.

"I'm Casanova. The worlds greatest lover. Can't you tell. I..............."

"Oh, so you've come as a degenerate gambling drunken scam artist, riddled with venereal disease, that thought that he could use his looks and charm to seduce any woman he came across......hmmmmm. Thinking about it, you couldn't have come up with a better costume, Tony." (Y/n) responded. The rest of the team laughing loudly, as Tony dropped back into his seat and pouted like a child. (Y/n) winking at Thor, as he laughed along with the others.

"Anyway, less of Stark and his appropriate choice of costume. Is Loki actually gonna grace us with his presence this time?" Sam asked, as he finally managed to stop laughing. Sure, that losing the fifty bucks didn't feel as bad, now that (Y/n) had firmly put the billionaire in his place.

"You know Loki. I asked him, and he did his usual routine of grumbling and complaining. Protesting that we were all idiotic Midgardians that celebrated the most ridiculous of things. But when I told him that he might be able to scare the life out of a few of Tony's rich friends, he seemed to change his mind. And said he would come. Though what he could be coming dressed as, I don't know." (Y/n) explained. Her brows furrowing as the rest of the team suddenly fell silent. All eyes turned to the area of the door. Their mouths agog, as they looked at someone that must have just walked into the party. (Y/n) and Thor glancing at one another before they turned. Their eyes growing as wide as the others. (Y/n) finding herself rising from her seat as she watched the grinning Loki make his way over to them. The God of Mischief reaching out his hand and taking (Y/n)'s. Kissing her knuckles softly. (Y/n) not sure what to think, as there before her stood not her usual beautiful dark god, but Loki doing his very best to appear as the God of Thunder.  

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