Nemesis - Sherlock - Part 10 - Mycroft x Reader

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Not the last part. I should though be able to bring this all together for you in the next chapter. I hope you enjoy this though.

"Seriously Sherlock. This isn't a good idea. If (Y/n) did go and see Mycroft last night, whatever happened is between the two of them and nothing to do with you............" John tried to reason with the consulting detective, as he raced after Sherlock. The doctor pulling his jacket on, as he followed his friend through the door of Baker Street. The younger Holmes searching for a cab to hail.

John had managed to persuade Sherlock the night before, that he should not follow after (Y/n). That she probably wouldn't like it. And whatever she had to do, was her business. The detective spending the rest of the evening either pacing the floor and muttering about Mycroft or plucking on the strings of his violin, as he stared out of the window. Yet this morning, Sherlock was even more determined to face his brother. And despite what John had said, how he had tried to reason. The doctor knew that Sherlock wasn't hearing anything.

"Of course, she went to see Mycroft. There is no other explanation. Why for one moment would you question that? And it has everything to do with me. I will not allow my brother to push (Y/n) away again. I had no one when I was growing up. No friends, no one to talk to. No one that truly understood me. Then (Y/n) came into my life. She showed me love that my parents, my mother never did. She made me feel something. Made me realise that it wasn't wrong to care. She.........she was my friend. Yet as quickly as she appeared, she was gone again. And it was Mycroft that did that. Mycroft that took all that away from me. And I will not let him do that again. John." Sherlock replied, as he turned to look at the doctor. The look on his face telling John that there was no point in trying to dissuade him any further. Sherlock was going to do this, so he might as well just tag along to try and stop the worst of the inevitable fireworks. The doctor not sure what an emotional Sherlock was capable of. John slowly shaking his head, as he climbed into the cab behind the consulting detective.


Mycroft slowly opened his eyes, as he felt a leg drape itself across his. An arm tighten around his chest. The situation at once so strange, but then so very familiar. And either way, he wasn't about to protest.

"What are you doing?" Mycroft enquired, as he looked down at (Y/n). The lady in his arms appearing to sniff at him.

"I'm smelling you.............."

"Well, yes. But why..............?"


"Because is not an answer, (Y/n)............."

"I am smelling you, because your cologne takes me back. You haven't changed it since the days we were together. If I keep my eyes closed and just take in your scent, this could be your old flat. It's a Sunday morning. At any moment your copy of the Sunday Times will be coming through the letterbox and drop onto the mat. Misses Donaldsons dog at number twenty three will then start to bark, followed by that little cocker spaniel thing at number thirty seven." (Y/n) chuckled, as she snuggled a little further into Mycroft's side.

"There is only one thing missing that would make this whole thing perfect....."

"Which would be...............?" Mycroft interrupted. A small smile pulling at the corners of his lips, as (Y/n) opened her eyes and looked up at him.

"A cup of tea. Milk, and don't forget the one sugar." (Y/n) chuckled, as she moved her leg from his, and tried to push him out of the bed.

"I have to make you tea............?"

"Of course! I am your guest. And as you had your wicked way with me last night.........twice. I think that it's only fair that you make me some tea......."

"I had my wicked way with you............?" Mycroft questioned, as he reluctantly pulled the covers from his body.

"Most certainly. Twice. That, and if I move any of your things in the kitchen to where you don't want them, I will get that old speech about 'A place for everything, and everything in its place'. So, it's just easier if you do it." (Y/n) explained, as she pushed Mycroft the rest of the way out of bed. A large smile gracing her features, as she watched him pull on his dressing gown.

"Oh, and a slice of toast or two would be nice. A girl has to keep her energy up." (Y/n) called out, as the older Holmes made his way from the bedroom. His softy shaking head making her laughter fill the room.


Mycroft smiled, as he placed the kettle on the cooker top and went to retrieve his paper from the mat behind the front door. (Y/n) was right. It was just like old times. When they were at university, one of them would make their way to the other's flat after their classes had finished on Friday. The weekends spent enjoying each other's company. Spent laughing and loving. (Y/n) sometimes persuading him to go somewhere "fun". Yet Sunday morning was always the same. It would be just as she had described it. And even then, it was he that would get out of bed and make the tea. Not that he had minded then, or now. But he couldn't let it pass without a small grumble.

Mycroft grabbed for the tray. Placing it on the countertop, before warming the tea pot. Normally he would get up and do his usual slog on the running machine. But this morning called for something different. This morning called for breakfast in bed, and then possibly something else. An exercise that was far more interesting than running.

Suddenly a loud knock came from the front door. Mycroft looking down at his watch and furrowing his brows as he saw the time. The older Holmes for a moment wondering what could possibly be so important that someone would come calling at that hour. Yet as a second, even more demanding knock came, a smug smile crept across his lips. Mycroft looking over in the direction of the bedroom, before making his way to the front door. Before making his way to say good morning to his brother.  

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